Known to known about IEEE Professional Society

I am sharing my experience here to disclose many easy way to utlize IEEE membership benifits. Very much interested to support anyone want to join in IEEE.

If i pronounce IEEE to others: Immediate response from listener says

" Members only can avail all benifits, Its very difficult to publish articles, Membership fee is yearly based, ...

I have motivated many students and supported to start various society in my workplace: Rajalakshmi engineering College

Main Web link :

Membership Benifits

To Young graduates : Read all instructions given in this weblink:

As a student one can involve event organizing,Poster creation,STEM education promotion, connecting to local,STD.ISD, IEEE mail ID access

IEEE upcoming conferences

Publishing idea in magazines, Conferences,Journal etc

Mini Project,Main Project Publsihing in IEEE Conference with support of your mentors.

IEEE communities/Councils/Technical Communities

You can interact to IEEE local, Regional and global members about specific domain events, knowledge sharing, etc


