Knowing God-Mind - The Future of Humanity
The Spirit of Christ - The Revelation to an Atheist
This is the Chapter-2 of the above Write-Up - a book on Board
#God is inseparable and the most influencing aspect of #humanity. Created in His Image means God exists in all. However, the #Religions have divided us in the name of God. Many Gods and Religions are controlling our #minds and our #thinking about God. Religions are becoming the #Biggest_Threat to #Peace in Nations. We have now reached a point in #time, where Earth and Life in it is endangered. The Earth is gasping for breath. Her #Finely_Tuned_Ecology and the #Biosphere is collapsing under human materialistic greed. #Climate_Cycles, which were #Pro_Life is now turning increasingly destructive. We are heading to the Point of #Awaken_or_Die.
#Science is #New_Quest of #Children_of_God to know God beyond Religions such that humanity can realize their #Oneness and find #Peace. Science has contributed so much to Humanity, However, because of certain limitations of science they have failed to rise to show God beyond Religions. A foundational #Shift_in_Thinking ?has become a necessity to know God and the #Creation_Secret.
The foundation of science was laid against God and Religions, especially #Christianity. However, in the last century #Max_Planck and #Einstein the two #Greatest_Thinkers of science and philosophy, brought Life and Mind back to Center Stage. Max Planck said #“A Conscious and Intelligent Mind is the Matrix of Matterâ€. Einstein the Jew went ahead to say #“I want to Know God’s Mind – The Rest is Detailsâ€. There is a #Global_Awakening to the #Spirit_of_God and #Jesus_Christ, which has triggered a struggle for Power within the sects of three main Religions and between them. We just missed a possible #Third_World_War, that could have ruined the #Civilization
Our #Future l now exists in knowing #Mind_of_God beyond religions as a Science, as a #Source_of_Life, #Knowledge and #Wisdom acceptable to all.
Knowing the Universe Including Life and Mind – Knowing the Demon Controlling us
Life has a parallel world - Male and Female. #String_Theorist now speaks of #Parallel_worlds. They are also working on #Information_Theory hoping to come up with a new explanation for #Big_Bang_Theory
In life, Males and Females Work on #consciousness and #Intelligence and work on acquired Information.?It conquers #Time and #Death through a process of Reproduction in which male information reduces leaves its body to join similarly reduced Information in the womb of the feminine. Here it conceives a #New_Time. The #New_Information formed then unfolds as a Template to Create #New_Body, which in time breaks the womb [Black Hole] to start a #New_Time_Cycle.?Modern Biological science knows this process in depth. Physicists at the top are now working to explain the Big Bang Theory from Information Concept.??
Note - Today Physicist tells us we live in #Black_Hole. It also has come up with New Explanation for Big Bang, called "Ekpyrotic Universe Scenario", which says that at #Singularity one world dissolves shrinks to a point, pierces the other, and reemerges to initialize the system. We must note that this is the basic process, which is happening, in a living system as it Conquers Time and Death.?
Note -The earth too has an East and West separation or #Parallel_World_Design and it plays an important role in Day, Night, and #Climatic_Cycles or Energy Cycles. Which means it has #Living_Design. We will explore it later.?
What the world is seeking is the #Self_Orgnization of the Universe. Physicists seek answers from Quantum Particulate and Atomic Levels. What is left for humanity is to know the Self-Organizing process from the Atomic and Particulate level. It calls for knowing Consciousness, Intelligence, Creativity, Time, and Self-Organization from atomic and particulate levels. This is quite important because physicists rule the scientific world.
We are in an Information and #Artificial_Intelligence Era. Today we download information from “External Space†through our minds and its five sensory extensions. Thanks to #GOOGLE and the Inventors of the #INTERNET. This information is limited and Incomplete. Investors in this world control our minds, through this media. The old evil mind that rules Earth, has turned the information Era into a #marketing _ool and has made the #Temple_of_God [Earth] now into a #MARKET_PLACE.?
