Knowledge Graph Completion and Knowledge Graph Embeddings: Part 14 of my Graph Series of Blogs
Picture credits: CS224W Stanford University course on Machine Learning with Graphs.

Knowledge Graph Completion and Knowledge Graph Embeddings: Part 14 of my Graph Series of Blogs

1. Introduction:


This is the continuation of my series of blogs on Graphs and is the 14th article in the series. In the article: Heterogeneous Graphs and Relational Graph Convolutional Neural Networks (RGCNs): Part 11 of my Graph series of blogs, I spoke about Heterogeneous Graphs and it was highlighted that a Heterogeneous Graph is defined by a set of Nodes “V” – the nodes could be of different types – a set of edges which connect different nodes, and each edge may have a different relation type as illustrated in the Figure 1 and Figure 2.

Figure 1: Biomedical Knowledge Graph

Figure 2: Event Graphs


This article will focus on Knowledge Graphs – in particular Knowledge Graph completion tasks using Embeddings. We will be discussing some very interesting Knowledge Graph Completion methods in sections 4 through 11 of this article and the purpose of introducing the concept of Heterogeneous Graphs and the details in the Part 11 was to prepare for the discussion on Knowledge Graphs, as all Knowledge Graphs are indeed Heterogeneous Graphs.


Knowledge Graphs store the knowledge of a given domain in Graph form. The idea here is that we have to capture the entities, the relationship between the entities. So, we will have the nodes which are the entities, the entities will be labelled with different types, and we will have different relationship types between the entities as shown in the Figure below:

Figure 3: Knowledge Graph – comprising of different types of entities and different relation types between the entities

Thus, Knowledge Graph is an example of a Heterogeneous Graph as discussed in the Part 11 of my ongoing series of blogs but generally, one can think of a Knowledge Graph as capturing factual knowledge of a given domain.


One common characteristic of Knowledge Graphs is that they are massive and millions of edges/nodes. As these Knowledge Graphs are massive, they are also notoriously incomplete, that is – many relationships are missing. Therefore, one of the most fundamental tasks in knowledge graph literature is that – given a massive knowledge graph, one will have to identify which are the missing links in the Knowledge Graph. This forms the heart of this article and the details around the methods/ algorithms for Knowledge Graph Completion and Knowledge Graph Embeddings are discussed in sections 6 through 11 of this article.

Sections 2 and 3 talk about some of the common examples of Knowledge Graphs and publicly available Knowledge Graphs respectively and sections 4 and 5 introduce the topic of Knowledge Graph Completion, adding more context to it than discussed above.

2. Examples of Knowledge Graphs:


Some examples of Knowledge Graphs may include the following:


Example 1: For example, we could take a bibliographic network where one could have different node types such as: paper, title, author, conference, years and then we have different relationship types like where the publication was done, which year was it done, the title of the publication, the author of the publication and who cites it.

Figure 4: Example of Knowledge Graph – Bibliographic network

The schema of the bibliographic knowledge graph will be as above – the paper links to the conference, papers cite each other, papers have title, have publication year and have an author.

Example 2:? Another example of Knowledge Graph will be in the area of biomedicine where we can have different node types in terms of: drug, disease, adverse events, proteins and disease pathways.

There can be several relation types like has function, causes, associated, treats, is_a, as shown in the figure below.



Figure 5: Knowledge Graph capturing abnormal drug-disease interactions, protein-protein interaction capturing different pathways

Thus, we have a knowledge of biology and how life works in form od different biological entities and their relations encoded in form of a Knowledge Graph.

Example 3: Publicly available Knowledge Graphs:

Then, we have Knowledge Graphs which are publicly available Knowledge Graphs that store knowledge of different entity types, some of the examples of these publicly available Knowledge Graphs being:


a)????? Google Knowledge Graph:


Google’s search result show information that comes from our Knowledge Graph – the database of billions of facts about people, places, and things.


The Knowledge Graph allows us to answer factual questions such as “How tall is the Eiffel Tower?” or “Where were the 2016 Summer Olympics held” or “Where is the Mona Lisa?”?


Facts in the Knowledge Graph come from a variety of sources that compile factual information.

