Knowledge is Power: Hints and Tips from our Experts #3
Knowledge Is Power
"What does your company do?"
Is apparently the worst question a candidate can ask in an interview according to Recruiter Magazine (14th Aug 2017). 'It's a big no-no!'
With that in mind, our advice to you would be to research;
It's an absolute must to research into the company you are about to be interviewed by or who you are about to start a temporary assignment with. You should know what they do, a little history on the business, who the main competitors are and the location. Research as much as you can, knowledge is power!
Before you set off for your interview, make sure you know where you are going and how long it's going to take you to get there. You want to leave in plenty of time, it's better to be super early rather than (un)fashionably late.
Here at 1st Choice Recruitment, we will always let you know who will be expecting you when you arrive. It's advisable to remember this person's name so you can ask for them when you get there.
If you'd like to know what other questions you should avoid asking at an interview, click HERE.