Knowledge and deep learning - having the evidence for Ofsted

Knowledge and deep learning - having the evidence for Ofsted

Glynis's article published on the Learning Cultures' website is replicated here. Scroll down or read it on our website.

  • Knowledge and deep learning
  • Developing curriculum and subject leaders a five module CPD programme
  • Creating a whole school CPD strategy to enhance curriculum and subject leadership
  • Work towards the Curriculum Excellence Award

There is good evidence from reading some of the Ofsted reports of both primary and secondary schools that their focus on knowledge and deep learning remains a constant theme both this term and previously.

Curriculum is the key to a high quality education

Knowledge is a key theme and the concept of knowledge is explained? in all of the Ofsted subject research series and curriculum research reviews ?published in 2023 in some detail and focuses on several knowledge domains such as substantive, disciplinary, practical or theoretical to name a few. A focus on knowledge and deep learning does need careful consideration.

  • How deep and for whom and by when in terms of age-related standards?
  • What is learning and how do we know knowledge acquired leads to deep learning?
  • Is this depth shaped by individual subjects or defined in terms of a cross curricular vision?

The Ofsted reports suggest the acquisition of knowledge and deep learning are important elements that create the evidence of a high quality of education. It is therefore essential that school leaders focus on a whole school strategy to ensure curriculum and subject leaders understand how to foster the highest quality learning from the curriculum content across all subjects and beyond.

Developing curriculum leaders a five module CPD programme

It is this symbiosis between leadership, learning and curriculum knowledge that I have focused on in the designing and writing of the programme Developing Curriculum Leaders.

Working with Teaching Times I have developed a resource for all those with curriculum responsibility to use as a CPD tool to enhance the role of subject leaders and their teaching teams in the pursuit of deep learning and the acquisition and retention of conceptual and subject knowledge. My considerable experience of developing curriculum CPD for Learning Cultures and my two books about curriculum design and delivery give me the confidence to say that this programme is a rich and valuable resource for every school.

Ofsted provide us with a framework within which we need to shape our own vision for quality in relation to the curriculum and how to foster knowledge and deep learning. The Developing Curriculum Leaders programme will give curriculum and subject leaders the tools, the vocabulary and the research to ensure there is a shared understanding of how to plan and deliver the highest quality curriculum within all learning classrooms and beyond.

Watch out for the publication date it should be very soon

There are five modules that can stand alone or be delivered in sequence. They provide all the training and development any school needs to build consensus and a shared understanding of how to implement the vision and whole school curriculum intent. Each module provides answers to the statements that I have gathered from the Ofsted reports I mentioned earlier. The language, the vocabulary and the delivery of the curriculum has to be at the heart of CPD for all curriculum and subject leaders and their teams.

Module 1 focuses on leadership and the essential skills a leader of curriculum or a subject needs to hone in order to create that precious cohesion and shared belief in excellence and high quality outcomes for all. Creating strong leaders of curriculum will answer these questions that are drawn directly from Ofsted reports.

  • How can we ensure every teacher has the confidence to plan and deliver the intended curriculum content?
  • How do we create the culture that allows subject leaders and their teams to work together to translate the vision and intent into learning strategies that deliver excellence and continuous improvement?
  • What are the leadership skills and qualities that ensure all staff know what is expected in terms of high-quality outcomes for all pupils and staff?

Module 2 shines a lens on the curriculum and the elements that define the quality of education. Understanding the detailed components of what needs to be designed, delivered and disseminated are essential for all those who lead on curriculum excellence, change or challenge. We look at the essential skills of a leader who must facilitate change and manage the resistance, denial or fear and build towards acceptance and commitment.? Module 2 can support curriculum and subject leaders to answer these questions linked to Ofsted's criteria.

  • What systems exist to ensure all those who plan and teach the curriculum in all subjects understand the essential components linked to delivering high quality outcomes for all pupils?
  • How do leaders ensure that reading is prioritised to allow all pupils to access the full curriculum?
  • What is in place to ensure that mathematical fluency and confidence in numeracy are seen as preconditions of success across all subjects and key stages?

In module 3 we bring to life the threads that weave the curriculum together so that in every subject the different strands bind together to create a tapestry of deep learning for every learner. We look at the vocabulary of the curriculum, we focus on the nuances of subject specific pedagogy, the essential need to sequence the learning, build parity for pupils with SEND and draw out the essential concepts that are critical in each subject and can transcend subject divides. There is a wealth of resources that will provide the evidence for Ofsted and answer the questions below,

  • How do curriculum and subject leaders ensure that subject learning is adaptive so that all pupils whatever their starting point can access the curriculum?
  • What is the evidence that pupils are learning the intended curriculum, deepening their learning over time and that there is a consistent approach to managing gaps in learning, misconception and misunderstanding?
  • How do curriculum and subject leaders ensure that all those delivering the curriculum know how to sequence the learning and support pupils to deepen their conceptual knowledge and understanding within subjects and across the wider curriculum?

