Knowledge Plus Coaching = Behaviour Change
Professional Sales Academy
Because behaviour change is hard! Fully coached & accredited sales programmes that really work.
Knowledge alone does not change what we do. In 90s America, there was a famous campaign to raise awareness of eating five fruit-and-veg a day.
The campaign succeeded in making people aware of what they should be eating. But it didn't change consumers’ behaviours and habits at all.
Those shoppers did exactly what they'd always done and bought the unhealthy foods that they'd always bought.
The same applies to the sales team that’s just been on a training course.
The sales team knows what good looks like. It’s fresh in their minds. But they won’t update their old habits in line with new knowledge without extra support.
Sales knowledge becomes habit when it’s transformed into repeatable actions through reflection and planning what we do and how we do it.
In a dynamic and challenging sales environment, this is hard for sales professionals to execute on their own.
There’s not enough bandwidth. There’s just too much noise. Sales professionals need a second brain to support their thinking - a coach.
Sales coaches ask questions that cut through the busy-ness to create the necessary thinking.
They ask:
-??????What did you learn in training?
-??????How will you apply it in your role?
-??????Which daily steps will make this happen?
-??????What resources and reminders do you need?
-??????How will you track your success?
And they have these coaching conversations again and again, helping their team use learning to achieve targets and KPIs.
In this way, coaching guarantees that effective sales behaviours result from the knowledge gained in training.