Eki Laitila
"Tieteen kauneus kohtaa arjen rosoisuuden". Beauty of science meets reality.
The subject of writing is super science for many reasons. The academic population, however, may see the subject as a provocation. That book is not. Of course, you can choose the best portions and theories for your use from science, and that’s what the prefix super usually means. The problem for universities has become to get stuck in the internal rules of their faculties, which is contrary to the best principles of science such as universality, progress and autonomy.
In the characters of the book, it is liberating to think about what science would be like at its best without any restrictions. All the best inventions are born of ideal thinking. Particularly problematic areas for society are the deteriorating state of infrastructure, project know-how in complex conditions, the stagnation of reforms, unethically competing ecosystems, the inability to see into the future, the fragmentation of science into a mosaic, the human aspect and the ability to learn. These have been overwhelming “super challenges” for the administration of each country. The book presents eight (8) systemic principles for coping with them.
When defining superscience, science should be reduced. Externally, disciplines are conceptual spaces (ontologies), although there are differences in content in terms of their doctrine of knowledge. People developing disciplines work with a similar machinery of thinking (culture) aided by their own technology. From an interdisciplinary point of view, the sciences are mutually beneficial services. Service-oriented architecture is a good policy for reducing the image of society.
Science would begin to give birth to a higher level of thinking by means of metacognition and software techniques, by intermediate steps understood by man. In the IT sector, higher order Logic, service integration, total architectures, data buses, and many solutions with their networks are models of what this unifying superstience would look like in the future, and how far from free development current centralized thinking and budgetary discipline are.
In the future, superscience, the science of interactions, would be an evolving concept of shared intelligence (General AI), whether it is about nature or technological excellence, promoting leadership, or coping with a pandemic. When super-challenges are well known, even super-solutions can be approached by all the best means. Prolog programming skills have given myself the courage to start modeling the rugged reality of the world.
Corona-phenomen is one theme in the demonstration of super-book capabilities.
The turn of the millennium was an event that drastically changed the worldview in all circles of citizens. Then more plans were made than ever. Visions were made of everything positive that the future would bring when it came. The vibe was positive despite some critics, such as predictions from the Club of Rome.
One of the most structured expectations for the future was the list of paragraph 20 presented by Rischard for the next 20 years, aiming for 2020.1 Its three main perspectives were: global level, humanity, and the necessary regulatory framework. He saw all of these as global themes.
1) Global Commons target the entire planet and connect the global community:
- Climate warming
- Biodiversity and ecosystem concerns
- Fisheries, deforestation and water scarcity, maritime safety and marine pollution
2) He assesses global commitments as: “Sharing our humanity.” The issues whose size and urgency call for a joint commitment are:
- Massive intensification in the fight against poverty
- Peacekeeping, conflict prevention and the fight against terrorism
- Education for all
- Global infectious diseases such as pandemics
- Digital sharing technology
- Prevention and mitigation of natural disasters
3) The name of the global regulatory method became: “Production of a rulebook”.
The main issues requiring global regulation were: Tax innovation for modernity, biotechnology rules, global financial architecture, trade, investment, competition rules and intellectual property rights, e-commerce and international labor and immigration rules.
Unfortunately, these perspectives have not been restored in 20 years. The frame of reference of the book: 1) humanity, 2) the state of the planet, and 3) the necessary regulation, is so systematic and cybernetic that it was good to take this book as an introduction.
Mediocrity is not enough in a crisis. Then you have to be either flexible or hard or wise.
Science never strives for mediocrity. Only the best is good for it: a superlative.
In the 2020s, humanity's challenges will intensify: a pandemic threatens, the climate and nature will be destroyed as business progresses uncontrollably, and there will be no faith in surviving the economy, as printing banknotes will gradually dissolve the value of money and property.
Needs for collective intelligence, efficient governance, the use of artificial intelligence, and systems thinking are emerging at an increasing pace as all crises come together. A question that seems desperate comes to mind: Could science come up to formulate the biggest challenges, to solve problems rationally?