The curriculum is a tapestry of learning

Module 4 is about team building. It is the ability to motivate, organise and build successful teams that will lead to powerful learning and the achievement of clearly defined goals for high-quality outcomes for individuals, the team and the whole-school. The tools and techniques in this module will give curriculum and subject leaders the skills to ensure their teams are strong, have the skills and knowledge to deliver a cohesive and well-structured curriculum. We also look at how to manage conflict – both healthy and unhealthy – and how to minimise discontent and dissatisfaction through the development of some coaching skills.

  • What systems are in place to ensure that all subject leaders create cohesive teams that are working towards the same protocols, quality standards and goals for success?
  • How do leaders of curriculum ensure all subject leaders and teachers have the expert knowledge and skills to deliver the intended curriculum and how is CPD planned to fill gaps and enhance strengths in subject knowledge and curriculum cohesion?
  • What are the skills curriculum leaders need in order that they can manage conflict, ask difficult questions and ensure all staff know the parameters that will deliver excellence and high quality outcomes across all learning?

In module 5 we reflect on the need for high quality curriculum outcomes and subject specific leadership. Here we are looking at impact where the dissemination of how well the curriculum is delivered is defined in how assessment leads to deep learning, what defines the highest quality pedagogy for learning and how through a constancy of purpose curriculum leaders know that the curriculum is delivered well across every subject, phase and key stage. Here we bring together the learning from all the other modules and plan for next steps.

  • What evidence can curriculum and subject leaders draw on that ensures assessment is a formative process that builds on prior learning, checks for misconceptions and gaps in learning, challenges learners to deepen their knowledge and rewards effort as well as achievement?
  • How do curriculum and subject leaders inspire their teams to share and celebrate their successes, their own good practice and strive to always have high-expectations of themselves and their learners?
  • How do all leaders articulate their vision for continuous improvement that enhances the potential of every leader, teacher and pupil across the school?

??Creating a whole school CPD strategy for curriculum leadership

The curriculum is about whole school excellence, building a consensus about what knowledge to teach, how much, when and how. The curriculum is about creating a sequential pathway that allows pupils to deepen their learning over time, build on what they already know and shape for them an understand of the underlying concepts that shape the subject and enhance cross-curricular themes. The curriculum is a tapestry of knowledge and deep learning.

The Developing Curriculum Leaders Programme provides a powerful CPD pathway for all those with subject leadership responsibility to use the resources, undertake the activities and learn from a curriculum expert how to ensure there is a consensus as to how to weave learning within and across subjects. The issues that arise from the trawl of Ofsted reports repeatedly mirror the themes within our programme and the opportunities to create the dialogue that will be evidence of consistency across all subject areas.

We know where all subject leaders work together to complete this programme there is an enhanced understanding of curriculum vocabulary, the essence of powerful pedagogy, the potential for highly effective formative assessment and confidence to look at knowledge and how to use literacy and numeracy across all learning to ensure that all pupils can access the full curriculum in every subject. The opportunity to begin to learn how to coach as a powerful leadership strategy is also explored in many elements.

Work towards the Curriculum Excellence Award

Silver or gold curriculum excellence awards

This programme is not an NPQ which is a qualification outcome for one individual. It embraces all curriculum areas, all subject leaders and the teachers within their teams. It can be delivered as INSET, twilight sessions or where groups of teachers work together in allocated time spaces. There is an option to buy the services of an expert coach who will work with individuals or teams for 8 or 16 hours to be a professional partner in the roll out of the programme.

Completion of the programme with 8 hours of coaching time will provide the evidence of achievement of the Silver Award for Curriculum Excellence and completion with 16 hours of coaching will lead to achievement of the Gold Award for Curriculum Excellence.

The potential to demonstrate a whole school cohesive and collaborative approach to curriculum design and delivery is evident in every lesson within the programme and across all five modules. It is cost-effective providing a CPD framework for every subject lead and their teams of teachers. It is flexible and can be delivered in any order. It is research rich. It has resources that will provide CPD activities and opportunities for professional dialogue that will enrich the potential of everyone who leads and teaches in the pursuance of curriculum excellence.

Give me a call on 07974 754241 or email me [email protected]

Use out Contact us page to download a copy of the list of Ofsted comments I have gathered together with your name, school and email address and the phrase Ofsted comments?in the message box or to download a proforma with the questions included to use with your senior and curriculum leadership teams. Add the phrase Evidence for Ofsted questions.



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