bawa yussif
Co-Founder @ kouruhub | Enterprise Design Thinking Practitioner | Green Digital Skills Practitioner | Climate Change entrepreneur
The continuous increases in prices of goods and service in Ghana is making life tough and unbearable. This is making Ghanaians living undignified life and also being one of the factors for the creation of the fix the country now, especially in urban areas, Accra recently is rank as the 63rd most expensive place to live in the world. This has led to low patronage of goods and services, causing many small business. I.e. neighbourhood store collapsing.?People in the urban areas have now sort to be buying unapproved goods for survivals. Which have health implication and can be varied by the increase in the number of people visiting our health centres and hospitals with the main cause being life style diseases. Crime in the country have also increase and can majorly be attributed to life being hard and tough. Finally, saving in the country is low as compare to our peers in West Africa. According to the ministry of finance about 48% of the adult population in Ghana are financially excluded. Bank of Ghana (BOG) estimated about 7.3million Ghanaians are not do any formal saving, and all this is attributed to low income and high cost of goods and services.
Kouruhub.com have provided a digital solution to this continuous increases in prices of goods and services in the country leading to high cost of goods and services which makes urban life very expensive. ?
Kouruhub is a social platform where people (more especially single buyers) who intend to buy a particular product or service are brought together to buy. Through this they will buy in bulk which would enable them buy directly from the manufacturer or distributor at a wholesale price. We takes your requests and buy on your behalf and delivered.
·????????This would help reduce the cost of the product,
·????????Prevent them paying high prices charge by retailers,
·????????Increase the disposable income of people which can be channel into saving.
Kouruhub.com is free platform which can be access through personal computer (PC) and on android devices. The platform performance two things: price comparison and innovatively joining buyers to buy.
Price comparison; through this, buyers would get to know which seller`s price is low so they buy from them.
Kouruhub would reduce the cost of your expenses by 15% which would be channel to saving. If you want to buy I suggest you use https://kouruhub.com. This is the only buyer’s platform in the world.
Kouruhub.com your purchases our business.