Figure 6: Knowledge panel data about Thomas Jefferson displayed on Google Search [Source: Wikipedia]

b)????? Amazon use their Product Knowledge Graph to understand properties of different products in order to search and recommend their products better.


The Amazon Product Graph uses a variety of machine learning techniques to get product-related information from Amazon detail pages and the Internet at large.

Figure 7: Amazon Product Graph

c)????? Facebook Knowledge Graph:


Facebook Graph Search operated by use of a search algorithm similar to traditional search engines such as Google.


However, the search feature is distinguished as a semantic search engine, searching based on intended meaning.


Rather than returning results based on matching keywords, the search engine is designed to match phrases, as well as objects on the site [Source: Wikepedia].


d)???? IBM Watson uses graph in the background to answer questions and reason.


e)????? Project Hannover /Li:?


Microsoft's AI project Hanover helps doctors choose cancer treatments from among the more than 800 medicines and vaccines. Its goal is to memorize all the relevant papers to predict which (combinations of) drugs will be most effective for each patient.

Figure 8: Knowledge Graphs in Oncology

f)????? LinkedIn uses Knowledge Graph as an economic Knowledge Graph


In short, Knowledge Graphs are widely used in industry to capture background knowledge of a given domain, to capture relationship between nodes in a given domain.


Example 4: Serving Information

One way you can use Knowledge Graphs is to simply serve information. For example, if we type in “Bing”

Figure 9: Knowledge Graphs for serving information

What are the latest movies by the Director of Titanic?

This in fact is a Knowledge Graph query:


  • For example, you find Titanic.
  • You then find who has Directed it
  • You find that person and then find other movies the person has directed.

Thus, you cannot surface the information without encoding the data in graphical form and answering the type of query with use of graph will be practically impossible.

Example 5: Knowledge Graphs for question-answering with Large Language Models (LLMS)


In the Part 10 this Graph series, I have spoken about: Knowledge Graphs for RAG. It may be recalled that in a conventional Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) system we divide the document(s) into a series of chunks and obtain the embedding vectors for the chunks and then based on a similarity search between the prompt and the available data and then based on the established similarity, pass the prompt and the context to the LLM to obtain the answer.


The Graphs give much better results for multi-hop searches. For example, the answer to the user’s question might be located across different documents so rather than looking for an answer to something simple like: “What is the healthcare policy of the company?” wherein the answer is typically located over one section of the document, but if we want to combine the information across different documents, then, vector similarity does not go very far typically for a complex query.


Secondly, what makes Graphs very elegant as well as efficient is both the nodes and the relationships can have properties/attributes that are searchable, for example: a person may be related to a project, and we can have the dates the person is working on the project as attributes (properties) of the corresponding edge. We can also have the sentiment – the experience of the person who was working on the project and if that information is available, we can search for all the person and the project relationship.


In this article, Knowledge Graphs for RAG: Part 10 of my Graph series of blogs, I have gone into the details of RAG building a RAG over a Knowledge Graph from the scratch as shown in the figure below:

Figure 10: Building a RAG system over a Knowledge Graph built from the scratch.

3. Publicly available Knowledge Graphs and Incomplete Knowledge Graphs:


There are many publicly available Graphs like:

  • FreeBase
  • Wikidata
  • Dbpedia
  • YAGO
  • NELL
  • Etc

One common characteristic of Knowledge Graphs is that they are massive and millions of edges/nodes. As these Knowledge Graphs are massive, they are also notoriously incomplete, that is – many relationships are missing. Therefore, one of the most fundamental tasks in knowledge graph literature is that – given a massive knowledge graph, one will have to identify which are the missing links in the Knowledge Graph.


As an example – Freebase is a Knowledge Graph acquired by Google and Google uses it as a basis of Google Knowledge Graph. It contains Knowledge of real-world entities and relationships. It contains: ~50 million entities, ~38K relation types, ~3 billion facts/triples.


The cardinality of different relationships is 38,000 which is huge. Therefore, in terms of Graph Convolutional Neural Network (GCN), we will have to learn 38,000 different transformation matrices one for every layer of GCN which becomes hard to deal with


The interesting point is that: 93.8% of people in Freebase have no place of birth, 78% have no nationality and the questions that come to mind is:


  • Could we automatically infer the place of birth of a person?

