Knowledge - the Gate way to God
1.The insightful article of Shri Arif Sarwar that appeared in LinkedIn prompted me to write this article, with experience born out of on-going Kundalini Experience. This is to convey the mystery behind all creation, with so many 'life forms', including man at highest transcendental state; and to reveal that Self knowledge helps us to live in harmony with one another. I am doing this with devotion, and as service to God.
Link of Arif Sarwar 's article:
The Heavenly Abode of Creation
2. Here are related verses from Bhagavad-Gita
2.1 Metaphorically, it is stated, the banyan tree with roots above and branches below is imperishable; the Vedic scriptures are the leaves of that tree, one who understands is knowledgeable of the Vedic scriptures (Bhagavad-Gita 15.01).
2.2 The branches of that tree extending downwards and upwards, with its sprouts symbolizing sense objects, develop due to three modes of material nature; with roots spreading downwards also produces actions and reactions in the worlds of humans (Bhagavad-Gita 15.02).
2.3 Within this world, the inverted form of this tree cannot be perceived, nor its beginning, nor its foundation; severing this strongly rooted attachment in banyan tree, with sharp weapon of detachment; thereafter go to place where there is no return again by approaching the exclusive shelter, surrendering at the feet of Supreme Lord; verily to the original, the Ultimate Personality from whom perpetual process?emanates (Bhagavad-Gita 15.03, 04).
2.4 Devoid of false EGO and illusion, free from degraded association, perceptive of the eternal and transitory, dissociated from lust, completely liberated from dualities identified as happiness and distress; the wise reach imperishable shelter of Supreme Lord (Bhagavad-Gita 15.05).
Ultimate Personality
3. The Ultimate Personality refers to first born personality, the "Aura' surrounding each object; that expresses what manifests from five great elements namely, the Ether (core substrate), air, fire, water, and Earth; in the order in which they were created in beginning-less time.
3.1 There is no exception to this, in the entire Universe (animate and inanimate). It includes Mother Earth and its inhabitants in three material worlds - namely: land, oceans, and sky; the Sun God, and also Moon - our nearest neighbours.
3.2 Of all the species on land, man is at highest transcendental state with wisdom bestowed on him to realize his Higher Self, the Self of all creation.
3.3 The Ultimate Personality is a mysterious phenomenon. It is a material substrate - Ether with Subsonic Content of Aum. He is called ī?vara only in Vedas, but is recognized as Soul in all philosophies, spread over Globe.
3.4 Soul is Symbolic: AUM??? in Vedas, Latin Cross?? in Cristiany, Star and Crescent ??in Islam, Yin Yang ??in Chinese philosophy, Khanda?? in Sikh civilization; and various other symbols in various other civilizations spread throughout Globe. These symbols are by way of revelation of Prophets or realized Souls, the originators of scriptures, in all Abrahamic and non-Abrahamic civilizations.
3.5 The Ultimate Personality takes the shape of human in his highest transcendental state, and touching the feet of Ultimate Personality,?verily the original,?means, the Soul of every human is worthy of worship. The visible manifestation is not touched, and the gender is an illusion.
????Soul or Subtle Body
The banyan tree with roots above and branches below
4. The creation with roots in heavens is represented in the illustration below. It is the umblicle of the unknowable Supreme Lord, we call Brahma, that manifests as creation. The name given in Vedas for 'Supremo', adoring Ananta (the serpent power) as his bed is Lord Vi??u. His Umbilical, Brahma, is a shown as three headed personality, meaning that, he manifests as three modes of material nature (to be described later in this topic).
4.1 He is symbolic, Lotus??, for obvious reasons that he is not tainted by three modes of material nature. He manifests as an unknowable knower of his field of activity at heart centre - Anahata, the core of visible manifestation, his image.
4.2 It is his Eternal Nature, the sub-atomic potency, we call ādhyātma in Sanskrit, that manifests as Ultimate Personality, enveloping Entire creation. But, bound by the visible manifestation, ādhyātma manifests as ādi-?akti guiding the destiny of the Universe. She is Kundalini Power residing as a coiled Serpent at Coccyx of human body. She is shown as Transnscendental Mother, serving the cause of invisible Ultimate Personality, the 'Supreme Self'.
4.2 The symbolic representation of Monolithic immortal core (Brahma and his Soul), by way of consecrated idols, is for the purpose of achieving peace, in the serene atmosphere of temples (non-Abrahamic religions) world over. We have churches for Christianity, the Mosques for Islam, and Gurudwaras for sikh religion. They are built in a 'serene atmosphere' to radiate positive vibrations to bring peace to humanity. It is therefore essential that we respect each other's faith or 'way of life'.
