Is Knowledge a Curse?
Philosophy and knowledge should help you in your ups and downs, it is supposed to balance your emotions and control you when you are at your low and also when you are happy.
We sometimes breakdown totally and feel directionless in different stages of life (Which is natural and healthy in fact, just the extremes are dangerous).
Knowledge is meant to guide you in the right direction and not to make simple things complicated unnecessarily.
Often people end up debating with everyone on literally everything out there. Social media just intensified it as it opened a world full of opinions accessible to anyone having an internet connection.
If one likes 'X' doesn't mean he/she hates 'Y'.
Respecting others'opinions will only widen our perspective of seeing the world, which will help us become kinder and good at listening as well.
Knowledge should help us become a better version of ourselves and not the uglier one.
Stop pitying yourself and over others as well for small things. Having sympathy for others is good in fact a very good human trait, but if it ain't in your hands changing someone's fate or you don't have the accessibility and resources to help someone, then it is an absolute waste of time and energy thinking about it. And absolutely nonsense by blaming or cursing someone for the same.
If Mahatma Buddha realised and experienced existential crisis on a very different and extreme level, he doesn't committed suicide or taught anyone to do it, instead he used it as motivation to find his true purpose and then went on to help and guide countless human beings. Rest is history.
That very enlightened Buddha's calmness and kindness was unmatched when people often used to curse and test him. Once he found his purpose he spent his entire life in the service of others selflessly.
In a similar situation was Swami Vivekananda also, when his father passed out, his family was broke, had nothing to eat, and was in a lot of debt. He used to curse god for his situation. He could have kept on doing it, blaming God and others for all that happened to him, but instead he found his purpose out of those circumstances and went on to become what we today know him as. The great Indian sage, one of the highly renowned philosophers ever.
I learnt this seeing my own social media activity, i myself used to comment randomly and rudely to any random post online. Realised it slowly and controlled it to some extent.
Your opinion counts and matters only if you are willing to give room to others to put their views and respecting them regardless of what they are.
Knowledge is supposed to put value in the lives of others through you and not to make you a rigid and regressive minded individual.
"I know nothing" in my sense means to listen to others and learn from them. We will only be able to listen to others if we first empty our minds and make room for them.