KT Collective: August 2024

KT Collective: August 2024

Free Teacher Resource Pack

Transform Your Classroom: A Guide to Managing Challenging Behaviors

As an educator, there are unique challenges that come with managing a classroom full of young, vibrant minds. From biting and tantrums to not listening, handling these behaviors can sometimes feel overwhelming. That’s why we’ve developed a teacher resource pack specifically for handling challenging behaviors in the classroom. ??

Download Here ->

Clay's Most Popular Lesson Themes in July

In July, Clay users searched for lesson plans for back-to-school, water play, farm animals, and more. Clay helped them generate entire weekly plans with over thirty activities in under 30 seconds! With Clay, your educators save time while providing quality education. Grab your free back-to-school lesson plan below!

Download a Free Lesson Plan ->

Upcoming Webinar

Business Valuations: What is a childcare business really worth?

August 27 at 1 pm EST | Presented by Jay Whitney

If an owner is interested in selling , what should be the owner’s asking price? In this session, childcare broker, Jay Whitney will dive in to Tthe key factors that determine a reasonable valuation earning multiple for a childcare business. He'll also discuss how a valuation is calculated. Register now to join live and receive the recording!

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Webinar Replay!

Empowering Educators: How Clay is Revolutionizing ECE

Presented by Lee Rotenberg and Rich Sherry

In our recent webinar, Clay Founder, Lee Rotenberg, joined Kangarootime’s Rich Sherry to talk about all Clay can do. With Clay, educators can provide quality care no matter their experience level. Watch the webinar replay to learn more about our revolutionary new platform, Clay!

Watch the Replay! ->

The Top Trends in Childcare 2024

Staying on top of childcare trends can help educators evolve and allow schools to thrive in this competitive landscape. Beyond building a successful school, incorporating emerging trends helps provide better care and education for children. In this article, we’ll highlight these top trends and share insight into how early education centers can adapt to incorporate them in their schools.

Learn More! ->



