Director of Outreach at Quendra Multimedia and at the La MaMa Trojan Women Project
The Kosovo Theatre Showcase is a yearly theatre event that gathers festival programmers, critics and other theatre professionals every year in Prishtina and other cities of Kosovo. Around 10 theatre shows and performances from Kosovo as well as some outside work, part of a complementary program of ‘guest performances’ are performed in front of different audiences.
Tuesday October 25th?- The 5th Edition of the Showcase will begin in the evening with the show FATHER AND FATHER, written by Jeton Neziraj and directed by Kushtrim Koliqi (who also directed STIFFLER, presented on Saturday October 29th).
Wednesday October 26th?- The first of three Panel Discussions: CRITICS: CAN THEY RESCUE THE ART OF THEATER? AND CAN THEATER RESCUE THE ART OF CRITICISM?? will reunite Natasha Tripney (UK), Tom Mustroph (Germany), Fergus Morgan (UK) Borisav Matic (Serbia) - Moderator: Steven Morris (USA)
The two journalists, Natasha Tripney and Tom Mustroph will also host the 3rd?edition of the THEATRE CRITICISM WORKSHOP during the Showcase.
Also on Wednesday October 26th?- THE HANDKE PROJECT, a play written by Jeton Neziraj and directed by Blerta Neziraj is a recent creation of Qendra Multimedia with a team of European artists. - "Where does freedom of speech end and where does political awareness begin for an artist? " – It is a production of Qendra Multimedia in collaboration with Mittelfest & Teatro Della Pergola (Italy), Theater Dortmund (Germany), National Theater Sarajevo & International Theater Festival – Scene Mess (Bosnia and Herzegovina).
The Showcase will give the opportunity to discover the recent work of seven different directors:
Kushtrim Koliqi - FATHER AND FATHER (25/10), ?STIFFLER (29/10)
Blerta Neziraj – THE HANDKE PROJECT (26/10), KOSOVO FOR DUMMIES (17/10)
Florent Mehmeti – THE AFTERLOSS (27/10)
Ilir Bokshi – DEATH HOUR (27/10)
Erson Zymberi – SWORN VIRGIN (28/10)
Agon Myftari – THE MEMORANDUM (29/10)
Patrik Lazic – OUR SON (28/10)
Several other plays, readings and installations will also be presented in various places.
Professional exchanges will be facilitated, in addition to the Panel Discussions, by THE INTERNATIONAL THEATER MARKET – Friday October 28th?– giving the opportunity to Kosovo and International guests of the Showcase to talk about their theatrical work.
Finally – a cultural and touristic addition – the visit to the charming historic town of Prizren will end the Showcase on Saturday 30 October.
Curated by Qendra Multimedia and carried out in collaboration with other theaters and theatre associations, this stage platform aims to bring the most impressive and achieved theatre works in Kosovo. Besides getting a close experience with plays produced in Kosovo ― a country with one of the most vital and vibrant theatre scenes in the Balkans ― the showcase guests have the opportunity to also interact with local theatre makers through discussions, panels and other complementary programs.?
THE KOSOVO THEATRE SHOWCASE = Because the aged European theatre scene needs the resuscitated Kosovo theatre.... we are coming !