Contemporary science is notoriously too differentiated. According to the Jin & Jang principle, the ideal alternative would be Super Science as a complement to modern science. When one is black, the other is white, but both have features of each other so that a new landscape of systemic exploration opens up again for improvement. Thus, in this global context, an open, critical way of developing systems science would emerge to reconcile the forms of knowledge that produce sustainable societal impacts.
In the form of a promise of value (manifesto) in systems science, any field of science, and also practical fields, can be studied and utilized as part of a large whole - within the limits of the knowledge available, of course. Disciplines would begin to learn from each other, and that knowledge would move into the field with school graduates at the latest, even to policy as a matter-of-fact method of reflection and development to structure the waking person's own and community's intentions and components and current methods and problems with challenges , using well-known information sources as a system.
Although Wikipedia is known to be only a basic source of information and not scientifically valid, its methodology and structuring and communication culture have much good and analytical value that can be used as a model to develop a more precise “super-direction” that includes a coherent IT infrastructure and academic debate. culture.
Specific knowledge and interface-level knowledge should be distinguished in the large patterns of the pandemic level, as the specificity in each field (such as virology) is so profound that it requires researchers in their field to do the analysis. Developments created on sound grounds can turn into a common mission to put the economy on a sustainable footing and pandemics under control, for example.
Self-organization is one of the most important things to learn when it comes to developing stability in complex conditions. Wikipedia knows it in its own way, flocks of birds know it, and many metabolic reactions in humans and animals are it…
In time, the Club of Rome, and now the World Economic Forum [WEF], will provide information on major problems and challenges. Neither of them, nor any other body, is currently constructively assessing the state of science in the same way that the more concrete tasks of society are being assessed. The lack of inclusion and participation is unfortunate for the development of research. Politicians often see universities as bystanders when media law and power are exercised by “frozen analysts” even with little work experience. It is enough for the media to get as different a perspective on the debate as possible, because then the interest of the media will be guaranteed in the future as well. From the perspective of the private citizen, the perception of the world is inconsolable. It is one debate. There are an unlimited number of different opinions (fact) up to the presidents of the USA and China.
The classic opposite of getting stuck in detail is related to metacognition. The metaphor of the forest illustrates the levels of learning. Now it is worthwhile to extend learning to the level of universities and government and even to the EU, and not just to the vocational school level and primary school, which is currently the focus of the learning debate.
At the level of cognitive learning (1), we do not see the forest from the trees. The metacognitive level inherent in each of us in a certain way allows us to jump out of the forest and see the forest as a whole (2). At an even higher level of transformative learning (3), the self-developer detaches himself from the boundaries of his thinking and is able to see from a “helicopter altitude” that there are several different forests from which he can choose his frame of reference according to his needs. But there must be actors in the realm who critically assess the needs of stakeholders across the state, including those who do not have the power to pursue their needs and interests.
Democracy works wrong in the sense that it sets itself up to support the views of the majority population, with power accumulating for the majority. Seeing the forest from the trees is the reconciliation of humanity, technology and nature within the framework made possible by all the necessary and most promising drivers of change, megatrends.
The various disciplines are fragmented, as well as schools and “bureaucrats” and decision-makers who shy away from debate, are in this analogy independent “trees,” or “squirrels” climbing in them, so that knowledge is hidden and societal progress does not progress, no matter how resources are added. Therefore, the theme of the superlative level opens up a tremendous opportunity, the ability of transformative development to find and define the forest, the synthesis of knowledge.
Science seeks to meet theoretical challenges, to remove barriers to understanding. Such challenges have always been previously unexplained phenomena in physics and nature. Barriers have been the limitations of understanding leading to different technologies and other limitations. Cognitive science as a discipline has not succeeded in credibly elucidating the limitations and possibilities of knowledge in humans. Studies of cognitive architectures have remained at the theoretical level. Thus, even when recruiting, only a small, visible part of a job seeker’s abilities is revealed. Yet in the workplace, it is generally the part that lies beneath the surface of the iceberg metaphor, the mental layers.