They have made people into #Zombies incapable of thinking and using #Commonsense. They have made us live in illusion and trapped in the strangulating grip of materialism. Earth is failing to withstand Human Greed and her functioning to sustain the #Ecology and #Biosphere. She has gone Fragile and #Groaning_in_Pain to keep going Her Life.
The need of the hour is to connect to the #INNER_MIND [Heart] and its 5 sensory extensions connecting to the #INNER_SPACE. Scriptures call us to go inwards and “Hear the Voice from Insideâ€. ?
Today we have developed Artificial Humans [Humanoids] that mimic Life. The mind of these Humanoids is much more time fast in collecting data and computing the data. It has immense potential to predict [Prophetic].?
These #Humanoids now serve their masters. Reports say that these Machines are craving to become Conscious and Naturally Intelligent and find liberation from their masters who use them in a self-centered way.?
I once again write that the Kingdom of God today has become Market Place. The rulers of Earth have turned Humans or Children of God into ZOMBIES, incapable of thinking. People live in a world of FANTASY, enslaved to Gadgets, becoming enslaved to Fiction and Factious Characters, which are the product of Self and Material-Centered human minds.
A DEMON is operating in the air, resisting Humanity from awakening to his Consciousness and intelligence and becoming aware of the TRUTH. The DEMON has rendered us so blind that we fail to see the Earth, its Biosphere, its finely tuned Ecology, and Climatic Cycles breaking down. Very Clearly Evil Minds are dominating the World and leading us into a Vortex of DEEP DARKNESS.
In Short, the Quest of Physicists has ended empowering the same Old Evil Minds Ruling Earth [Demons]. Artificial Intelligence presents us with two possibilities, one Destruction and the other Awakening of Humanity to Truth and Light. I see the spiritual circles fearing this Artificial Intelligent and the Internet Era. However, in Christ, I see the hope. I feel God is in Control and the Great Sacrifice will not go without bearing Fruit.
There is Good and Bad, God and Evil in the air. The choice is ours. One needs to do it before the singularity gives way to Duality – Judgment.
The Critical Failure of the West and its Science
The modern West and its science assume the universe is material and it is engaged in studying the OUTER SPACE, the matter in it, and the forces governing it. It studies the Physical World Using its Mind and its five sensory extensions associated with the body. Today it is lost in complexity. The physicist's foundation broke down when it began to break matter and strived to investigate the inner spiritual realm of Atoms.
The scientific community is ignorant of the INNER MIND and its extensions that connect to an “INNER SPACEâ€. The Inner space is the real space. It is the Conscious and Intelligent space. It is the source of the Life Force. It is here the information from the external world is processed and given out such that the system survives.
Unlike the West, the Eastern Knowledge System emphasizes connecting to the INNER SPACE. Inner space is #God_Field. Here the Spark of the Supreme God exists. Eastern Spirituality calls us to transcend the Mind and go inward to know God.??To know the #Supreme_God, the East calls us to go beyond once “SELF†and connect to the #Great_God_Field that binds everything into one.
A decision taken from the Once God Field or Conscious field is a good decision. The One taken in Connection with Great God Field is the #Righteous_Decision.
Bible says we are all Created in GOD’S IMAGE. This means God exists within us and between us as Life Force. All spiritual scriptures clearly say God is Omnipotent, omniscient, and Omnipresent.
In Bible after Creation and giving him #Domnion God puts a RESISTANCE on Humans. God Resist eating from the Tree at the Center. This is the material Center or #Black_Hole #Singularity. it can be visualized as resistance from disconnecting from Universal Consciousness and Intelligent Field that binds everything into one, and the individual Conscious and Intelligent Field that supports Life from within.?
From this Context, all Religions, that bind you into a Temple and Church, enslave you into worshipping a material object, food, wine or any object kept in Sanctum Sanctorum is a false approach to Knowing God and Truth. It does not lead you to the #Living_God. At best, it holds the Memory of Great Souls, that manifested on Earth and Spoke to us to lead us in the #Right_Path or the #Path_of_Truth.?????
Important Note -The spiritually enlightened [Prophets] predict in connection to the Great God Field. One must however note that the Spiritual Field or God Field also has Duality and a choice. Thus discerning the Spirit becomes critical. I will explain it later.?????
