KS4 Targets

KS4 Targets

I published the article below earlier in the year and due to numerous requests I have made it available again. The targets are generic and can be applied to any school context; however too really make an impact on school attainment through target setting a realistic baseline using our regression modelling is essential. You can set a baseline at any point, (so beginning of term 2 in year 9, could be used to establish if your current year 9 cohort are above or below where they should be at the beginning of the new term based on a non-linear flightpath.)

To further strengthen your tracking, target setting and progress monitoring setting English / Maths targets based on the stronger or the average will enable students with a difference in the attainment in these subjects to fulfil their true potential and ensure the student can maximise their progress 8 score by being challenged in the area they are strongest.

If you would like to discuss how we can support your school in implementing this approach please contact [email protected]

"The table below shows possible GCSE targets based on the Attainment 8 estimates from summer 2017.

The grey columns give the targets in each of the progress 8 buckets. (English *2 - Language and Literature), Maths, Ebacc (3 Slots) and Open (3 Slots)

For a bespoke target setting discussion, i.e. setting Maths / English based on the KS2 results for those subjects and to develop non-linear flightpaths for each subject based on the characteristics and previous performance of the subject within you school in addition to using regression modelling to establish a KS3 starting point in each of the subjects taken contact us at [email protected]"