Philosophy of science has failed to credibly explain what knowledge is and how understanding works, so that knowledge is not available to teachers in schools. The research methods are unstructured. There are many limitations to teaching methods, disciplines, and a variety of practical tasks, and there are gray areas between them that hardly anyone can document. It is the so-called tacit knowledge that people accumulate through experience, so experienced people as such should be valued, at least in the most demanding decision-making in society.
The lack of bridge-builders, where technology, artificial intelligence, IT systems and suitable professionals together could make a significant contribution to society as a whole, could be seen as a major shortcoming in science.
Similarly, when we already have Wikipedia for the average citizen, we would need a common research-level service that begins to define the principles of science and the principles of knowledge formation (epistemology) even so that they can be practiced and simulated on a computer together and on a case-by-case basis.
In information theory, entropy is a measure of the error that arises before receiving information (Shannon's entropy). It is used in the IT industry and in thermodynamics. It is expressed as a discrete set of probabilities p (i) such that
Entropy means growing clutter. Assuming that the universe is a finite, isolated system, its total entropy is constantly growing.
Nature has been used very much as a metaphor in cybernetics (von Bertalanffy, Bateson, etc.). Already in ancient times, nature was seen as a great teacher, although in a couple of thousand years perceptions have completely changed. Albert Einstein was once interested in the motions of sugar particles rotating in a glass of water, which gave rise to the topic of his dissertation and led him to study radioactive radiation, molecules and the theory of relativity.
According to the saying, knowledge is power. That is why it is competing. It is still unclear what kind of information would be most important to which actor. The market wants to get on the “skin” of its customers. The consumer's skin rises to the chicken when it experiences excessive penetration.
Companies tend to have monopolies because the Companies Act obliges company management to make the best possible profit for shareholders.2 Narrows and floods of information arise because all companies know how to take advantage of them to gain benefits for themselves. Information sources become a serious problem if information technology starts to go against its purpose. The US-China axis of power is a frightening example of how easily quarreling crises into a budding trade war.
The distortion has been made possible by the fact that the basic infrastructure of the IT sector (network protocols and the layer that exploits them) has in fact become obsolete in the 21st century, as the public sector has lost all development and power has shifted to American mega-waste. The stressed Parliament, which is stressed by the hustle and bustle of everyday life, is no longer interested in the basic theories of information technology, what is legal and illegal “under cover”, as long as the decision-maker gets to read his or her daily e-mail. As data transfer protocols and architectures have not been centrally reformed in this millennium, and attention has been too much focused on entertainment in mobile technology, more and more vulnerabilities are being revealed. It knows about security issues for citizens. Technology and equipment are starting to fall apart in a couple of years, memory is getting clogged and machines are starting to slow down.
Due to inoperative diagnostics and poor recycling, technology is depleting natural resources, even a few critical precious metals. It is impossible for an IT engineer to understand why people use information technology on their numerous devices in such a rudimentary way, mostly for insignificant skimming.
Information is spreading and is available in modern society in two ways. A large amount of information is quite free, but it is partly unreliable. There are many benefits to using publicly available information.
As already mentioned above, systems sciences represent an information-scientific way of determining what knowledge is and how knowledge is formed, objectively and differentiating perspectives. Metascience is the study of research, and superscience with its ideals would be the promotion of the best research knowledge, the integration of knowledge.
The IT industry is most naturally a spearhead, locomotive and leveraged force to advance meta-science and super-science, helping integration. All the “exact sciences” are naturally related to IT. Meta-modeling has been chosen as the theme of the chapter because it incorporates well-established modeling technology that has become widespread 20 years ago and has enabled the development of the best software of this decade. Object-oriented software and systems thinking fit together best. Both of these can also be taught to human metacognition through interfaces. All constructions created for the IT industry are systems, but also man-made organizations with their principles can be seen as systemic actors. The human personality is also a system, and so is society and even economic systems.