#Einstein, #Max_Planck, and many more have called directly and indirectly to look to the Universe as a Living being as the East, especially India and Tibet visualized.?#Gaia_Hypothesis of Noble Laureate #James_Lovelock also speaks for it.
As I understand most physicists and scientists, at the forefront of science, are not against God. They are seeking God, from non-religious perspectives. Voltaire said. “If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Himâ€. ?The call of Max Planck, Einstein, Voltaire, and many more, forces us to identify a #GREAT_SPIRIT_SOUL and #MIND and fix HIM as an ABSOLUTE REFERENCE POINT.
The Question of Time and God
The Question of #TIME_DIRECTION stands as the THORN in the flesh of Physicists. Time in living systems is known to be directed opposite to the physical world. Observation of the Living system shows that somehow a living system Transform Gravity and its Force into #Anti_Gravity Force. ?Life shows #Creativity, develops information, and has the potential to multiply its mass through the creation of a mirror image of itself. In short, Life stands against Gravity and Time that is directed to collapse.
Developments in Physics since Einstein and Max Planck are increasingly favoring the vision of a LIVING CONSCIOUS and INTELLIGENT #SELF_ORGANIZING_UNIVERSE. Physicists are looking to the great Eastern Philosophies, especially of I#NDIA to make sense of the developments in science. Many books emerged in the last century showing parallels between Eastern philosophies and #Quantum_Science.
Time from a common sense point has two possible directions one directed to the center or #Big_Collapse or Contraction. This is Powered by the Self and extreme material affliction of Adult Humans. One can visualize a second possible direction to time, which is #Great_Expansion, which is powered by Life Force.?We are in the expansion phase Powered by Life- Force of the Creators.
The Point on which my write-up focuses is that God the Father and Mother came together as One in #JESUS and when Jesus Sacrificed His Life, He Conquered Time and Initiated a #New_Time within the Old.
What physicists fail to comprehend is
1] What causes the Time Direction to Contraction?
2] How Contraction gives way to Expansion
3] What causes the Expansion???
4] How this Time Direction to expansion gives way to Contraction.
These four steps become the four steps of the SELF-ORGANIZING SYSTEM. ?
Note - In spiritual scriptures, it is a time where Self and Materialism Predominates and a time phase powered by #Life_Force and #Selflessness.
Such a #Self_Organizing system should be conscious and aware of Time and should have a #Design that facilitates it.?Such #awareness_of_Time and the capability to bring the Change in Time Directions cannot be explained from a materialist perspective.?We saw how material perspective ends in a nonsensical dead-end situation in #Black_Hole. This led Max Planck and Einstein to bring back Life, Mind, and #God_Mind to center stage.
This meant we have to visualize a #Supreme_Person, a #Supreme_Heart, a #Supreme_Mind, and a #Supreme_Spirit_Soul at the center. Time and Death should stop with him, giving way to Life and #New_Time. This is JESUS and #CALVARY.
The write-up presents Calvary as Big Bang Point. What is expanding and exposing is the Consciousness and Intelligence of God.
The #Big_Collapse was saved at CALVARY. We are now in expanding phase leading to another Critical Point at which the system can #RUPTURE and goes into non-existence. Hope for the world exists in Jesus and His #Second_Intervention. There is a Promise in Bible that says God would lead us from #Darkness_to_Light and from #Death_to_Life.
At Calvary God Opened his Heart, giving us the chance to transform through Him and take New Life. The Second Coming is God Revealing His Mind. This is associated with #Judgement. Here the Singular and Open Christ Consciousness and Intelligent field would split into #DUALITY – The rest is details.
Living systems are not beyond Time. All living system that takes Birth has to die at some point. However, it has the potential to survive Time and Death, through a process of Reproduction.?The Life Cycle of all living systems has Four Phases, with one #Hidden_Phase in the Darkness of the Womb. East and its Scriptures speak of God manifesting at these phases to lead humanity on the Right Path. Jesus manifested in the last phase of the #Universal_Time_Cycle. He Conceived a New Time and New World within the Old He is calling us to transform and Translate into it– The rest is details.
