Knowing What makes ML training converge

Knowing What makes ML training converge

Why to read this?

An ML algorithm is said to converge (learns) when as the iterations proceed the output gets closer and closer to a specific value. In some circumstances, an algorithm will diverge; its output will undergo larger and larger oscillations, never approaching a useful result. 

If you are interested to know about these conditions for convergence, then this document helps.

Technical explanation

Consider an example of a regression model. Say we have N number of data points given, and we want our model to predict the continuous values. With each prediction of model, there is a loss(error) associated with it.

A loss/error is an amount by which real value and predicted value differ. So the basic aim of any model is to minimize this loss/error. In below picture, the algorithm is reducing the loss/error (Note that error values are going down)

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Convergence approach

When formulating a problem in machine learning, we need to come up with a loss function. which uses model weights as parameters. Back-propagation starts at an arbitrary point on the error manifold defined by the loss function and with every iteration intends to move closer to a point that minimises error value by updating the weights. Essentially for every possible set of weights the model can have, there is an associated loss for a given loss function, with our goal being to find the minimum point on this manifold. 

This approach will lead to gradual reduction of loss as shown in below picture. Note that the loss value is decreasing(notice descending slope) in the below picture.

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Convergence methods

Gradient descent approach

Gradient descent is an iterative optimization algorithm used in machine learning to minimize a loss function. The loss function describes how well the model will perform given the current set of parameters (weights and biases), and gradient descent is used to find the best set of parameters.

Gradient descent is slow for large training size. Note that it uses all training data for calculating the loss.

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Stochastic gradient descent

Stochastic gradient descent is a very popular and common algorithm used in various Machine Learning algorithms, most importantly forms the basis of Neural Networks. A neural network model is trained using the stochastic gradient descent optimisation algorithm and weights are updated using the back-propagation of error algorithm.

It is similar to Gradient descent above with the change that loss is calculated based on random subset of data(mini batch). Due to this, this approach is relatively faster

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Conjugate gradient approach

In the conjugate gradient, we go like the Rook in Chess: either horizontally or vertically, never diagonal. This approach is often faster compared to gradient descent.

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Convergence criteria

Learning rate

Rate of learning should be not very low or very high. There are optimisers like Adam which adjusts learning rate adaptively to handle this requirement. Refer here for more detail on this.

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Convergence minima

For good Accuracy, ML training should converge to global minima. Attaining global minima depends on the loss function for the ML model at hand.

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Attaining global minima

If loss function is convex, then algorithm will converge to global minima. Note that it has only one minima. So, those algorithms which uses convex loss function will naturally guarantee global minima. For example. Least square function (used in linear regression) uses convex loss function and so, it guarantees global minima. Refer here for discussion. Same is the case with logistic loss function(Refer here)

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What about global minima for non-convex loss function?

Neural network loss functions are not necessarily convex. This paper talks about condition for attaining global minima for neural networks. Another paper talks about conditions on which neural network reaches global minima.

If learning rate is reduced slowly, then it helps model to attain global minima. Optimiser like Adam provides Adaptive learning rate. Refer this article for detail.

Point to remember

Loss function, cost function and objective functions are similar concept with different naming. 

Thanks to these helping hands


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