Kube cheat sheet

Listing Resources

kubectl get namespaces

kubectl get pods

kubectl get pods -o wide

kubectl get pods --field-selector=spec.nodeName=[server-name]

kubectl get replicationcontroller [replication-controller-name]

kubectl get replicationcontroller,services

kubectl get daemonset


Creating a Resource

kubectl create namespace [namespace-name]

kubectl create -f [filename]

Applying and Updating a Resource

kubectl apply -f [service-name].yaml

kubectl apply -f [controller-name].yaml

kubectl apply -f [directory-name]

kubectl edit svc/[service-name]

KUBE_EDITOR=”[editor-name]” kubectl edit svc/[service-name]

Displaying the State of Resources

kubectl describe nodes [node-name]

kubectl describe pods [pod-name]

kubectl describe -f pod.json

kubectl describe pods [replication-controller-name]

kubectl describe pods

Deleting Resources

kubectl delete -f pod.yaml

kubectl delete pods,services -l [label-key]=[label-value]

kubectl exec -ti [pod-name] -- /bin/bash


Modifying kubeconfig Files

kubectl config current-context

kubectl config set-cluster [cluster-name] --server=[server-name]

kubectl config unset [property-name]

Printing Container Logs

kubectl logs [pod-name]

kubectl logs -f [pod-name]

Short Names for Resource Types

kubectl create namespace [namespace-name]

kubectl create ns [namespace-name]


