Kubera's 'Fast Forward' is NOT a retirement calculator

Kubera's 'Fast Forward' is NOT a retirement calculator

The term “retirement calculator” is misleading in today’s world. It assumes there will be a specific day when you “retire” and your life will change forever.

Here’s how a traditional retirement calculator sees your life: One fine day, you suddenly hit a certain age, and the next day your life transforms dramatically. You receive a golden watch on that day, and the following day you embark on a cruise.

That’s exactly how today’s retirement calculators and financial planning tools are designed. It’s totally backward. Life doesn’t work in such a binary manner.

Why We Built Fast Forward

Kubera’s Fast Forward isn’t just another retirement calculator. It’s built on a different philosophy: life doesn’t stop and start based on an arbitrary date. Instead, it lets you specify a few rules and assumes the natural continuity of your life.

Focus on the Slope, Not the Intercept

In mathematical terms, Fast Forward focuses on the slope, not the intercept.

To put it simply, think of the slope as the direction and speed of your financial journey, while the intercept is a specific point or target. Traditional retirement calculators fixate on that target point, like reaching a certain age or saving a specific amount of money. Fast Forward is more concerned with the overall trend and growth of your finances over time. It’s about the path you’re on, not just a single endpoint.

Embracing Uncertainty and Flexibility

Predicting your financial future with rigid tools is impossible. Covid, Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP), high interest rates, and geopolitics have drastically altered your financial landscape. Fast Forward embraces this uncertainty and offers a more flexible, realistic approach to financial planning.