The best super-innovations stand out when they succeed in combining widely the previous theory, moving in a pragmatic direction, pursuing a common overall benefit - avoiding the doctrinal controversies typical of the making of science. Science needs its locomotives, of which there were many in the early 20th century: a huge leap in physics, then IT technology and the laws of Moore, but also genetic research to elucidate human inheritance. As a continuation of the previous ones, a view has been presented as a singularity, where knowledge will be integrated like chromosomes: as a division and merging of a helical band and a cell.
SuperScience (Metayaliversity's view) emphasizes the importance of visuality as an outline of knowledge and situation, so much so that like a continuum the developer can create knowledge of a concept and idea by refining his assumption in different directions.
Knowledge development should be as natural an event as we find information on Wikipedia. It is then structured in the mind of its researcher as a memory tape, as systemic models, as the navigator produces information about the journey and the nature of the destination, guiding it to new stages in a predictable way.
More and more often one hears, as if in defense, that the world tends to be in crisis. Still, a politician should not use information about the possibility of collapse to pursue his own interests. Overall, it signals that the education system is not developed enough to eliminate crises.
The modern intelligent society and its rapidly changing reality has led to a chaotic worldview where human consciousness is explained by the words volatility, uncertainty, ambiguity and complexity (VUCA). The world is unstable, uncertain, ambiguous and complex.
Why would a pandemic be a scientific challenge? The phenomenon of interest is the most challenging thing to consider, because it involves all levels of leadership, trust between people, fear, the question of equality, human dignity in relation to economic values, and so on.
When a pandemic broke out, countries immediately began to close their borders, where they were violating official border agreements in Europe. Different countries acted differently and did not want to learn from each other, which means that states and people lived in a bubble in a way without even believing in the permanence of their power thinking. A return to basic values is now a fact. What the new style of thinking could offer is a transformative phase that also emerges in the themes of ecosocial civilization. Everything that has an essential purpose becomes an essential truth, but only if people have a fire of emotion to make that change. It is a huge challenge for politicians and entrepreneurs and decision makers, as there are only a small number of chips in the former due to the constraints that have arisen.
In the early stages of cybernetics, evolution was one of the central themes alongside the exact sciences. A considerable number of evolutionary scientists from many different fields (nature, biology, organizational theory, management, etc.) found each other at Macy’s conferences. Indeed, the best science is usually to find similarities between different fields and views. It is a theory of the relativity of evolution.
The various forms of development all have internal renewal, opening up and replication, as well as enlargement and withering away. Like man, organization and innovation are born, grow and develop and socialize. Systems and cybernetics explain these forms in terms of autopoiesis (independence) and synpoises (communality), among others. Different interactions are symbiosis closest and parasite most repulsive, and there are different intermediate forms between them.
The process of human renewal begins in the brain, in thinking. The connection between modal logic and creativity has been written by prof. Jyrki Reunanen [Reunanen].
The table combines creativity and habit classes with artificial intelligence. As artificial intelligence develops as a concept, the properties of the table become apparent in that process. Symbols? yes? map out intermediate stages, the development of thinking as a life cycle. You always have to start with the essentials.
Transparency and confidentiality are so fundamental themes as human values that they would make a decisive reduction in the world's major crises. In contrast, the competitive economy, at its fiercest, according to US practice, has created an attitude where the employee has only instrument value: get Hired or fired. On the other hand, in a “country of freedom,” all legitimate progress is permissible and desirable.
No matter how good an idea an inventor and researcher may be, it can fall into opposition to the environment. Of the ten people on the board, someone is often the most critical. For a number of reasons, some people may find the changes difficult to accept. Resistance to change is a classic concept, and conflicts of interest in change are usually at stake. Over time, about half of the change management projects have somehow failed.3 That should be the best reason to start exploring and applying the science of controllability and communication research.
The still life between scarcity and abundance began to be emphasized from the beginning of the industrial era. People became extensions of the machine, and an invisible hand began to control everything.
Distorted competition and “information asymmetry” between management and employee have caused millions of human tragedies since Kehruu-Jenny’s time. Economics is not focused on people, but on securing logistics, which means delivering material to the workplace and charging for performance to maximize profits.
