This may save your life...some day
Sudhir Patankar
Managing Director at "PATSOL Aerospace", An Engineering and Projects Company - "Different Manufacturing to Differently Manufactured" PAT Productivity Solutions Pvt. Ltd. India
Being aware is better than "know it all". Read the facts which may save your life...some day.
We are Made of Water
? 50-75% of body is water
? 10-12 gallons in an adult
Guess the Percentage of Water In
Can’t Store Water for When We Need Extra
? Loss 10% - weakness and potential heat stroke
? Loss 20% - life threatening
? Average loss per day is 10 cups
The More Calories You Burn the More Water You Need
? 1 milliliter per calorie burned
? About 1 ? liters per 1000 calories
? 8 cups for 2000 calories
What Does Water Do?
? Temperature control
? Carry nutrients and oxygen
? Keep tissues moist
? Make up body fluids
? Cushions joints
? Protects organs and tissues
Where Does All That Water Go?
? 4 – 6 cups in urine
? 2-4 cups perspiration
? 1 ? cup breathing
? 2/3 cup bowel movements
?Where Do We Get All That Fluid?
? Drinking fluids 4-6 ? cups
? Solid food 3-4 1/3 cups
? Body metabolism ?- 1 1/3 cups
What Can Increase Needs?
? Extreme cold or heat
? Strenuous work or exercise
? Exposure to air on airplanes
? Fever, vomiting, diarrhea
? High fiber diet
? Pregnancy and breastfeeding
Check Urine Color to See If You are Drinking Enough
? Apple juice color – Not Enough
? Colorless or light lemon juice color – Drinking Enough
Name Some Fluids That Are Healthy
? Water
? Juice
? Milk
? Fortified Soy Milk
How You Can Make Sure You Get Enough Fluid?
? Drink enough water daily
? Replace coffee and tea breaks with water breaks
? Add soup to meals
? Serve water, milk or juice with meals
? Always drink when pass water fountain
Is Bottled Water Better?
? Not necessarily better than tap water
? Make sure flavored waters are sugar free
? If gets you to drink, then it is worth it
Don’t Forget Milk!
? 30% of Daily Value for Calcium
? 25% of Daily Value of Vitamin D & 10% of Vitamin A
? 16% of Daily Value for Protein
? 10-23% of Daily Values for B vitamins
Cut the Sodas
? Soft drinks have 3 –4 teaspoons of sugar per can
? Large 11 ounce soda has 130 calories
? Sipping slowly exposes teeth to more danger for decay
What about Tea?
? Evidence that provides beneficial antioxidants unclear
? May need 4 cups or more per day
? Contains stimulants (Caffeine)
? Present in coffee, tea & coke
? Acts like diuretic
? May affect sleep
? Make jumpy, anxious, nervous
Ways to Cut Caffeine
? Gradually drink less
? Drink ? decaf ? regular
? Brew tea for shorter time
? Use caffeine free tea
? Use caffeine free sodas
In Summary
? Most of your fluids should be water
? Other good choices are milk, juice and fortified soy milk
? Limit drinks that contain sugar and caffeine
? Drink about 8 cups of fluid per day
In Hot Environment
Be Safe, Drink Water Often
Drinking water in the morning is a usual ritual of most Japanese women. And every time you think about females from Japan the image that appears in your mind is a petite svelte woman, right?
This is not unusual because women from Japan with weight problems are rare indeed. In the last few decades, through listening and reading about the Japanese culture, we have come to the conclusion that Japanese people have a different type of diet in many regards.
Notably, they also have a different lifestyle and daily routine when compared with the greater part of the Western civilization, where people are constantly dealing with weight problems.
Perhaps this is due to the fact that humans seem to have lost their ‘thirst sensation’ and the critical perception of the need to drink more water. So, the body’s biological thirst signals can be mistaken for signs and symptoms of other illnesses.
Most often the root cause of this misperception is – dehydration. We can avoid costly and unnecessary medical interventions, and enjoy a long-term wellbeing, if we go in the opposite direction, which is – hydration. Further confusion results when the body produces complicated secondary symptoms of dehydration.
Many doctors often misinterpret those secondary symptoms as conditions unrelated to dehydration or dryness of the body. These conditions include, but are not limited to:dyspepsia, rheumatoid arthritis, angina, migraine and headaches, colitis, gastritis, constipation, hypertension, anemia, obesity, sinusitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, asthma, kidney stones, cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, irregular menstruation, hemorrhoids, epilepsy, leukemia, uterine cancer, breast cancer.
What is the best way to hydrate your body? How much water should you drink?
Since Japanese people seem to have fewer problems than we do, we are going to reveal a ‘water delivery secret’ of theirs, and try to apply it to our everyday lives in order to reap water benefits and improve our general health.
How much water to drink throughout the day? Water intake should start right after you get up as the first drink on an empty stomach. It is one of the things the Japanese never forget to do first thing in the morning! Having plain water is a very effective healing routine since it creates a stimulating environment inside the body for preventing numerous diseases by way of flushing out toxins.
Scientists have studied this seemingly insignificant “morning ritual” and have unanimously come to the conclusion that water on an empty stomach eases all the health problems mentioned above. It also improves the general condition of the eyes and helps with uterine diseases (especially menstrual disorders).
Thus, the main point of this article is to encourage you to try and incorporate this simplest water therapy into your morning routine. This is how you can start applying it:
Each morning when you wake up and get out of bed, the very first thing you should do is drink about 640 ml (21 oz.) of water.
Over the next 45 minutes, do not consume any type of food or other liquids. Instead, continue doing your other practices like preparing your stuff for work or school. Only after 45 minutes can you start eating your usual breakfast
Elderly people, including those who are suffering from certain water-intolerable diseases, cannot ‘afford’ drinking of 3 glasses of water on an empty stomach, so they should reduce the amount of water to what their bodies can accept and slowly adapt their system to reach the recommended level – which is 640 ml (21 oz.)
If you manage to use this Japanese practice, after a certain period of time, you will begin to notice the first signs of improvement of your health parameters. You will also start feeling much more energetic and sturdier than you used to be.
As for how long should this “water therapy” last, the answer is: It depends on the kind of health problems you are beset with!
For instance:
? If you are suffering from gastritis, continue your water therapy for 10 days.
? In case of constipation, you need 10 days of water drinking in the morning.
? Diabetic patients need 30 days of morning water drinking.
? High blood pressure takes 30 days to get back to normal readings.
? Patients with tuberculosis should have this morning drinking for 90 days.