Knowing oneself is important because you cannot love something you don’t know and if you do not know yourself you are prone to self judgment, guilt, shame, low self worth etc. There is no way you can be happy, no way to feel that everything is exactly, deliciously as it should be if you are not exactly deliciously as you should be, or you are never sure that you are since you do not know who you are

This is the reality. It’s what reality is about. We usually know others. But We do not know ourself entirely. When a person knows themselves they know everything. No illusions or curtains things hide behind are possible anymore for them to be lied to or misled or have sleight of hand pulled on them anymore. They know reality in full. They know their fellow men and they know the world. So many people try to push ideas today that claim reality and ethics and right and wrong are subjective to interpretation, angle of sight, personalization, opinion, and etc. It’s all a bunch of misinformation. In the end there is reality. Reality is real whether we can see it or not. It’ isn’t subjective. Reality is what is really going on regardless of people’s opinions. The thing that keep people from seeing it all is blindness in themselves to themselves. 

The first step to gaining a good understanding of yourself is to identify your values and strengths. Your values reveal themselves when you feel strongly about certain things and your strengths are evinced in activities which you are naturally drawn towards, excel in and feel good about.

The more you know yourself, the more clarity there is. Self-knowledge has no end. This means you don’t come to an achievement, you don’t come to a conclusion. It is an endless river

Know your desires. Handle them, don’t let them handle you.


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