What does it take for someone to love what we are doing??I mean someone working in our business.
My friend told me about going to a shop last week, asking for a product, to hear the salesperson say:?“If that’s what you want, I wouldn’t buy it here.?I get my own from X, down the road, it’s cheaper there.”
If the customer is in the shop ready to buy, why would a staff member sabotage the transaction??Perhaps the so-called salesperson:
- feels that price is the only selection criterion that matters;
- doesn’t appreciate the simple economics of denying the business their anticipated income;
- cannot make a case for some other buying motive, besides price (convenience for one);
- doesn’t mind endangering their hold on the job;
- is happy to put out a scenario that is bound to be broadcast—as my aghast friend has done (and by the way, she did go to the competitor);
- feels no respect for the leader of the business;
- probably suffers from na?ve realism (believing that everyone sees the world as they do);
- doesn’t love the business they are representing.
Obviously, the salesperson must take responsibility for their actions.?They are doing the opposite of what they should.
So it may seem crazy when I say that the root of the problem is not here, it’s with us.
In his book Leaders Eat Last, Simon Sink says:
That the salesperson of my anecdote felt that they could send a customer away with impunity is an indication that leadership has gone missing—certainly in person (who would stand aside for this?) and in spirit.?
The leader sets the standard by word and action—so that every staff member sees how to respond to the customer:
- Recruit by values before skills and aptitude.?Probably less than 25% of the working population can sell comfortably.?We find it hard to approach people, to know what to say, how to say it and how to close the deal to the customer’s delight.?Each of these can be taught, and when the customer walks into a shop with cash or their card in hand, it doesn’t come any easier.?When interviewing sales people, we look for behavioural evidence of alignment with our values.
- Empower our staff to give the customer a better deal.?Increasingly today, customers are attuned to bargaining for a lower price—let our staff engage the customer in this conversation and get a win-win.?Show our people how much they have to play with.?Allow them a margin to deal with so that they can offer what is needed to achieve most sales.
- Teach our people about the non-price attributes of the offering—convenience, quality, add-ons, timeliness, loyalty programs, product knowledge, buyer comfort, delivery.?If we are successful in one or more of these, customers will not mind paying reasonable extra money for our product.?By the way, if we have a sales manager, they need to be talking and behaving as if they were us.
- In times of downturn, look after people.?Nothing will be more appreciated than us giving them a hand when they feel under threat from adverse economic conditions, such as the current mortgage rate and rental cost stampede.?When every other business is tightening their belt to protect their margin, make a point of protecting our people.
- Making a profit is the undeniable point of being in business—it’s axiomatic.?An equally undeniable point of being in business is looking after our people: hire when others are cutting; pay them more than the industry minimum, and our competitor and look to their development.?Also, promote from within wherever possible—those who are living our desired culture are invaluable.
What is the likely outcome of these leadership behaviours??The chances are that trust and loyalty would grow.?One of the great unmet needs of most people at work is a sense of belonging.?Our challenge as leader is to help people feel that they belong—Sinek’s Circle of Safety.
Then staff will come to love our business.?
Then will they begin to know our customer. ?
Next week:?How to Say Yes
Jeff Bell?is Principal of executive consultancy ResultsWise in Perth, Western Australia.?To boost your leadership, ask Jeff about consulting, coaching, strategy facilitation, Band of Leaders Australia (BoLA) [email protected] or Advanced Leadership Course [email protected]. Mobile 0439 988 662.?