Knowing The Major Mistakes That Web Developers Tend To Make
Web development services : When it comes to developing a website, there seems to be an endless amount of options to choose from, especially for web developers. The main aim of a web developer should be to develop a website that works in modern circumstances – with the help of professional web development services. Additionally, the developer should also choose a web hosting service that is competent enough to handle the load of the entire website code and operations.
Even though how easy the process might seem, web developers are very much susceptible to making major and minor mistakes. Therefore, in this article, we’ll be discussing the major mistakes that most web developers tend to make. And if you are a web developer running professional website development services, you need to ensure that you take care of the following mistakes and thereby try avoiding them at all costs.
Learning About The Significant Mistakes That Web Developers Tend To Make
1. Trying To Write HTML Code That Is Old School
In the earlier days of the internet, there were much fewer options when it came to markup language than what it is today. However, sometimes, it can be pretty difficult to let old habits die and start using almost the same code as if we’re back in the 1990s.
Therefore, if web developers proceed with writing HTML that is old and unoptimised can lead to the website code being overcomplicated. Such an issue will start behaving differently across multiple web browsers. Moreover, in the web browsers of today, you don’t even need that amount of complex coding procedure.
Therefore, the best way to avoid such a mishap would be to limit the use of tabular data. Furthermore, it’s suggested that you use CSS – with the help of a professional web development company.
2. Trying To Bug Test The Website On Only A Single Browser
When a developer becomes fond of a certain web browser in specific, he or she may start testing web pages with that recent bias in mind. Generally, web developers should check the operability of a website on multiple devices and web browsers to ensure that there is no such discrepancy in the functioning of the web pages. Sometimes, a web page may render 90 per cent correctly on Browser A but may fail to load even 50 per cent in Browser B. Thus, writing code with a specific web browser in mind may lead to the website not performing well on others.
Even though it’s not at all practical to check your developed web pages in every web browser throughout the development procedure – you can at least have a regular interval of checking your website’s operability with the top web browsers that are popular as of today.
3. Trying To Write Code That “Should” Work
It doesn’t matter whether the web developer is trying to run the code on the server or in Javascript, sometimes the deployed website code fails to work even if it has been confirmed by the developer to be in a working state. This is because the developer hasn’t done proper error checking before finally launching the webpage.
Such a type of error not only mars the user experience but also allows hackers to steal sensitive information from the website. Therefore, as a developer, you should always ensure to implement good techniques to prevent errors in website code and thereby catch them before making the webpage live. Moreover, also set up error-friendly pages like HTTP 404s – with the help of a professional website development company.
4. Trying To Build Meaningless Pages
Building web pages that don’t provide any hints to the search engines regarding what type of content it is showing, will not be discoverable through search engines. Therefore, the same web pages will be receiving almost little to no visits, which makes the whole work that is put into creating the web page, go to waste.
Therefore, it’s suggested to use SEO or Search Engine Optimisations along with accessibility support in HTML. Moreover, when it comes to SEO, be sure to provide relevant tags, keywords and descriptions for the same. Also, ensure that you use services such as Google Analytics to track the progress of your website.