Know Your Why to Know Your Way
ITeffectivity, LLC
IT Executive Advisory - Helping IT leaders achieve business results through effective leadership capabilities
In the words of Simon Sinek - “Passion alone can’t cut it. For passion to survive it needs structure. A why without how has little probability of success.”
My journey in discovering my WHY resulted in the HOW by my becoming an IT Executive Coach. I share my story in hopes it inspires your own. It is also a story about the power of partnership and trust in another. I invite you to travel with me as I make my way down memory lane.
For those who have followed my articles, you most likely already know that I have self-identified as an IT professional for the past 40 years. I started working in IT in 1977, a time when women in IT were quite rare. Because I worked in infrastructure, I did not have a female co-worker until 1984, and it wasn't until 2006 that I had the pleasure of working with a female peer.
Even though I have achieved the status of CIO a couple of times, nothing has given me as much joy and pride as helping great people achieve their career goals. As proud as I am of my overall career accomplishments, I am most proud of the past 11 years. I left my corporate life in 2013 with the intent of semi-retirement, focusing on part-time consulting while attempting to discover the meaning of life and perhaps picking up a hobby in the process. I found out far too quickly that I was not ready for retirement. I jumped at the chance to get back to work when a young CIO, whom I had the honor of mentoring, asked me to help him in a new role less than a week into my retirement.
At the same time, the CIO Executive Council, a premier membership of Chief Information Officers, invited me to "coach" IT Executives as a member of their CIO Emeritus coaching team. My first reaction was to chuckle and respond, "Coach? I am not a coach." They replied that I was, as I had volunteered as a group mentor coach over the eight years prior, and that they would pay me for my time. How could I resist that?
With those two events, my stars aligned, and ITeffectivity, LLC was born with the mission of helping CIOs and IT Leaders as an IT Executive Advisor. I did not intend to be focused on coaching. My husband played a role in my decision to formalize my coaching credentials. He often commented on my mood after sessions with my coach. He called it my hobby job because, after each coaching session, I was so upbeat. Endorphins were flying to the point that he would remark about how happy it made him see me so satisfied.
After one particularly productive coaching session, a light bulb came on - Why not become a coach? If I was going to be a coach, it had to be with the highest level of integrity and professionalism possible, as proven by the ICF (International Coaching Federation) credentials. My passion grew out of the prevalent need for leadership and emotional skills in IT management. My intention was set deeper than any other professional commitment.
With this revelation, I went in search of a coaching program starting with the ICF list of training options, and I talked with a couple of ICF credentialed friends. I landed on the CoachU program due to its ICF qualifications, flexibility, and references. I began the Core Essentials Program in April 2016 and graduated on June 12, 2017. I immediately started the Advanced Corporate Coaching Program that same June, completing the coursework in May 2019, and have been on track to achieve the Professional Corporate Coach credential by the end of 2019. As a result of three years of hard work and commitment, I was awarded the Corporate Coach U Certified Graduate Designation in August 2019.
Like many professionals, I find it awkward and embarrassing to pat myself on the back, but dammit – it was hard work.
It required:
The graduation was enough to be proud of. However, what made me most proud is that I was able to accomplish this while I was covering a full-time consulting client load, balancing family life, and managing health issues. Many times, my family and friends asked if it was worth it. I asked myself the same question more than once.
Many have asked how I was able to stay on course. Simply because of the trust and support of my coach, Lerae Gidyk. Through the faith we built, I knew she had my back when I was challenged with continuing. Our work together enabled me to discover my why, ??my vision and allowed me to formulate my strategy and roadmap. Ironically, I help my clients with developing strategies and roadmaps. I have the tools! But like all good practitioners, I discovered how it can be hard to see the forest for the trees. As my coach, Lerae helped me tackle my doubts and blocks; she partnered with me to clarify my WHY.
You've heard me say - Every good strategy requires the clarity of knowing your WHY, your purpose, and your reason for being.
When you know your WHY - the what and how are so much easier.
I know through my experience as a coach and as a coachee that coaching can have dramatic effects on the performance of individuals and organizational success. I love working with CIOs, CTOs, and tech leaders, knowing that I provide them with a safe harbor to share ideas and contemplate options. Many CIOs and upcoming talented IT executives find the quality of my coaching to be outstanding and genuinely different from anything they have experienced before.
Here is what a few of my coaching clients have to say:
"Mary possesses great listening capabilities and is a trusted advisor, committed to providing unbiased guidance in a safe/confidential environment. She focuses on eliciting information rather than telling you what to do. She helped me make improvements in terms of enhancing my visibility within the organization and improving my perceptions among leadership, which has led to an increase this year in the scope of my responsibilities." - Sr. IT Director, Leading Building Management Firm
"As a new Global Executive Director, Mary's assistance was instrumental in preparing me for the expectations and challenges ahead. She provided practical examples, roadmaps, templates, and her experience to assist me in this new role. We worked extensively on my first 90 days and how I would be demonstrating executive leadership and developing my vision. All of these were successfully completed" - Global IT Executive Director, Life Sciences.
Mary's extensive knowledge, the quest to educate and challenge herself coupled with her excellent coaching/mentoring skills, thoughtful & probing manner, and caring attitude are invaluable assets that truly make a difference." - CIO, Global Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Firm
Moving Forward
Coaching is for everyone in times of change and challenge. Whether you are facing an outstanding new opportunity or you want to take command in new and powerful ways, coaching will help. It is always individually focused on guiding and helping you with the challenges associated with your role and career, both now and in the future. A good coaching program is tailored to individuals and designed to meet their unique needs. As a result, career advancement is very often achieved while also developing your skills to become a highly influential business leader. My mission continues.
We will continue our discussion next week!
Have a great week!