Knowledge is useless without creativity
Firstly, knowledge is needed to create.
Throughout this article many objections will come up that the above sentence will resolve. So refer to it as often as needed.
This article will explore the fact that knowledge is utterly useless without the ability to be creative.
I will give an understanding to the "activating power" of creativity has on knowledge, and in addition provide an explanation to the true purpose of knowledge.
Mathematically, Creative Output = Knowledge x an exponent of Creativity.
Meaning that Creativity has a compounding or exponential effect on creative output as compared to Knowledge. Why? Well, creativity is the ability to connect the dots of knowledge (for 10 dots there are 100 different ways to make connections between them), so logically there is more to gain from increasing your creativity.
In more simple terms Creativity has a much greater affect on Creative Output than does Knowledge - but if knowledge where to be low so would Creative Output even with a high Creativity.
Knowledge is the paint but creativity produces the masterpiece.
Point being, both knowledge and creativity are important, but, creativity more so.
Now a question that you may be asking is, isn't it good to just have a bunch of knowledge?
My response - the biggest waste of time and mental capital is knowing something and not using it.
The way to use it is to build with it, to problem-solve with it, to expand on it - i.e. to create.
The purpose of knowledge is to use it to create.
Knowing a million facts has no use outside of trivia - being able to connect those facts to each other and to reality is one of the most useful tools one can have - this tool is known as creativity.
Creativity makes knowledge worth having. Creativity breaks the rules of knowledge to expand and uses a deep understanding of the underlying relationships that package as knowledge to broaden our endeavors.
The mechanisms that elicit powerful creativity is the basis of this mega blog series, so be sure to hit Follow to stay in the loop.
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