Knowing Your True Calling
Dr. Leslie Ademola LION
Serial Entrepreneur | Advisor | Author | Copywriter | Creating high-impact content and converting copy | Building systems to help business owners or founders and entrepreneurs generate $1M and above.
Leadership begins when the in-born capabilities is activated and set you apart in your field of endeavor. You have the opportunity to tap into your creative potential, develop ideas meant to share with people and solve their problems. Therefore knowing your true calling is vital now more than ever before. Some people who claim to have discovered their gifting find it difficult to invest their efforts, time and resources so they could not get reasonable results in life. The basic condition for you is to know what you are doing if your true calling must unveil. In the same way as you want your desire to be accomplished, you must exercise confidence and believe in what you do – this is quite paramount. You should cultivate the habit of exhibiting your innate potential. You should be sensitive to the need of others.
Research has shown that knowing your sense of purpose counts up to seven years of expectancy. Thus you can do all things with most honesty and knowledge because it speaks from the innate abilities including your intuition. You might never have had it, human actions from the influx of reasoning is expected to accomplish anything in life without any barrier. What are the characters you perform that depicts your innate abilities? It is also important to remember it is about you – indeed it is about you, always about you. When you are able to accomplish it by yourself – I call it fulfillment!
Ideally knowing your true calling is indeed a fulfillment. Likewise understanding your purpose and vision drives you to the right direction of fulfillment. Did you understand it? If yes take a look at it from this perspective finding your vision and purpose can be very challenging because you cannot easily perceived your true calling without sensibly searching for it. When you are able to key in to it becomes easier for you to define your purpose and vision. With this sense, you do not become ambiguous in anyway. Definitely it makes you to be more critical, realistic and actionable.
Why is it this way? I believe your true calling lies in your belief system, which gives concrete conviction. Bearing all possibilities in mind can help you achieve a lot in life. What I want you to know is when you are identifying your true calling you must pass through processes with facts and reality. There is need for you to give out more. So ensure you know the things that can make you know your true calling. Certainly you ought to do the things that are most important in developing yourself personally. If you understand what others want there is tendency you will want to give in what will benefits the people. The first things which come to your mind when you think of knowing your true calling (1) know your strengths (2) Go for your passion, never mind critics (3) Be discipline, it makes you think better as long as you can come up with something amazing and realistic. (4) Strong belief makes one to be confident and trust his or herself (5) make others benefits from your gifts and talents.
Strength is a lifetime investment that can yield excellent results. Here lies your true calling; importantly you want to be exhibiting your strengths as long as you are honest to yourself. Something you do easily is your strength and you must overlook your weaknesses perhaps it will make to explore your creativity and intuition in the fascinating world of discovery. Since the innate abilities are in you naturally, there is no cause for alarm. All you need is concentrate on it and develop it personally. However it is expected of you to use them to solve unmet needs. Now you are doing what you are born to do.
Actually it needs to be developed but it is an innate resource that needs constant application. Therefore a better approach is by thinking what you like to embark on. A good sense of what you enjoy is the passion we are talking about.
If you get it right, you will start making your future a perfect one that people will admire you. This is a good indication that you can succeed with your true calling. You have to discover what you are passionate about. In reality you will find your true calling and purpose in life. Perhaps you may see yourself doing great things in an easy manner. It is because is your true calling and that is where you are expected to focus and invest your resources, time and efforts.
When you are passionate about something, you cannot call it a quit. You will be glad you are enjoying what you do. Therefore passion goes along with perseverance and focus. Do not mind much, if you are not getting much result at first when you are doing something you love. But try this, show a sense of discipline with passion; I bet you, you are surely going to become successful. Actually the only problem is that you quit – you cannot really get success with such attitude. Passionate people die for what they love or enjoying doing. The basic situation of achieving success with passion is self discipline.
Discipline is what really makes your true calling to materialize. I want you to firmly fix it in your mind. I had realized it so I want to add discipline to one of the components. I had suggested that what really works for me may equally work for you as long as you follow the principle of being discipline. When you are discipline it fills your heart and mind with positive character. It liberates you to possibilities and at the very best it will turn your mind to something interesting than being just passionate.
It makes an amazing light shine into your life – this is one great tool that ignites you to height of success. Simply turn around everything to fortune, it should be your attitude. You may not find it easier to imbibe discipline overnight but it will be better if you are starting somewhere to grow it perfectly. Possibly it will lead you knowing your true calling.
Strong Belief
Strong beliefs are necessary for your true calling to be a success. How you choose your calling impact your willingness to make life meaningful. Strong belief will help you convey confidence with clarity and determination. Learn to strategize, be committed to improve yourself it gives you strong belief. Anything you desire you get it. Create a niche for yourself, throughout this process you have to be focused. It gives you self satisfaction in your endeavors and getting you to where you desire.
Make Others Benefits from Your Gifts and Talents
Knowingly gifts and talents are parts of your true calling, hope you know that? When you hear someone is unable to find his or her true calling, you are simply saying he or she unable to identify his or her gifts and talents. These two innate abilities where you can discover it as a passion or hobby, they helps you to fulfill life by all means– meeting up expectations and fulfilling dreams and purpose. It is important you leverage on these resources for greater heights in life.
Should I say hopefully you are one of the luckiest persons to understand it thoroughly? This is a determinant to press forward in life. And perhaps you have made up your mind to start up where you are. Here you do not need to only consider yourself, think of others in your community, town, organization, country, or society at large. Even you do same to members of your family, after all leadership starts from the family unit. You ought to start exhibiting your God given abilities, talents, gifts and skills. The people including your family need your unique contributions, who know you could be the change mantra.
Do not forget people are in need they need you to solve their problems. For me I found it pleasant helping people, small and medium businesses to succeed in their fields and industries. These are my value. And I also derived pleasure in helping people creating wealth for their future. The next issue is what do you really like? I have been writing, reading and coaching people to become successful and great in their fields. This is a habit I cannot do without. I enjoy coaching people, writing books, reading books and have got my hands on related subject matters like personal development, self help and improvement, leadership, success, internet, entrepreneurship and wealth creation. What is that value you possess? How do you use it and contribute to people’s lives? I have been able to invest my time, efforts and strengths in this fields I am into today. So I want to help others to lead successful, productive and fulfilling lives.
You have to define your sense of purpose; it guards you to live a meaningful life. Take it as a point of duty to find your true calling it will emerges as you focus more on it, naturally it will unveil itself. Only you can change this day you have chosen to do what you are meant to do.