Not Knowing in sales will cost you
Sean Sweeney
I am passionate about helping IT professionals solve security and business problems.
As a salesperson for the last 30 years, it's eye-opening to come across a training program that pushes you and allows you to see the truth behind what it means to be a professional salesperson versus an amateur. Not knowing what you do not know causes you to lose millions and millions of dollars over your sales career. We believe that we are experts because we can sell merchandise better than others but only because we're in a situation that allows us to do so and over time we figure out a few things that work, allowing us to feed our families. However, I'm going to consider myself to be an amateur salesperson (not anymore) because I was not using anything that could clearly tell me exactly how much money I was going to make or how to handle every single objection that came my way, it was all guesswork.
I do not know about you but using a sales script on the phone was very uncommon for me over the last 30 years. If I started a new job, I would have occasionally used one because I didn't want to get off track based on questions being thrown at me by the prospect. However, it would not take long for me to abandon any script because I thought I knew it all and so I would just wing it as I was making calls. As I think back, I wonder how many sales this smug attitude cost me? I dare not tell my wife, as I believe she'd want a few extra vacations from the lost revenue that I didn't bring home. Had I known about all the little things like; if I follow up with a person during the call via text or at a minimum within Sixty Seconds of hanging up the phone, my opportunity to close that prospect will go by 500%. Yes, I said 500%! Or if an inbound lead comes in and we follow up within 60 seconds to 120 seconds that we increase our chances of closing that opportunity by 400%. and I'm not talking about sending an automated email thanking them for connecting to us on our website. I'm actually saying that we have to pick up the phone or text them in a personal way to drive that type of number. It does not seem like a big effort to increase by 400%, what would that do for your commission cheque or the companies top-line revenue? I think if we'd known these facts that we would be doing it every single time, right?
What about follow up? Oh my God, my whole career has been around what's scheduled in my CRM management tool or that of my reps, and I never thought about being creative around follow-up, simply schedule it and make the call. FUN FACT: Did you know that only 52% of the leads that you provide to your sales team get followed up on, at all? If you want to increase your top-line then simply increase your follow-up in a professional manner, that's how important it is! But what system do you have in place to insure these prospects are being covered and managed properly? What system is in place to make sure that your salespeople are creative with their follow-up and they're not just saying the same thing over and over again delaying the sale or worse costing you the sale? Exactly none! And like me, we think because there's a CRM system in our business that follow-up is automatically being done to the best of their ability. Well, I'm here to tell you that, in fact, it's probably not true and it's costing you thousands and thousands of dollars, if not Millions upon Millions.
Well, how do you solve all this? We chose Grant Cardone as our training partner and we believe he can do wonders for your business. From the greeting to close he has you covered (and much more). But do not take it from me just try some of his products. We believe in his system so much that we have become affiliates. Please: check it out for yourself by using our link below. Thank you
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