  • Could we automatically infer the nationality of a person?


This is where “Knowledge Graph Completion” comes in. There are various methods to accomplish “Knowledge Graph Completion”. In particular, through sections 4 to 11 below, we will be discussing the following methods:


  • TransE
  • TransR
  • DistMult
  • ComplEx

The sections 4 through 9 will introduce and walk into the fundamental details of these methods and will particularly focus on the kinds of relationships these methods could capture and predict.


Before, diving into the above methods, let us understand a bit more about, “Knowledge Graph Completion Task”.

4. What are Knowledge Graph Completion Tasks:


In a Knowledge Graph Completion Task, we’re given an enormous Knowledge Graph, and the question then becomes if we can impute / predict the missing information – because the Knowledge Graph is incomplete.

Figure 11: An incomplete knowledge graph – Author-Genre relationships (the graph has a missing tail)


The way the Knowledge Graph Completion Tasks work is that we are given a head node, we have the relation type, and we’d like to predict the missing tail. Thus, one should notice that this is slightly different from the classical link prediction problem – where we simply have to predict the missing links in the entire Graph without information of the head/relation type/likewise.?

For example: considering the figure shown below, we’d say that we have the head – which is the J.K. Rowling Node, we have the relation type – that is the genre, and we have to predict which genre the author J.K. Rowling is connected to.


In the above case the node J.K. Rowling belongs to the genre Science Fiction – thus in the above example, we’re given the head node, we are given the relation type and have to predict the tail.

Figure 12: An incomplete knowledge graph – Author-Genre relationships – the JK Rowling node has its tail missing

5. How do we accomplish Knowledge Graph Tasks?


The way we’re going to accomplish Knowledge Graph Completion Tasks is though node embedding. Every entity in the Knowledge Graph will have an embedding which we are going to compute it through Shallow Embedding.

Figure 13: Learning embeddings for the (head, relation, tail) triple using shallow embeddings

That is: we’re going to learn the Embedding Vector for every entity type in the Knowledge Graph so that we can do the prediction.? The point is that we will not be using Graph Neural Networks but use Shallow Embeddings as discussed in section 3 of Part 5 of this Graph Series.


Knowledge Graph Representation:


Knowledge Graph Representation will be such that Knowledge Graph will be represented through a set of triples – head, relation tail as illustrated in the section above. The head is the source which has a relation with the tail. Tail is the end point of the relation.


For example, head could be Barrack Obama, and the relation would be nationality, and the tail will be States. As mentioned above, the way we want to carry out the prediction is that – we would model the entities and relations as embedding vectors in the embedding space and use the Shallow embeddings approach to obtain these vectors of these vectors of the entities.

Figure 14: A head-relation-tail triple

The idea is that given a true triple (head/relation/tail) (h,r,t), the mathematical goal is that the embedding of (head, relation) should be close to the embedding of the tail. This might look a bit abstract at this point of the article but let us understand how we can embed – (head, relation) and how we define the “closeness” – that is, the embedding of the (head, relation) should be close to the embedding of the tail.


All the methods we talk about differ on how the closeness/embedding is produced. Let us discuss the methods- we will be discussing four methods as mentioned in section 3.

6. Knowledge Graph Completion Algorithms: TransE


6.1 TransE: Intuition and interpretation


The natural or the simplest idea involving Knowledge Graph completion algorithm is TransE. TransE has the intuition of “translation”.


The idea is that for a triple (head, relation, tail), we will have to learn: the embedding of the head, the embedding of the tail as well as the embedding of the relation “r”. Then, the goal should be that the embedding computed should be, such that:


That is:

Equation – TransE relationship

For example, if we have a head say – Barrack Obama and Nationality American, we would like that to be embedded in such a way that if we start with the head (Barrack Obama) as shown in the figure below and move with the relation “r” then we would end at the point here v is embedded.

