KONA Group Newsletter

KONA Group Newsletter

Welcome to edition 2 of the KONA Group Newsletter. This month we are going to reflect on the benefits of DISC Profiling when it comes to training your team in any area, whether it be Customer Service, Sales Training, KAM Training, the list goes on. It is always beneficial to have your team complete DISC Profiles to help them better understand themselves and others.

Let's take a look at some of our DISC Profiling articles.

1. Trends to leave behind in 2024 based on your DISC Personality type

DISC is the number 1 personality test used globally. Over 75% of the largest companies in the world use the DISC framework to understand why their teams behave the way they do, based on 4 behavioural pillars:

Dominance – How we respond to problems & challenges Influence – How we respond to people & contact Steadiness – How we respond to pace & consistency Compliance – How we respond to procedures & constraints

Our New Year’s Resolutions are usually based on behaviours or aspects of ourselves that we want to change. Each of the four DISC personality types have a behaviour or trend they are generally known for. Sometimes, these behaviours work to our advantage, but sometimes, they can get in our way or hold us back. Read more.

2. DISC — Everything You Need to Know

DISC is a universal behavioural model used to articulate the common ways that all human beings tend to behave and communicate. The DISC assessment measures why a person does what they do. It creates a language around observable types of behaviour which exist in any group of people.

KONA Training uses DISC when training teams, leadership groups, account managers, sales professionals and other client facing roles.

To fully understand DISC, it’s important to understand how the four individual components work together.

While a typical person may have one or two dominant characteristics from the DISC model, it’s the combination of the four components of DISC that defines a person’s behaviour.

The four components of DISC create a “behavioural makeup (profile)” unique to every individual. Read more.

3. How to Recognise DISC Profiles of Others. What Strategies to use when Interacting Effectively With Each Type

As part of our workshops, we talk about the “ice breaking” conversation and how it can be massive waste of time.

Instead, you can ask questions, and notice things that may give you an insight into the person and their potential profile.

For example, asking questions about what one does on holiday, or to keep fit - can be a clue.

If someone likes to go to different places and rock climb or scuba dive on holiday they may well be a high D (Adventurous).

Equally if someone likes to return to the same destination every year as it's familiar, they may be a high S (Steady). Continue reading.

The Difference Between DISC & MBTI

Both the DISC instrument and the MBTI? (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) are widely used and accepted in thousands of organisations around the?world. Since DISC has grown at an enormous pace over the past two decades, the two instruments may be tied for the number of instruments?sold annually. Since DISC instruments are provided through at least a dozen vendors, the specific numbers of instruments used are more difficult?to track.

Some type of four-dimensional model of behaviour has been in existence since about 400 BC. Currently there are over a dozen DISC-type models in the?marketplace, and since the DISC concept is in the public domain, other iterations may continue to emerge. Read more.

Join us again next month for another four monthly highlights from the KONA Group!


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