Bijay Kumar Khandal
Communication Coach | Leadership Coach | Career Coach | Productivity Coach | Relationship Coach| Executive Coach| BCC | PCC
Year-end is the time of the year when we are hopeful. We get a belief that something will change; something good will happen; life will transform.
In this situation, there are two categories of people.
a) Those who hope that good thing will happen and do nothing.
b) Secondly, some start reflecting on what went right, what went wrong, what was good, what was great.
People in the second category are the ones who make things happen.
I was reflecting on my 2020 to prepare for 2021.
I found 10 things that can make our life fulfilling.
In my next 10 articles, I will cover 1 point in each and help you make your life fulfilling.
Let's deep dive into the first point today.
- The most important thing to focus on is to understand who we are.
When I say identifying who we are, what I mean is to identify our
- Strengths
- Weaknesses
- Area of giftedness
- passion
These are not straightforward to identify. We need to do a lot of soul-searching, and most importantly, truthful to our feelings.
Inspired by an Arabic saying
He who doesn't know and don't know that he doesn't know is a fool; avoid him.
He who doesn't know and knows that he doesn't know is teachable; teach him.
He who knows and doesn't know that he knows is asleep; PIM can wake him.
He knows and knows that he knows he is eligible to be a mentor; take him as your Mentor.
Let's nail down the secret of identifying our strength.
How to identify our strengths?
To identify our strengths, the first thing we need to do is identify our area of giftedness.
What is giftedness?
In the area of your giftedness, you will be natural. You will find it easier to accomplish results. You will have the stamina to persist.
Most importantly, you can see things that others can't in your area of giftedness.
If giftedness is such a fantastic thing, then how come the majority of us are not working in our area of giftedness?
The answer to it is interesting. To identify our gift in life is like a treasure hunt. It is inside us, and we have to search for it.
The clue for that is in front of us, but we neglect it.
The first clue is boredom or mundaneness in our present work that is giving us a good life.
We all will feel the brunt of mundaneness and boredom at some point in our life. That's the way God is talking to us to go for identifying the treasure of "Giftedness."
Many times we neglect it thinking that's life. We hide under the pretext of maturity. We start believing we have no choice; We assume that our responsibilities are not allowing us to think and reflect. or the worst we start feeling, why to dig in this direction? Because, The more we dig, the more painful it becomes.
3 Behaviors 3 Outcomes
The first behavior people chose is they assume life is supposed to be boring, and they take it as a burden and never come to know why they received the human body. So, they play the role of a victim.
In the second behavior, people achieve success in terms of money & fame. So, now they don't want to risk this money and fame.
If they have to hunt for their area of giftedness, they need to risk, which is an immense pain. This behavior indicates the mindset of "Save the kingdom."
In the third behavior, people achieve success, and they realize it's okay, but they believe something is beyond success.
It's not the greed that is driving them, it's their inner curiosity that is driving them, and they realize that success is not enough. So, they start scratching the surface again. Like eagles, they break their beak and tear their old feathers to get the new ones. This group has the mindset of "Setting new trends."
Let me encourage you to take the first bold step and start asking yourself the following question?
- Is this my maximum potential?
- Am I where I am supposed to be, or can I go beyond?
- Have my comfort zone become my graveyard?
- Am I at the juncture of life where I need to restart?
- Am I scared to restart?
- Do I need to learn some new skills?
- Is it time for finding a coach to help me unleash my potential?
I am sure these questions will provoke you to expand your horizon.
If you need my help, let's sit for a virtual coffee cup, and let me help you identify yourself.
#clarity #awareness #growth #resolution
Human Resources| Performance |Total Rewards | Employee Experience
4 年Wow this is so amazing, just looking forward for this session to kickstart and become aware of my strengths and work on the opportunities.