Figure 15: Mathematical interpretation of TransE

This should not only be true for Barrack Obama + Nationality but for any person and their country of birth. For example – Keir Starmer – Nationality – United Kingdom. Therefore, for a head corresponding to a person and then having applied the same translation as “Nationality” relation the result should be the corresponding country of Nationality.

6.2 TransE: Scoring Function:


Scoring Function that would measure the proximity between the head and the tail will be – head + r - tail

Equation – Scoring Function for TransE

One could use the Euclidean distance for the above cases. This is the Trans-E method wherein one would learn the translation in the embedding space so that one could get from the head to the translation that is relation specific to the tail of the relationship. The Learning Algorithm for TransE is not in the scope of the blog.

7. Connectivity Patterns in Knowledge Graph

The above approach related to Trans-E is a very natural/intuitive idea because now we not only think of embeddings as points in space but also learn the relation vector “r” that allows us to move/translate between different points/allows us to move in the given directions.


Let us now see the kind of relationships, the TransE approach is able to learn. By relationships here, we mean the relationship with different types of properties – the properties might be symmetric, or reciprocal (inverse) as illustrated in the examples below:

Let us discuss four relation patterns and attempt to answer the question if TransE can model these relations:


a)????? Symmetric and Antisymmetric Relation:

Symmetric Relations are reciprocal relations and can be best explained through an example. Let us say we have a person “a” who is a housemate of another person “b”- then, obviously “b” is also the housemate of person “a”. This an example of symmetric relationship.

Figure 16: Symmetric Relation - example


Antisymmetric relations include “hypernyms” – e.g. “Red” is a colour provides a relationship between red and colour- here colour is a hypernym of red. Similarly, fruit is a hypernym of apple and there can be many more examples of the type.


Hypernym relations are anti-symmetric:

  • All apples are fruits but not all fruits are apples
  • Red is a colour and not vice versa.

Figure 17: Antisymmetric Relation- Example

b)????? Inverse Relation

Again, an Inverse relation can be explained through an example: – e.g., if “X” is an Advisor of “X” then “Y” is an Advisee of “X”.


Here either relation is the Inverse of the other, that is – if “X” is related to “Y” by one relation, then, “Y” is related to “X”

c)????? Composition (Transitive Relation)


And then we have the Transitive relation – example, if x is friends with y and y is friends with z then x and z are also friends.

d)????? 1-to-N relations:


We can have multiple relations:


  • A teacher might have multiple students or
  • ·A Trainer might help multiple Trainees


Next, we’re going to see if TransE captures all these relations.

8. Relations modelled by TansE


Let us look at the Relational patterns that TransE can capture. Let’s look the relations in the order of simplicity


Antisymmetric Relation:

As per the definition of Ant-symmetric relation – if “h” is related to “t”, then, “t” cannot be related to “h” as per the same relation.


This is illustrated through the equation below:

Equation – Math of Antisymmetric relation

Examples of Antisymmetric relation

  • Hypernym (a word with a broader meaning)

As illustrated in the figure below, TransE can indeed capture Antisymmetric relations:

Figure 18: TransE can model Antisymmetric relation

As seen in the figure above, if at the head “h”, we apply the relation transformation “r”, we get the tail “t”. Applying the same relation transformation “r” at the tail “t” will not get back to “h” – which is indeed the case in Antisymmetric relation. This means that TransE naturally captures Antisymmetric relation.


Inverse Relation:

Examples of Inverse relation is discussed in section XX (Advisor-Advisee, A->B). Thus,


By definition of Inverse relation: If h and t are related by r2, then, there is another r1 which makes t and h related.

Equation – Math of Inverse relation

Thus, being at the head “h”, we apply a Transformation relation “r” and move to the tail “t”, being at the tail t, we can apply another transformation relation -r to move back again to the head – we have to move in the negative direction.