Misconceptions that weaken the development of society include e.g. bureaucracy, EU-style disputes over nationality and internationality (sticking to the success of an archetype known as success for successful and another archetype, boiling frog syndrome), challenges to sharing interests and profit in general (common ground problem) and lack of existing opportunities (reinventing wheel) when you do not want to take advantage of previous innovations. Any recession is anti-sustainable thinking.
All in all, low self-esteem and the other psychological distortions it brings plague many states from top management to the “modest” citizen.
Science is not limited to what the market hopes for, but seeks truth and functionality from all directions. This chapter beta (?) Specifically focuses on the resulting deformation. Change management includes the stages of opening and solidification (freeze & anti-freeze), in the same way that water freezes and thaws.
A global network for dealing with the interest rate phenomenon
The fight against the Covid-19 pandemic was largely successfully launched very quickly. The danger of becoming a society is the ability and skill to organize a simple situation by focusing directly on need: disease prevention.
Science explores the simplest and clearest possible models of action, although its support is rarely taken into account in practice. The six levels of the image define the so-called PCMEFR architecture (FIGURE 7), which is ideally suited to the work of people throughout hospitals and fields. In it, a busy caretaker and an information system speak the same language, and political leadership, infrastructure bodies, the financial sector and companies making changes are involved in the discussion.
In the conditions of the pandemic, there was suddenly no shortage of money, and there was no quarreling over the details, because the emergency was the biggest. When Korona erupted, there was a rush to understand what a new socio-technical system would be like to save people from death and contaminate other people. Then it was done. New hospitals were completed in China in a couple of weeks.
The image model fits well with the Viable System model, so the structures are recursive, self-directed, learning, and able to report their problems to higher levels for quick repair moves. Simplicity is a trump card in all vital projects.
By far the worst problem in the world is the lock-in to centuries and millennia ago, to the economy of collecting, struggling, and hunting: selfishness. This remnant is reflected in political systems, the rotation of the economy, and attitudes toward people and nature. Good literature is still emerging to create a new attitude, perhaps even as a result of a pandemic:
* The highest point: If the state (and the citizen) have no ideals, it becomes an end in itself. Disposable logic does not eliminate problems as monopoly operators increasingly want power and other benefits at the expense of others.
* The lowest point: EITHER an atmosphere of fear, OR people begin to educate each other for success. The left side of the table focuses on the problems and the right on the solutions.
If citizens were ever asked in a poll whether they wanted to live in an atmosphere of miserable development or intensifying development, very many would not think for long.
The causes of underdevelopment have been extensively studied, and meritorious knowledge has been gained from Eastern religions. Jin & Jang - basically only black and white. There is a contrast of colors inside each zone. There is little scientific ethics (the subject of theology and philosophy), but its purpose is to add to the decisions of society, for science cannot proceed if a deficient image of man prevents all good development. Metaphysics and metaphilosophy reflect on the impact of values on everything.
At its broadest level, systemic problems appear to be the most difficult: “the elephant does not want to get a grip”. If you want to treat an issue, such as the Sote reform or nuclear power projects in Finland at a difficult stage, as a pragmatic step forward and not be left in the current situation, the time axis and assessment of purposes, progress, which indicates the order of magnitude, possible mistakes. Science is not enough beyond systemic assessments in precisely difficult cases.
Trading has begun with an exchange when party A has been able to produce for party B something that the latter himself could not so easily do for himself. The concept of work originated thousands of years ago, but its true nature is rather poorly understood in economist circles. It is imagined that work should be priced as aggressively as possible, and bottlenecks should be created, barriers that the customer should have an even greater need to get hooked on the business logic of their supplier.
The magnitude of the misunderstanding was underlined at the time by the infamous slogan: “Arbeit macht frei”. The perception of work is still negative in Western countries. An active model may mean forcing people to work, even for those who have no chance of doing anything useful for anyone in an exhausting market.
Work does not make a person free, but it is a necessity for the well-being of the citizen. On the other hand, the salary may be so bad that one job does not work out. That is why the talk of politicians that some 75% employment would be a sure guarantee of economic recovery is not true. Many other conditions need to be taken into account, such as the functioning of macroeconomics and the relationship of citizens' intentions to the labor market.
