Knowing Your Self worth
Marriage Therapist Naija
Family Counsellor Couple and Marriage Therapist specializing in Coaching and Communication Skills
What value do you put on yourself?
It is important that you know that you are of great value.
When you know that, no one can put you down(no one can make you feel small).
We are coming to the end of 2023 in a couple days.
You have every reason to be grateful to God.
Be in competition with yourself to outdo your past achievement.
Build meaningful relationships, Be intentional about the growth of your marriage.
Treat your spouse better, be their cheerleader, be their friend not their enemy.
May God open your eyes so that you would see the true nature of the one you want to marry.
So that you would marry who the one that uplifts you not the one that would tear you down/doesn't wish you well.