Know Your Value with the Clarity of a Tear

Know Your Value with the Clarity of a Tear

Now that's a phrase that packs a punch! It's almost poetic. Said with humility.

“You Cannot Argue with a Tear" – when you think about it there's a lot of wisdom packed into those few words. A tear transcends debate. ?The honesty of a tear is undeniable, irrefutable raw clarity.

It's important to stand strong in your professional identity and speak up for yourself with the same honesty and sincerity that a tear expresses. Simply put, it means recognizing your career achievements and capabilities as clearly as you would notice a tear shining, undeniable in its glorious honesty, no mask, no spin, just the truth of that which has so profoundly touched you.

This clarity empowers you to navigate your career path confidently,

There is wisdom in tears. Imagine a tear so clear and pure it's like looking into the essence of something deeply true and personal. That's what knowing your value and values should feel like. It means transparently understanding what matters most to you, the principles that guide your life and decisions, with no confusion or uncertainty. When you're clear on your values, it's like a compass that helps you navigate through life's many challenges and decisions with confidence and authenticity. It's about living with purpose and intention, much like the unadulterated path a tear takes on its journey downwards – straightforward, sincere, and true to its source.

It's important to stand strong in your professional identity and speak up for yourself with the same honesty and sincerity that a tear expresses. Simply put, it means recognizing your career achievements and capabilities as clearly as you would notice a shining tear, undeniable in its glorious honesty, with no mask, no spin, just the truth of what has so profoundly touched you.

This clarity empowers you to navigate your career path confidently.

"You Cannot Argue with a Tear"

Just picture a tear, transparent, almost like peering into the heart of something profoundly genuine and personal. This is what it means to be in tune with your values. It entails having a crystal grasp of what holds the importance to you, the guiding principles that shape your life and choices without any ambiguity or doubt. When you have a grasp on your values, it's akin to possessing a compass that steers you through life’s trials and decisions with conviction and genuineness. It's all about leading a deliberate existence. ?

See yourself and your contributions with absolute clarity, free from self-doubt or external judgment noise. When you know your value with such clear insight, you're able to stand confidently in your own truth, make decisions that align with your self-respect, and engage with others and the world around you from a place of strength and authenticity. It's about honoring yourself in a way that's as undeniable and moving as the significance of a tear.

RSO Resumes

Know Your Career Value with the Clarity of a Tear"—When we apply this to your career, it's a powerful reminder to be acutely aware of your professional worth. Just as a tear reflects a raw, unfiltered emotion, understanding your career value should come from a place of clear, honest self-assessment.

It means recognizing the unique skills, experiences, and insights you bring to the table. This clarity allows you to confidently navigate your career path, negotiate salaries that reflect your true worth, and seek opportunities that align with your abilities and career goals. It's about standing firm in your professional identity and advocating for yourself with the same transparency and truth that a tear reveals. In a nutshell, it's seeing your career contributions and potential as clearly as you would see a tear glisten – undeniable and evident to all.

?Just as a tear reflects genuine emotion, acknowledging your career value should stem from a place of clear, sincere self-evaluation.

?Embrace your professional identity and advocate for yourself with the same honesty and openness a tear embodies. In essence, it's perceiving your contributions and potential in the workplace as clearly as you would observe a glistening tear—authentic, honest, undeniable, raw, and visible to all. That's all for now. I hope you enjoyed and feel completely invigorated by my unique and somewhat quirky take on tears and how they can push you toward enlightenment and awareness in your personal life and career.


Have patience with me as I am new to this Newsletter “thing.” Oh Boy! You know that saying, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” Since publishing my first newsletter 2 weeks ago, I have been researching other newsletters to put together as much useful and topical information as reasonably possible. It would take up my whole afternoon to read some of these newsletters. Don’t get me wrong, some of the information is just terrific. What I realize is that you do not have the time to read through reams of text, click on curated articles, and spend your valuable time going through a never-ending clickfest! ?(Is that a word?)

Some beauty as promised ~ RSO Resumes

KISS: Keep It Simple Stupid

I am a work in progress, so please be patient. I had originally intended to publish my writings, curated articles summarized by me, and Eating Elephants, which I called it, but in truth, it’s just too much to expect you folks to read so many articles. Maybe I should form a group for "Eating Elephants"? I genuinely intend to provide valuable content. So, I am going to publish a weekly and not Bi-Weekly as originally communicated. Your Career is a Business Newsletter that speaks to all matters of career and leadership along with personal and universal wisdom that inspires and energizes. Some weeks, like this week, I am writing with the quirky, outside-the-box writer and thinker. Next week I plan to write about the content TSUNAMI and AI and why the quality of your resume and other career documents are more important now than ever. ?I hope you have enjoyed this edition, and I look forward to many more.

“First, know the truth of what and who you are NOT, to then know the truth of who and what you are” ~ Irma Rojas, Executive Resume Writer.


As an?award-winning executive resume and LinkedIn Profile writer, I work personally with you, using compelling personal branding that grabs attention in a very competitive job market. The resumes I create have opened doors to C-suite, EVP, VP, and Board roles at Fortune-ranked PE, start-up, and multinational companies.?

?Contact me at [email protected] or call me at 561-600-0398.


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