Artificial Ego (I-maker or thought)
5. Enveloping the physical body, the Soul becomes 'Artificial Ego' and gives the daily experience of our routine. We have material influences from other 'Embodied Souls' to carry out our routine. All worldly experiences are stored as DNA, the material layer over Soul, the vibratory medium. It is essential as a calling back feature, for carrying out our routine, unhindered.
5.1The Soul is infused in Mother's womb weeks after conception at present evolutionary state (DNA), DNA is reserve energy, to be redeemed for life spans, and functions as three modes of material nature. The reserve Energy manifests as Sapta Dhatus (seven tissues), sustaining the physical manifestation. Of them, Medha is a gross mind or Ego, and it has no expression without Soul. It is Individual Consciousness (ātma), a super imposition on Soul or?the Universal Consciousness (Paramātma).
5.2 We are deluded by Mother Angel (ādi-?akti), that we are the Ego, but it is virtual reality. In reality, without us, the indivisible part of Ultimate Truth (Justbe we call Brahma, or Allāh or simply God), there is no animation to activity, and there can be no navigation through nature. We are not the visible manifestation, or image, but unknowable and immutable witness residing at Anahata, close to the human heart. It is Mother Angel who delivers us to our Ultimate Residence.
5.3 We are all sons of God, residing in his image at Anahata close to human heart. Any harm done to this image, except as duty by law of land, will destroy us. Hence 'forgiveness' plays important role in personal Evolution.
Three Modes of Material Nature (applicable to entire humanity)
6. Man is born at present evolutionary state in three modes of material nature. They are:
6.1 Sattva (Resilience and illumination): Man born with this nature is close to nature of God (simplicity and strength in Tapasya or austerity, as Swami Sivanada has put it). He empowers and derives best of all his associates or fellow 'Embodied Souls'. Ego bends to such a personality. He holds no opinion about anything happening in the world. He is generally associated with creative activities, with power of inclusion. There are several such personalities, spread throughout globe, heading premier institutions. Without such personalities, the organizations will sink.
6.2 Rajas (passion and activity): The persons born with this nature are highly passionate and engage themselves in developmental activities. They are Sattva predominant. They take care of themselves and those working with them. They provide good services to humanity.
6.3 Tamas (lethargy and delusion): Persons born with this nature put themselves above every one (born out of fear), and look for shortcuts to come up in life. They engage themselves in disputes and build narratives to project themselves as superior to others. Some of them are highly cruel, and engage themselves in crimes.
?6.4 But this is all about body constitution, a God given nature by birth. The creator or Universal Consciousness holds none guilty, as everything goes by Divine ordinance, the transcendental will of God. We are in hypnosis, salivating the dormant power, every moment. Here are two verses from Bhagavad-Gita to confirm this:
a. The Ultimate Consciousness neither creates human misconceptions of bodily identification nor fruitive activities, nor the union of fruitive actions and the resultant fruits; but it is due to the modes of material nature, engaging in acts (Bhagavad-Gita 05.14).
b. The omnipresent Ultimate Consciousness never accepts the sins, nor the virtues of anyone; actual knowledge is enveloped by ignorance and because of that living entities are deluded (Bhagavad-Gita 05.15).
Six Enemies of Mind
7. Arishadvarga or shadripu (Sanskrit: ???????) meaning the six enemies of the mind; namely Kama (desire), Krodha (anger), Lobha (greed), Mada (Sense of I), Moha (Attachment), and Matsarya (Prejudice); are the negative characteristics which prevent man from personal evolution. They are expressions of 'Alchemy', expressed by Soul with no attachment.
7.1 While at lower transcendental states, they culminate into deluded death, but at higher transcendental states, they become boon to open gates for self introspection. As long as the 'Ego' is on the rise, the human intellect will not function. Since these enemies are against the 'true nature of God', they?destabilise man to ground his 'Ego'. This feature is called 'Malina Sattva' in Vedas?or Sattva tainted with evil effects, arising mainly out of 'Mada' and 'Moha'.
Why birth is mysterious?
8. As already mentioned, the Soul is infused in Mother's womb weeks after conception, but at present evolutionary state (Prarabdha Karma). It is subtle body with origin at the Umbilical of Supreme Lord, a Monolithic invisible and immortal core, also called the beginningless ignorance (Nirgu?a).
8.1 It has?vibratory influences from other 'Embodied Souls' to form Ego or Individual Consciousness. It is DNA that projects the outside world, as if happening within. In short, everything that manifests as outside activity (floating energy), in reality is the inner manifestation of Soul - as within so without. But we are deluded by birth, and think?that we are independent personalities (body consciousness) engaged in activity with outside objects, an optical delusion.