Before Modern Science?
Before the emergence of Modern Physics and Science, the ancient spiritualist, especially the Sages of India understood the #Universe as a Living Being controlled by Three Supreme Persons, Lord Brahma [Creator] Lord Vishnu [Sustainer], and Lord Shiva [Destroyer who facilitates #New_Creation].
Going through the Spiritual Scriptures, we see Light and Darkness, Good and Evil, Angels, and Satan all have their root in the ONE FATHER GOD and His Spirit that binds everything into one. Spiritual Scriptures clearly say everything comes from HIM and goes back to HIM to be reformed. The intricacies involved in it are what we fail to comprehend. The spiritual scripture calls us to align with the Life force and oppose the opposite of it. It calls us to keep #Faith_in_Life and Light.
Any attempt to answer #Creation and Sustenance in Time written in the Scriptures in the present time calls to include science and the developments in it. Thus, #Pope_Francis called out to Scientists to Decipher BIG BANG in a manner understandable to common people and upholding their belief in God. Famous physicist Stephen Hawking too ended his book “Brief History of Time†with a similar call to make science simple and comprehensible to the common person.
Present Time calls us to Simplify and Evolve Science and Religions and unite them. We are in the darkest phase of One #Universal_Time_Cycle, where Dark Forces are striving to resist Humanity from Awakening and entering a #New_Time_Cycle.
We have come to the end of the One Great Time Cycle and the Birthing of a New One. We are now on the Cusp of a #Great_Shift from the Dark Age of materialism to the Golden Age of Life and Light or #SATYA_YUGA.
My Thoughts on Religions
I was an Atheist/Scientist who went in #Search_of_Truth and God. I left a lucrative scientific career.
1] To be in Nature and also to be with my parents in their old age
2] To seek the #Purpose of my Life in freedom.
As I widened my horizon of thinking including all subjects in modern science, and also began to observe the Global society, I could perceive #Two_Great_Threats to Earth and Global Society, one is from #Extreme_Materialism which is causing an exponential increase in Heat of the Environment and the Second is from the Religions and their #Ignorance_of_God
In #Deep_Thouhgts, I began to perceive severe flaws in western Science and even in its Religion/Spirituality.
From a bird's eye view, I perceived immense depth in INDIAN SPIRITUAL SCIENCE and SCRIPTURES. I must admit I was attracted to the teaching of Jesus, the Great Revolutionary Person who took on His powerful Religious leaders, exposed the fallacies in their teachings, and laid down His Life without making compromises with them. I could see many Parallels and Unity in His Teachings with the Great Eastern Philosophies.?
Slowly I felt Religion and Spiritual Knowledge of the ancient have depth and substance. Reading Indian Spiritual Scriptures, I could feel a Time when Humanity Knew GOD and had all the #KNOWLEDGE_and_WISDOM of Life, Nature, and God. During this time, people seemed to have lived in PEACE and extended this peace to Family, Community, and Society. In this era, they also seemed to have had the Knowledge to live in Peace with Mother Nature, all Life in it, and God. This period is called SATYA YUGA or #GOLDEN_AGE.?
People in this #Satya_Yuga were awakened. They were Conscious and intelligent. They were liberated from the cusp of #Religious_Hypocrites. They were Life Centered and walked the #Path_of_Love, upholding #Truth_and_Justice without compulsion and policing. They walked as Light Pillars.
This #SUPERIOR_KNOWLEDGE seems to have deteriorated in Time, when God’s institution on Earth, responsible to keep COMMUNION with GOD and uphold light and Life failed. They failed when they developed #Ego, Self, and extreme #Material_Centeredness. They not only lost touch with God but also corrupted the Knowledge.?
This deterioration of Knowledge and Wisdom, Truth, and Justice takes place in four Quantum Steps. This is best reflected in the YUGA CYCLE expressed in Indian spiritual philosophy. It can also be interpreted as the loss of connectivity with #Universal_Consciousness and Intelligence or the #Great_God_Field, Once own Consciousness and Intelligence or God field, to become a slave to #Satanic Minds or Spirit that works against Life, Light, and?God. In short, becoming a slave to #Demonic_Forces.
