Kompetencer er n?glen til bedre konkurrenceevne
Efter?ret er lige om hj?rnet, og det er tid til at sk?rpe jeres kompetencer ved at investere i jeres medarbejdere. SMC tilbyder flere former for kurser, b?de kurser med fysisk tilstedev?relse og e-l?ringskurser. M?d vores kursusansvarlig og g? p? opdagelse i vores kursusoversigt – der er stor chance for, at du finder noget, der kan ?ge jeres konkurrenceevne!
Kursusansvarlig – et dr?mmejob!
Hvorfor er efteruddannelse vigtigt, og hvad g?r jobbet som kursusansvarlig til et dr?mmejob?
"I have something to learn every day and can keep me on track with the innovations."
Hvad kan vi tilbyde af udstyr til kurserne?
We are using SMC training equipment in our courses, and it is a big pleasure for me, as an educator, to work with it. At SMC we believe that young generations hold the key to our future, so SMC focuses not only on training current specialists, but educating specialists for the future and promoting opportunities in engineering. We have multiple solutions for the development of professional skills, which reflect the industrial reality and following future trends. We have e-Learning courses, simulation software, and wide range of training devices from the basic technology trainers up to Industry 4.0, or even already Industry 5.0 related training systems, which are used allover the world not only in educational institutions, but also by the larger manufacturers to provide necessary training to their employees on site. ?
Bliver det kedeligt?at arbejde med de samme ting ?r efter ?r? ? ?
No, it's kind of a dream job for me. Our equipment is constantly evolving to correspond to rising industry trends, so, as an engineer, I have something to learn every day and can keep me on track with the innovations. On the other hand – I’m working with people, and it gives me a lot of positive emotions as well. ?