8.2 It is only when the transformation begins to take place, with 'Plasma' raising; we come to know that there is dormant power functioning within, sharing power from Soul, deluding us as activity. We also come to know that we have an indomitable position in the body, prior to consciousness. This happens close to what we call death, when the Mother Spirit prepares the body to disembody to either come back in new garb or to dissolve into Soul.
8.3 Persons close to redemption of entire 'reserve energy' or activity in this very life, experience this 'disembodiment' and this is called liberation. This is?Kundalini Experience, and is prone with hard penance. In such cases, a guru pops-up on his own to guide the individual to destiny. Conveying his indomitable position, Guru asks the individual to invoke dormant power to meditate on 'Higher Self'. This is called yoga or the union of individual consciousness with Ultimate Consciousness'.
8.4 The awakened Mother offers every activity, emanating from DNA to sacrificial fire of Soul, and dissolves into Soul. This happens only if due, as the transcendence goes by Universal Laws of Nature, namely Principles of Conservation of Energy, and all Laws of Thermodynamics are applicable. No one can break this Sanatana Dharma, the transcendental principle of? journey of Eternal Soul in elastic medium,?by Divine Ordinance.
8.5 Guru-disciple succession is built into the human psyche, and happens by Divine Ordinance.
9. The birth is mysterious, as we all take birth as 'Soul' but with 'piggy back' to lead life in material world. We all have mutual influences from other 'Embodied Souls' (animate and inanimate), and engage ourselves in routine or Karma. Everything, every moment goes by Divine Ordinance. No expression to any activity can come without Soul, any moment. In short, we are doing Proxy to inner Soul, but deluded that we are engaged in Karma.
9.1 Deluded as activity, guided by Guru, once we start accessing our inner grace (Soul) within our own space or Aura, we lose influences of others, happening within us, and we start realizing that we are independent evolving Soul, world our own, and Universe our own. We are also restored to status of immutable witness, Satchitanada.
9.2 Everything what happens in life is artificial, and transitory. No one can break the Sanatana Dharma, the transcendental principle of? journey of Eternal Soul (by Soul and for realization of Soul), in elastic medium,?by Divine Ordinance.
9.3 There are sins and virtues, and no sinners and virtuous. Virtues always prevail over evils. God holds no one guilty, hence we are all worthy of pardon for any sins committed in ignorance, once we start realizing God. It is never too late to reflect on who we are. It is also called Self introspection or ātma Vichara.
9.4 One who experiences this, holds no opinion about anything happening in the world; and associates himself with forgiveness, empathy, and compassion; praying for peace for entire humanity crossing all barriers of religion and geographical boundaries. Mother Teresa is a bright example.
9.5 There are many Prophets (or realized Gurus) across the Globe, silently promulgating this?Divine Knowledge through respective?Scriptural Wisdom,?to humanity. There is a saying, "Service to Man is Service to God"". Everything in Creation is the image of God, and without HIM at crown, there can be no activity. It is all about material evolution, designed to create life forms, a Primordial Illusion.
9.6 Finally, a quote from Bhagavad-Gita, "This knowledge is the king of all wisdom; the king of all that is confidential, the topmost in righteousness, purifying, able to be perceived by direct realization, very joyous to perform and everlasting (Bhagavad-Gita 09.02)". Unquote
9.7 The Divine knowledge can be easily experienced through Yoga. It is never too late to start practicing Yoga. It is well documented literature.
9.8 Realization is direct experience.?Even if liberation is not due, this very life, once in line, everything will culminate for this to happen in the very?next life (Scriptural Wisdom).
Om Shanti Om ????????????
Author: Vasudeva Vadlakonda
Date: 06 November 2023
a. This article is dedicated to my Guru, Paramahamsa Satyananda Saraswati, founder of Bihar School of Yoga, Yoga Research Foundation, and Rikhiapeeth.
b. This article will go through review for any updates, as and when felt necessary.
c. Please read this article in conjunction with: (1) Post | Feed | LinkedIn
1 年Great share Sir Ji ?????
1 年I have to retract to remaster, the knowledge and wisdom somehow l missed out in my reading, after digesting this article. Back to the drawing board with utmost delight Vasudeva Vadlakonda Ji. ??????
#opener #unity #peaceofmind #gateway #intention #choice “Praise be to God, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds; Most Gracious, Most Merciful; Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek. Show us the straight way, The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray.” Thank you Brother Vasudeva Vadlakonda !
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1 年Excellent Sir??