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Once you are able to consistently make the right decisions and strategize at a high level, the rest of your success hinges on your execution capacity…?

Your ability to execute on your plans and do so in a way that remains responsive to feedback and emotionally unattached to staying on the path…?

Unless it remains the most strategic path, in which case you have an unwavering devotion to consistent action….

The adventure of executing will begin with a psychological intention, this is where the first challenge will show up in the form of emotional conflicts.

Where on one hand your rational self knows that you need to do the work required, your emotional self might feel an aversion to the difficulty of the task ahead.

This incongruence between what action you want to take and the action you actually take is the top-down vs bottom-up problem.?

Top-down, rationally, you see the value & potential rewards of the task.

Bottom-up, emotionally and biochemically, you feel a pull towards a less straining and more comfortable activity, like checking out one more video, reading one more article, and doing other busy, seemingly productive ‘’work’’.

As we see, the problem with execution isn’t the rational brain.

It's the bottom-up system, which consists of 3 smaller primary systems.

a) Your reward system (the dopaminergic & serotonergic systems specifically), when this is properly activated, through both biological and psychological inputs, you feel a pull towards the right actions, when the reward system isn’t engaged you only see the cost of action. This phenomenon is called ”The Effort Perception”.?

In individuals that have a weakened dopamine system due to biological reasons (most people) this presents itself in laziness, lack of motivation, and sudden drops in energy when the idea of a certain task is suggested by your own thinking or by others.

In circumstances where the biology is sufficient to accomplish the task, a lack of motivation and inspiration will often be caused by a pathological perception of what status means, this will present itself in a lack of pull towards ‘’uncool’’ but admirable behaviors and a strong pull towards giving into peer pressure and sabotaging your own success.?

Subconscious admiration of the status quo is often to blame.?

You will always move in the direction that your Serotonergic system deems admirable, make sure that you feel congruent with what your Serotonin admires.

b) Your stress response (The amygdala network). This system has the power to activate the aversion system, this is the resistance you feel when thinking of approaching a critical task.?

Or it can be the fire you feel that moves you towards the enemy, all depending on how this system is regulated.?

If your biology is compromised this resistance will be primarily based on the effort required because in a depleted biological state, the effort is perceived as dangerous.?

Many entrepreneurs I work with will develop a traumatic relationship with their workspace, where they will postpone the initiation of work because they know that depletion, dread & pain will be inevitable once they do…?

If it is your psychology that is compromised, this resistance will be regulated by neuro-associations, the emotional attachments to the memory of the task, or categories similar to the task.?

This will be regulated by the experience of negative emotions while engaged with a task. This is why some entrepreneurs or professionals will develop a hesitancy towards prospecting, sales, asking for a raise, being publicly rewarded, public speaking, or writing, all dependent on the extent and intensity of the negative emotions experienced in the past.

c) Your overall state of biology, hormones, the energy & brain power you have available.

If you fail to include biology in being a regulator of the bottom-up response in both regulating the reward system and the stress response. You will fail in creating sustainable behavioral congruence.

Your biology has the power to make your stress response on high alert and dramatically increase your proneness to intense negative associations (Known as PTSD).?

Your biology also has the power to supercharge or turn off your reward system. When your biology is depleted, you will stop caring about your vision, you will not have the ability to care and feel an obligation to be your best. You will do the bare minimum…or at best, still committed but unable to perform at a high level.

When you fail to execute and act congruently with your intentions. It was one or all 3 systems inside of the bottom-up master system.

The one thing will be the regulator of whether your bottom-up systems will be capable of aligning with your top-down rational plans.

When your brain is firing on all cylinders, execution of complex multi-step tasks is easy…

When your brain is slow, the same tasks will feel overwhelming, confusing, scary, and frustrating…?

How well you can control and modify your bottom-up self, and thus execute at a high level consistently, isn’t a static system, it's up-regulated or downregulated depending on your brain health.?

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