Knowledge Corner-Digital payments-Fake Customer service number of bank!!

Knowledge Corner-Digital payments-Fake Customer service number of bank!!

Modus Operandi: Cyber Criminal insert their mobile number, camouflaging it under Bank customer service Number. When banks customer searches their bank's customer service number on google, they fall prey to a fake customer service number. On contacting this number, the customer is directed to share their confidential data under the pretext of helping them. A vast sum is soon withdrawn from his account using already shared personal data.


Do not believe in customer service numbers obtained through the search engine on the internet. It is likely to be fake.

Always refer to the bank's Customer Service number from its official website in case of need.

?Bank never asks for confidential data from customers and so never share such data with anybody over the phone, even with the bank's executive.

In case of doubt, take the help of the police immediately.


Prof Vitthal Anant D.的更多文章

