Know Yourself is to Grow Yourself!
Maria Simonetti
Actively looking for my next role. Passionate about working in an international environment. Customer and service oriented. Excellent communication skills, hands on mentality.
Creating a vision of what of what will genuinely make you happy you must be honest and truthful with yourself. You need to know and understand yourself well.
Most of the time, people fall into the trap of thinking that an ideal life is simply one in which you are fabulously wealthy, live in a huge house and drive the newest BMW. Now, none of these things are bad, don't get me wrong. Plenty of people have all these things and they are still unhappy and unfulfilled.
The image I want you to create is one in which life really works for you. Of course, financial security is a concern. That is one factor. How do you want to spend your time? What drives you? What challenges excite you? I want you to think about a life in which you enjoy what you're doing and express your unique individuality. A balanced life where you have time for friends, family, relaxation, fitness and fun. A life free from the pressures of burnout, exhaustion and tiredness. That time has passed when the ideal life simply meant more money, as 2020 taught us all something. Many people are choosing to turn their back on high salaries when they are expected to work long hours under high pressure. They are realizing that enjoying life and doing what really speaks to your soul matters more.
The pursuit of material success is one option, but learning to appreciate other options available to you is sustaining long-term
. A client of mine who worked in New York for an investment bank was earning in a high salary in the financial sector. He had that big house, fancy car, a couple of kids in private school but felt a disconnection. He decided to quit and and instead decided to do something that he felt connected to and felt a true sense of himself. He decided to start a consultancy company and work directly with people and engage more. That was something that was missing in his previous job.. He said in a coaching session, "my perception of success was not bringing me happiness, to me or my family". He recognized where his priorities should have been and found the courage to live a more sustainable and ideal life.
Was there a loss of prestige of giving up a high-paying salary? The answer is to look beyond what others think and make your opinion for yourself as that is the only one that counts.
As we are coming to the close of 2023 and give yourself the gift of imagining your ideal life. Put aside your judgements and questions and write it down, in no more than ten lines. Don't worry about the details, this is the first draft.
But it's crucial to tale full responsibility for actively creating the specific results you want. No more blame game towards anyone for your dissatisfaction you may feel about your life. You can't be angry for results you don't have for the work you didn't do.
I have coached successful people in their 40-s - 50's who are established in their career and need and crave that change. There was some resistance at first of the challenge of not living in their own shadow.
My challenge to you is to ask yourself who do you want to be and do your decisions reflect what you really want out of life and do they demonstrate who you really are?
If this resonates with you, and you want to have a chat. Reach out.