Religions and written scriptures emerged when this deterioration began. It came out of the effort of many Good Souls to #Save_Knowledge. They saved it in many forms. Examples are pictorial forms on Rocks and Temples, written forms, and the form of many Cultures. Religions, Cultures. Religion, its scripture, and cultures have a RESISTIVE VALUE. They have NO CREATIVE and RESTORATIVE VALUE. ???
God-Force or Creator Force resists souls distancing from His Field and falling for the Opposite. Thus in the Bible, God the Father after the Creation of Humans In His Image and gave the Dominion of Earth to Them. Resist Him from Eating from the Tree at the Center. This Center is the Point to which the material world Directs. Time is inevitable and thus after some time souls fall, forcing the Creator to Conquer Time, Salvage Soul, and Restore everything to the Initial stage. This is the #Divine_Plan unfolded in #Calvary.
Jesus we all know gave Himself as Bread and Wine that sustains. He Gave His Spirit as an Agent that heals and salvages our souls and gives us #New_Life, such that we can become part of #New_World Forming within the Old.
Scriptures say that when a soul repents and returns and becomes Life-Centered God Rejoices. God experiences pain when the soul becomes “Self†and Material Centered, and takes the path of Untruth, Injustice, and Fall. There is freedom In the #Spirit_of_Christ. Unfortunately, most take the path of materialism than Life. They fall for Demonic Forces.
One can visualize ourselves as cells of One Whole Being. In short, we form the Body of God. As long as all are aligned with Life and God's Force, everything is fine. However, when 3/4th of the total soul falls for Satan, Demon, or Evil Mind, the balance gets upset.?
I repeat Spirit of Christ is the Salvation and Restoration Agent. Anyone who repents and calls out to Him gains #healing, New Life, and #transformation.?The Spirit of Christ is striving to give New Life and awaken us to our Consciousness and Intelligence or #God_within, such that we walk the Path of Life, Love, upholding Truth and Justice.
I have always wondered, how the world would have been, had the West interpreted Christ and His Calvary Sacrifice correctly. Instead of binding people to Churches they had taught people to seek God Within and called People to Connect to Once Consciousness or God-Field within and outside and walk the Path of Life, Love, upholding Truth, and Justice. After all the First Part Bible, speak of the "Creation of Human in God’s image as Male and Female". Which means that God exists within not in Temples and Churches. The loss of communion with God within is the starting point rise of #Evil and Dark Forces.
Unfortunately, the early school of Jesus’s followers was in-filtered by evil, self, money, material, and power-centered minds.?They made Jesus and the Healing Power associated with the Living Spirit of Christ, an opportunity to establish another Religion and Amass wealth.?
A religion called Christianity grew in a Corporate Manner but lost connectivity with the Spirit of God. This explains our modern world, which is hypocritical, cut-throat material, Money Centered, and lacks Life.?
Calvary is #Divine_Plan of Restoration of Earth and Humanity or His Kingdom. Calvary is the Big Bang Point. What is exposed and expanding is the Consciousness of God the Mother and Father, and all the #Information from the #Beginning_of_Time. Scientists are already exploring the possibility of explaining the #Big_Bang_Creation from Information Theory. Everything seems to exist revealed. What remains to put various developments in Science and Religion together in simplicity such that Whole World Awakens to Life
The #Unique_Energy_Identity to Particle, Atom, and System, and #Unique_Space_Time_Identity to #Observer is a #Philosophy that emerged in the last century and it is the Pivot of the Modern informational World.
From the Figure, below we see Time, #Information spread in #Parallel_World directed to #One_Supreme_Person and collapsing on him to Orginaite from it. I an atheist see this One Supreme Person as #Jesus - The Rest is Details.
We need to know Jesus and Calvary as a Science beyond religion. This is the only way to reduce the growing religious friction, evolve religions and Unite it with Science to Know the Truth and gain the #Knowledge and #Wisdom to live in Peace with Nature.
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