Knowledge Pattern

Knowledge Pattern

Today I would like to introduce Knowledge Pattern.

Modeling in CATIA supports Top Down Parametric modeling.

To put it a little more simply, if you sequentially reflect your design process in modeling, the system remembers its order, and when a modification occurs upstream, Thanks to the Top-down Parametric modeling methodologies, the downstream is automatically modified.

But design and engineering in the AEC industry is not enough.

Most Building members are changing their number, and some automation scripts are needed to control this number. You've probably come across many building members that you have to model over and over again.

CATIA has an easy scripting language called EKL. Because this is a language for designers, you can easily master it even if you are not a programming major. This is because everything is not done through programming, but is made by linking features in Catia.

So, let’s take a quick look at how to automate it.

1, Some parts of Top-down parametric modeling (parts that need to be created repeatedly) are captured as templates.

2, When you capture a template (a chunk of know-how), the input is automatically set.

3, In places where templates can be executed repeatedly, such as Knowledge Pattern, The script is not complicated because you only need to create loops.

Among the functions that use the EKL language, Knowledge Pattern can especially contain the output of a patterned template in a list. This means that the result can be used as input for another template. You can also automatically update (delete or add existing shapes).

Here is a link explaining the concept for beginners.

Have a great weekend.



