Kotlin Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers
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Kotlin has gained immense popularity as a modern programming language for Android app development, and its adoption in backend and web development is also on the rise. If you’re preparing for a Kotlin interview questions, here are some common questions and their answers to help you ace it:
Q1. What is Kotlin?
Ans: Kotlin is a statically typed programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It’s interoperable with Java and offers modern features like null safety, extension functions, and concise syntax, making it a preferred choice for Android and JVM-based development.
Q2. What are the key features of Kotlin?
Ans: Kotlin’s key features include null safety, concise syntax, interoperability with Java, extension functions, data classes, coroutines for asynchronous programming, and functional programming capabilities like lambda expressions and higher-order functions.
Q3. What is null safety in Kotlin?
Ans: Null safety in Kotlin ensures that variables cannot hold null values unless explicitly specified using nullable types. This feature prevents NullPointerExceptions at runtime, enhancing the reliability and robustness of Kotlin code.
Q4. How do you declare a variable in Kotlin?
Ans: Variables in Kotlin are declared using val (immutable, read-only) or var (mutable, reassignable). For example:
val name: String = “John”
var age: Int = 25
Q5. Explain the difference between val and var in Kotlin.
Q6. What are data classes in Kotlin?
Ans: Data classes in Kotlin are used to hold data and automatically provide methods like toString(), equals(), hashCode(), and copy(). They are concise and suitable for representing simple data structures.
Q7. How do you create a data class in Kotlin?
Ans: To create a data class in Kotlin, use the data keyword:
data class Person(val name: String, val age: Int)
Q8. Explain the range expressions in Kotlin.
Ans: Range expressions in Kotlin are used to create ranges of values using the range operator .. or until:
val range = 1..5 // creates a range from 1 to 5 (inclusive)
val exclusiveRange = 1 until 5 // creates a range from 1 to 4 (exclusive)
Q9. What are extension functions in Kotlin?
Ans: Extension functions in Kotlin allow you to add new functionality to existing classes without modifying their source code. They are defined outside the class and can be called as if they were methods of the class.
Q10. How do you create an extension function in Kotlin?
Ans: To create an extension function, use the name of the class you want to extend:
fun String.addExclamation(): String {
return “$this!”
val greeting = “Hello”.addExclamation() // “Hello!”
Q11. What is a lambda expression in Kotlin?
Ans: A lambda expression in Kotlin is a concise way to define anonymous functions (functions without a name). They are surrounded by curly braces {}, and can be assigned to variables or passed as arguments to higher-order functions.
Q12. Explain the let function in Kotlin.
Ans: The let function in Kotlin is a scope function that executes a block of code on a nullable object (T) only if it is not null. It avoids explicit null checks and performs operations safely on nullable types.
Q13. What are coroutines in Kotlin?
Ans: Coroutines in Kotlin are light-weight threads for asynchronous programming. They enable non-blocking, concurrent programming, making it easier to write asynchronous code that is efficient and scalable.
Q14. How do you create a coroutine in Kotlin?
Ans: Coroutines are created using suspend functions and can be launched using launch or async builders from the kotlinx.coroutines library.
Q15. What is a sealed class in Kotlin?
Ans: A sealed class in Kotlin is used to represent restricted class hierarchies where objects can only be of a predefined set of types. It helps in ensuring exhaustive when expressions.
Q16. How does Kotlin support null safety?
Ans: Kotlin supports null safety through its type system, which distinguishes between nullable types (denoted by Type?) and non-nullable types (Type). Null checks are enforced at compile-time, reducing the risk of NullPointerExceptions.
Q17. Explain the when expression in Kotlin.
Ans: The when expression in Kotlin is a replacement for the traditional switch statement in Java. It allows you to check a variable against multiple conditions and execute code based on the first matching condition.
Q18. What is the Elvis operator (?:) in Kotlin?
Ans: The Elvis operator (?:) in Kotlin is used to provide a default value when an expression evaluates to null. It simplifies handling nullable values by specifying an alternative value if the primary value is null.
Q19. How do you work with collections in Kotlin?
Ans: Kotlin provides a rich set of collection operations using functions like map, filter, reduce, and flatMap. Collections can be immutable (listOf, setOf, mapOf) or mutable (mutableListOf, mutableSetOf, mutableMapOf).
Q20. What are delegates in Kotlin?
Ans: Delegates in Kotlin allow you to delegate property handling to another object using the by keyword. They provide a way to implement common patterns, such as lazy initialization (Lazy), observable properties (ObservableProperty), and more.
These Kotlin interview questions cover fundamental concepts and advanced features of the Kotlin programming language. By understanding and practicing these questions, you can confidently prepare for Kotlin interviews and showcase your expertise in modern software development. Read more: Online Interview Questions