Know your tools, and know your enemy with PurpleLabs

Know your tools, and know your enemy with PurpleLabs

From the perspective of the cyber security trainer and course creator, what matters the most are the student's results, their true hands-on experience, new skills gained during the course which are ready to use in real production, understanding of the context around techniques, and finally the ability to feel and understand the stuff from wider Linux red/blue perspective.

Get a wide and fresh view of modern Linux rootkits and advanced threats in Linux clouds. Run detection, hunting, and forensics of user/kernel space and network at scale. Know your tools, and know your enemy with PurpleLabs.

Specifically, the below list of "results guaranteed after the 3 months of active Linux learning in PurpleLabs" is in my opinion a list of main advantages and differentiators:

  • No static lab data content or memory images, only real packets, real systems, and true behaviors
  • Access to the true, live network environment, where if you want, you can easily train ex. ssh pivots between different networks and dozen of endpoints and do network forensics including SSH keys and HASSH analysis, PCAP or ssh.log and correlate with syscalls level or run process memory dumping. Everything is up to you! You can always follow the step-by-step instructions though
  • central logging in different formats allows for running attacks and hunting / red vs blue competitions, quickly finding artifacts at scale
  • offensive code snippets, selected rootkit frameworks that work, different kind of one-liners, loaders, injectors, shared objects, custom linkers, C2 frameworks, CLI commands tricks?
  • carefully chosen open-source defensive security detection and forensic/hunting tools, Linux tracing subsystems and syscall logging, live memory forensics, comparing baseline_vs_infected profiles, full network packet capture, signature/less IDS
  • course lab scenarios in a modular format allowing for easy adoption of the new defensive and offensive skills and use them for real needs/projects

I assume I will never be your YOU_NAME_YOUR_TRUELY_EXPENSIVE_CERTIFICATION_PROVIDER and perhaps you don't care about my certification exam either. However, I can deliver you a true hands-on Linux journey, which for sure allows for knowing, seeing, and feeling better the full cycle of Linux attack->detection->forensics.

If that sounds interesting to you, then check the course agenda and join PurpleLabs Linux Attack and Live Forensic course and get some real purple teaming experience which will greatly expand your general Linux knowledge and cyber security hands-on skills.

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Little additional info:

Looks like we're meeting in Amsterdam for Hack In The Box Conference on the days of April 17 - 21 2023. Registration is open. See ya there!

#purplelabs #redteam #blueteam #linux #linuxsecurity #forensics #course #training #hitb2023ams


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