Oh...that stuff. Indeed, a little bit of which is dangerous (and a lot is lethal). Anyway, an odd assorted collection of facts and ficts doesn't make for understanding. It makes for blunderstanding. Check out Google AI for proof of such.
One thing's for sure though - truth is really not something to be bandied around and entrusted into the hands and heads of those who can neither recognise nor respect it. And anyway, you can't pour the ocean into a bucket without destroying it. So yes, to protect people from themselves (and each other), 'tis wisdom to hide, to obscure the deep truths from the eyes of the ignorant or malevolent; those who would render the sacred profane.
Me? I have long since realised that to affect being a fool saves me from becoming entangled in pointless discourse or hostile exchange. And if truth be told, acting the fool comes naturally.
Enuff said!