'Krasnov'? Movies and TV about Soviet Sleeper agents (article sketch)
Stephen Arnell
Broadcast/VoD Consultant for TV & Film, Writer/Producer (Bob Fosse, Alex Cox, Prince, Sinatra etc), Media/Culture Commentator (BBC Radio, magazines, newspapers) & author (novel The Great One published November 2022)
Is Trump a Russian mole? That's been speculation for some time...but now 'apparently' we know his codename is 'Krasnov'. Plus the buried Russia Report and Boris Johnson; not just the US?
A look at the subject on TV and film including some of these:
Telefon (1977)
Sleepers (TV, 1991)
Salt (2010)
The Americans (TV, 2013-2018)
Spy Game (2001)
Red King, White Knight (1989)
Red Sparrow (2018)
The Kremlin Letter (1970)
Tinker Taylor (TV, 1979)
Tinker Taylor (2011)
Anna (2019)
Codename: Kyrill (TV, 1988)
Game, Set, & Match (TV, 1988)
The Game (TV, 2014)
The Macintosh Man (1973)
Black Widow (2021)
The Good Shepherd (2006)
Robert Palmer - Sneakin' Sally Through The Alley
The Rolling Stones - Undercover Of The Night
"Traitoro was a traitor?"