All kinds of openness and flexibility are systemically desirable values, as long as there are no distorted patterns of thinking behind them. Entrepreneurs and the public sector may be so tight in their budgets that they have no desire to listen to their employees, but subject him to a subordinate position to listen to the truth.
Many conditions must be met for the well-being of work to be successful. Capital needs to be circulated so that demand works and the market “gets water in its mill”. The pandemic phenomenon of the 2020s has confused the economy almost everywhere. As a result, the notion of continued growth is reconsidered. There has been talk of resilience, a flame of austerity that is not conducive to economic recovery at all. Continuous growth is facing its extremes because there is a finite amount of energy. Oil is managed by a cartel, trees cannot be permanently felled, and forests cannot be destroyed under construction. Climate change will be a serious constraint in the future. There may be psychological constraints on people's desire to consume as eco-thinking becomes more widespread and basic needs are already met.
There is now very little basic industry due to automation and globalization. More and more basic services are being created, but they are creating questionable markets for cheap labor, as are developing countries. The notion of work as a value threatens to be crushed into a different herring salad between entertainment and basic work with its countless consultants and shadow jobs. Sales is what’s usually worth it until it’s also outsourced online. Systems thinking is one cognitive form of promoting service design that is the systematic development of professions. It is related to the super perspective and science when it comes to making a seamless market to find the different needs of customers in areas such as rehabilitation, health care and well-being.
A healthy perception as the basis of society must be built from the very beginning, from exchange, where demand meets supply. The key is to understand the need, and not to invest state funds in bureaucracy or ill-considered recovery.
Instead of the exercise of political power, the importance of vitality should be assessed like a nascent plant. The first step is to identify the sources that produce power. They begin to grow from small streams. The citizen, or man, is always the source that sets everything in motion. Even the person in need of care is valuable when their services are judged to be socially and humanly important. In a tough economy, care is often seen only as a cost item. Developing services is a good investment, perhaps even the best investment of all, if it develops wisdom: the ability to learn to avoid mistakes and remember human dignity.
The cosmos of production is a philosophy of service based on holarchy
Super Science seeks to simplify crises to find the essential. Mella has created a holographic model called Production Space - to match needs and markets. It’s a worldview, a different response to Stafford Beer’s model, but compatible.
The image model only works when the products are clear. It is aimed at e.g. the principle of mass customization: how to get e.g. automotive modular.
This book presents a dozen nearly revolutionary ways to develop society so that “all the pieces snap into place”. Unfortunately, a change of attitude is also needed. It would be to enhance learning in different ways than primary schools have done. Self-development must first and foremost concern the leadership of the state, so that it becomes genuinely debating and information-seeking.
The Finnish government has a long way to go in the Cybersyn control rooms of the 1970s, where the President and his cybernetics closely discussed the state, sustainability and governance of the state and developed an already revolutionary automatic communication network. It was a RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE combined with a political system.
In the “coron budget” of Finnish research 2020, research infrastructure had been left in 10th place, receiving less than 10 million euros. No investments for general systemic development can be found.
If we compare this budget with the architecture of the Viable System principle, which according to research is the best (or best) ideal social structure, it is found that the state does not invest in identity construction at all, except for advertising budgets, which emphasizes prominence but not systemic strengths. States lack the ability to develop a national identity and this is evident in everything.
Instead, the Viable principle first forms an identity in the same way that the best companies (in the US Silicon Valley) do it. META-NET is one of the best visions and plans for the public sector and science to even develop the whole continent for success from a language technology perspective.6 It has important concepts of metavision and meta-sharing.
At the heart of the new brilliant science must be the pursuit of balance through ethics (the current university system takes ethics into account mainly only in writing guidelines).
A certain amount of restraint is needed in the plans, because too radical an attitude, even according to control theory, causes an excess, a recoil. Changes need to be justified because they often feel lost by a party.