Figure 19: Inverse Relation can be modelled by TransE – there can be another r1 which is negative of r2


Composition Relation:

Composite Relation may be illustrated through the equation below:

Equation – Math of Composition relation

Here we say that if (x, y) are related and (y,z) are related then x, z are also related


Example: My mother’s husband is also my father

In TransE, one can simply do this by:


r3 = r1 + r2

Figure 20: TransE modelling Composition Relation

That is – as shown in the figure above, if we go from x via r1 to y and then via r2 from y to z, then we can go from x to z through r3.


r3 = r1 + r2


Therefore, composite relations can be modelled by TransE


Symmetric Relations:

Symmetric Relations are illustrated through the equation below:

Equation – Math of Symmetric relation

Interestingly, TransE cannot capture symmetric relationships e.g. Family, Housemate which are reciprocated.

Figure 21: TransE cannot capture symmetric relationships as described

It means that if we go from “h” through the transformation “r” to “t”, then, for the symmetric relation to exist, we should go back to “h” applying the same transformation “r”. But that is only possible if “r” was 0 that means if “h” and “t” were embedded on top of each other. But that is not possible as “h” and “t” are both different /distinct entities. This means that TransE cannot model Symmetric relations.


1-to-N relations

Again, another part that TransE cannot do is 1-to-N relations. Examples of 1-to-N relations have been discussed in section XX – a teacher may be an advisor to many students – then, if we have a head at “h” which using the transformation relation “r” goes to “t1” and then again same transformation relation “r” goes to t2

Figure 22: Inability of TransE to model 1-to-N relations

As seen in the figure, this is only possible if t1 and t2 are indistinguishable / not different from one another but in reality t1 and t2 are completely different entities. Therefore, TransE is unable to model 1-to-N relations.


Let us now see another method of modelling which will fix the issue of TransE not being able to model Symmetric and 1-to-N relations.

9. Trans-R method of modelling relationships


In this section, we will look at different method called Trans-R that will allow us to fix some of the issues that we encountered in TransE with regards to Symmetric and 1-to-N relations.


As we have seen in case of Trans-E, it models the translation of any relation in the same embedding space. Now, the question is if we can design a new space for each relation and do the translation in a relation specific space. The method corresponding to the idea is called as: Trans-R which models the entities as vectors (that is: entities as points) and models the relation as a vector in the relation specific space together with the relations specific transformation or projection matrix. Let us see how this works.


9.1 Working of Trans-R and modelling of Symmetric Relationships:


As stated above, Trans-R models entities as points. For every relation, we’re going to learn the translation vector and we’re going to learn the projection matrix MR for every relation.

Therefore, in case of Trans-R,

  • If we have (h,t) and that they are related by a relation “r”, then, we are first going to apply the matrix MR to the points (h and t) and transform these points to a new point.


  • And then in the new Transformed Space we will apply the Trans-R relation

Figure 23: Transformation of the original embedding to relation specific space

?Therefore, we take the original embedding, and we transform it by applying a projection matrix “MR” – that is we scaled it (stretch/compress it), rotate it and then apply a vector “r” on the transformed h and t.

This will allow us to model a symmetric relation like “housemate”, we can learn the specific transformation matrix MR that will take the points h and t and map it into h ⊥ and t⊥ as illustrated in the Figure below:

Figure 24: h and t mapped to h

This means that two people who are housemates will be mapped to the same points h ⊥ and t⊥ so that r = 0 and we will get a symmetric relationship. This will allow the modelling of symmetric relation which TransE cannot model. Thus, with this kind of transformation we can model symmetric relation which TransE cannot as we all points were in Euclidean space. Next, let us consider antisymmetric relation in TransR.

9.2 Antisymmetric Relation in Trans-R

Equation – Math of Antisymmetric Relation

TransR can easily model Antisymmetric relation. Given two points h, t in the Embedding space and applying the transformation matrix MR, we can transform the points h and t to another space such that h and t do not collide and then same as TransE, we can get get from h and t through the relation “r” as illustrated in the figure below But cannot get from “t” to “h”

Therefore, Trans-R can model symmetric and antisymmetric relationships.

