KT Nets – Marking 14 Years in Business
K.T. Nets, one of the leading manufacturers of midwater trawls and based near Killybegs, is looking forward again to Skipper Expo Int. Aberdeen 2017.
Last year proved to be a very successful show and the company hopes this will be replicated again this time around.
K.T. Nets is celebrating 14 successful years in business and has supplied nets as far away as Australia and to the South Pacific. It is also now dealing with most of the fleet in Ireland and has a growing customer base in Scotland and Shetland.
The company has also worked with many foreign vessels especially with the Norwegian fleet coming into Killybegs during the blue whiting season and this year was no different.
Danny Gallagher of K.T. Nets said: “We work very closely with our customers and pride ourselves with our innovative designs, top class materials and excellent customer service.”
“We are looking forward toSkipper Expo Int. Aberdeen 2017 where we will be on stand 48. See you there!”
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