All exemplary theories of transformation merge with each other
One political movement appealed to the people with the slogan: “Proletarians of all countries, unite”. The idea of this book is not political, but the search for the best of science through cohesion. The most advanced level of the system is known as merging into its environment, as Apple, Google, and many giants have done.
If the most exemplary theories can be merged — just as Einstein succeeded in merging the results of Newton's and Maxwell's work into a theory of relativity, general systemic laws are approached, and perhaps this metatheory succeeds in condensing them into a formula of wisdom: the lowest common denominator in describing existence and the greatest common factor.
* By far the most significant principle describing the virtue of humanity is the Golden rule, known in all religions and cultures alike. It is “love of neighbor”.
* The clearest of the organizations for respecting and promoting nature is the Natural Step.
The method of the picture summarizes in four letters with its contents the mental means of promoting nature.
The system model (?) Described above introduces to superscience the essence, the functional nature as if it were an active body, the system itself. In the same way, scientific deliverables and practical solutions can be integrated, including communication and IT implementations, as well as collaborative proposals for partners.
As applications to superscience, a way of analyzing and constructing constructions for and into organizations, the different stages of technology and socialization, and all the needs of science making are proposed, at least to form service interfaces for multidisciplinary collaboration. Any phenomenon, such as a pandemic, is a potential target.
The sustainable model described above (Viable) has been used as a research idea for decades. It has also been developed to meet the future needs of the IT industry. Architectures in the IT industry have always had the key skill of how to design modules to be internally strong and how to minimize the relationships between them to optimize their maintainability and usability. External relationships should be loose, even easily detachable.
Holarchy is a kind of breakthrough in software technology, as is the Viable System principle in cybernetics. Both are recursive and supportive of each other.
The architectural model we propose is called PCMBRE, according to the initials of the layers (or PCBMER). Every actor (agent) is a system (perimeter 6) and every operating idea is a concept. Interpretations and meanings are of a symbolic level, and behind them is a code, a function. For people, level R (resource) is most important.
The architecture (FIGURE 14) is suitable for the basic purpose of superscience. Each frame of reference is defined as a set of controllers, mediators, and similar data items, as well as resources. The application is built by combining these functions together. It can be programmed.
During his entrepreneurial travels in the U.S. in Silicon Valley, the author has learned how to refine innovation and the ability an entrepreneur needs to position himself to create something radical and new.
Super Science finds its place in the work of promoting science and knowledge, distinguishing itself from specific sciences, but acting in harmony with other fields.
- When traditional science is clearly faculty-driven and divided through budgetary discipline with precise guidance to different perspectives and disciplines, Super Science would combine perspectives and dynamically develop synergies and new settings for different purposes. Then it would become a tool for learning, teaching, communication and ethics. Superscience would be characterized by IT-adapted integration and the use of information technology.
- Super Science would be the optimization of common science topics to meet big challenges. Indeed, cybernetics is the science of the potential to make common progress in the same way that consumer markets find business in different ecosystems.
- As special features for Superscience would be found use and popularity in the form of visuality and exact methods. Metascience is an inherent interface to superscience to study what the state of research is - the subject of Stanford University 's priorities.
- Super Science would be integrated into working life through many interfaces: service-oriented architecture, IT modeling, artificial intelligence and expert systems development: simulation and optimization from the most difficult end, and of course the development and design of social structures.
- Many comparative themes (organizational doctrines, theories of knowledge, etc.) would increase the popularity of the idea of integration, as synergies with this theme are primarily intended to be acquired, and by no means to compete strictly for funding or honor to be first and foremost.
Superscience as a recursive model of self-learning, the methodology.
The image of the eco-cycle in the middle of the picture fits to complement the basic essence of cybernetics: from monologue to metallogy, underpinned by Gregory Bateson’s idea of communication, which still comes from the interpretations of sleep researcher / psychologist Charles Jung.
Quadrant model (AQAL) connecting many important theories and principles as a whole.
Quadrant model (AQAL) connecting many important theories and principles as a whole.
Complete set of information regarding Responsible Intelligence at