Figure 25: Transformation of h and t to relation specific space to model Antisymmetric relation – h and t do not collide

9.3 1-to-N relations in TransR


Again, Trans-R can model relation types of 1-to-N because we have enough flexibility in the projection matrix “r” that can learn how to map t1 and t2 into the same position.

as illustrated in the figure below:

Figure 26: Modelling of 1-to-N relations using TransR – t1 and t2 mapped to same point so that h is equidistant from t1 and t2

Thus, in the relation specific space, if we go from the head according to the relation, we arrive at t1,t2 which are at the same position. In the original embedding space t1 and t2 were two different embeddings but in the relation specific space., the embedding that is obtained using the transformation matrix MR, we can enforce t1 and t2 to be at the same point thus capturing the 1-to-N relation. Therefore, as we see that through TRansR and transforming the embedding into a relations specific space we have fixed some short comings of TransE.

Inverse Relations using Trans-R

We could also do Inverse relations similar to that in TransE. In case of Inverse relation, the Transformation matrix of both the relations should be the same as shown in figure below and then one translation vector is the inverse of the other translation vector.

Equation – Math of Inverse Relation

Figure 27: Transformation of h and t to a relation specific space such that r1 = -r2

9.4 Composition Relation:


The issue with Trans-R which was not with Trans-E is that Trans-R cannot model composition relation. That is, if x and y are related by r1 and y and z are related by r2 , then x and z are related as represented/illustrated through the equation below:

Equation – Math of Composition Relation

This was not a problem in TransE because everything was in the same space but in TransR we cannot do composition relation. The reason for this is that each relation has a different space, and we know how to model from original space to the relation specific space but we do not know how to model between different relation specific spaces. The relation specific spaces are not naturally compositional. This means TransR cannot model composition relationships.



10.Method 3: DistMult


Now, let us look at the third method of modelling of embeddings which is termed as Bilinear Modelling. So far, we had been discussing the Scoring Function (section 6.2) as the distance in the embedding space.


In TransE and TransR, we had mentioned that head plus the relation vector should be close to the tail. Now, we change the scoring function such that fr(h,t) will not be a distance. For example, DistMult embeds vectors in the embedding space similar to TransE but uses a different scoring function. The scoring function in case of DisMult is given by:

Figure 28: Scoring Function in case of DisMult

The above equation implies that the scoring function is co-ordinate wise product of h,r and t

Figure 29: Scoring Function in Distmult – Element wise multiplication of h,r and t

As illustrated in the figure above, if we have the vectors h, r and t, we carry out an element wise multiplication on the entities and sum it up which is the score.? The basic idea behind the math is that if the head, relation, tail relation is true, the score should be high otherwise the score will be low. ?Let us understand the interpretation behind the math.

Interpretation of the Scoring Function and how DistMult Works:


The scoring function in vase of DistMult as illustrated above could be thought of as a hyperplane in the embedding space. That is – one could interpret the scoring function as cosine similarity between h times r and t as illustrated in the figure below:

Figure 30: Analogy between scoring function in DistMult and Cosine Similarity

The dot product could be positive or negative which denotes whether the point lies on the left or right of the hyperplane. The h.r defines a hyperplane which is orthogonal to it and the tail related to h.r will fall on the same side as h.r and the tail not related h.r will fall on the other side of h.r/the hyperplane.

DistMult for 1-to-N relations:

DistMult can also model 1-to-N relations successfully. One can understand this through the figure below if the head is “h” (e.g. the advisor/teacher) and t1 and t2 are the tails (e.g. the advicees/students) then t1 and t2 fall on same side of the hyperplane and at same distance from each other.

Figure 31: Modelling of 1-to-N relation with DistMult

DistMult for Symmetric Relations:

Equation: Math interpretation of Symmetrical relation in a Graph

Symmetric Relations can be easily modelled through DistMult as multiplication is commutative as shown in the equation below:

Equation: DistMult can model Symmetric relations – because multiplication is commutative

Limitation of DistMult: Antisymmetric Relations, Inverse Relations and Composition Relations


Antisymmetric relations:

The Limitation in modelling for DistMult is Antisymmetric Relation – like a hypernym/part of. DistMult cannot model Antisymmetric relation because of commutativity of summation and multiplication. Commutative nature of summation and multiplication implies you get symmetry and not antisymmetric.

Note / Equation – DistMult cannot model antisymmetry because of commutative nature on multiplication as explained in the note above

Inverse Relations:


Again, DistMult cannot model inverse relationships:

Equation – Math of Inverse Relation


As mentioned in section 8, an Inverse relation can be explained through an example: – e.g., if “X” is an Advisor of “X” then “Y” is an Advisee of “X”.


