Knowing Him:
Knowing Him:
For all this we would not underestimate the importance of mere knowing about. Its value lies in its ability to rouse us to desire to know in actual experience. Thus knowledge by description may lead on to knowledge by acquaintance.
May lead on, I say, but does not necessarily do so.
Thus we dare not conclude that because we learn about the Spirit we for that reason actually know Him.
Knowing Him comes only by a personal encounter with the Holy Spirit Himself.
How shall we think of the Spirit? A great deal can be learned about the Holy Spirit from the word spirit itself.
Spirit means existence on a level above and beyond matter; it means life subsisting in another mode.
Spirit is substance that has no weight, no dimension, no size nor extension in space. These qualities belong to matter and can have no application to spirit.
Yet spirit has true being and is objectively real. If this is hard to visualize, just pass it up, for it is at best but a clumsy attempt of the mind to grasp that which is above the mind's powers.
And no harm is done if in our thinking about the Spirit we are forced by the limitations of our intellects to clothe Him in the familiar habiliments of material form.
So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature.
Galatians 5:16
Spirit means existence on a level above and beyond matter; it means life subsisting in another mode. Spirit is substance that has no weight, no dimension, no size nor extension in space.
Holy Spirit, we long to know You, to have a personal encounter with You.