The reason that DistMult cannot model Inverse relation is because the only way to model Inverse relation would be that r2 and r1 are equal. However, semantically that is not feasible because if r2 and r1 are equal, then, in that case the Embedding of the relation Advisor an embedding of the relation Advisee should be equal.


Composition Relation:

The DistMult cannot model Composition Relation. The problem is that DistMult defines hyperplane for each relation and each relation is a relation pair and the union of hyperplanes induced by several multi hops of relation (e.g. r1, r2,..) cannot be expressed using a single hyperplane

Equation – Math of Composition Relation

11. Method 4: ComplEx

Note on the interpretation of complex numbers

The last method that we will now talk about is ComplEx. The reason to discuss about ComplEx is to highlight that it is not necessary to embed the points into simple Euclidean space, w can also embed points in complex space. CompLex embeds entities in complex vector space where every point has an imaginary part and a real part.

One concept from Complex Algebra that is important to keep in mind whilst discussing about ComplEx is about complex conjugate – wherein we say that “u” is a complex number with real part “a” and imaginary part “b” such that:

Eq – complex number “u”


Then a complex conjugate is:

Eq – complex conjugate of “u”

Figure 32: Concept of Complex Conjugate

The concept of complex conjugate will be important as we discuss further.


Scoring Function in ComplEx: The scoring function in ComplEx is same as in DistMult but we do not consider he imaginary part of the complex embedding but just the real part as illustrated in the equation below:

Equation – Scoring function of ComplEx

Figure 33: Scoring function computation involves element wise multiplication of the real part of entities (as in DistMult)

Relations in ComplEx:

The model is expressive enough to learn high or value of scoring function because of the possibility of modelling Antisymmetric relations using complex conjugates

because of the possibility using complex conjugates


Symmetric Relations: IT is possible to model symmetric relations through ComplEx by setting imaginary part equal to 0.


Inverse Relations: Inverse Relations can be modelled by setting r2 as complex conjugate of r1.


Limitations: 1-to-N relations and Composition Relations

ComplEx cannot model composition relations as well as 1-to-N relations because it shares the same scoring function as DistMult

12. Summary of Methods:


We have discussed four methods used to model the head, tail, relation embedding:


  • TransE
  • TransR
  • DistMult and
  • ComplE


Let us now summarize the discussions from section 4 through 11. Following we the conclusions of the discussions relating to the relation ships each of the methods can model/not model.

Table – Summary of methods and the relationships they can model/not model

The interesting point is that each of the methods – as illustrated in the table – has a different idea. The TransE and the TransR embed the head, relation and tail in the Euclidean space. TransE uses the translation idea for every relation whilst the TransR transforms the embeddings into another space.


The table above shows the different relationship types the methods can model. As noticed and discussed, TransE is the only method that can model composition relation types. The DistMult adopts a different scoring function – analogous to cosine similarity and ComplEx formulates the embedding in the complex space.


Knowledge Graph Embeddings in Practice:


It may be concluded that different knowledge graphs have drastically different relational patterns and different properties. Therefore, there is no one method which will work for all the knowledge graphs. The method to be used depends upon the relation type you’re interested in modelling and the kind of relations you want to predict.


As noticed from the table, if one is interested in modelling composite relationships, TransE is the method of choice whereas if one has to model 1-to-N relations, TransE cannot be used. In general, TransR and ComplEx are able to model most diverse set of different relationship types.


Knowledge Graph completion is one of the most common and important asks when dealing with Knowledge Graphs in practice. Each of the methods discussed in this blog – TransE, TransR, DistMult, ComplEx use a different embedding space to model different types of relationships.


Godwin Josh

Co-Founder of Altrosyn and DIrector at CDTECH | Inventor | Manufacturer

6 个月

Nice work keeping up the Graph Series! So you're diving into Knowledge Graph Completion methods - are you planning to explore any techniques that leverage TransE embeddings for relation prediction, especially in the context of complex, multi-hop reasoning?


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