Know Your Game Plan
Step 2: Understanding And Developing Your “Work Break-Down Structure”
Method 2:
Know Your Game Plan: Pro-Active Leaders commit the time to understand processes that complement their leadership style and potential to attract desirable outcome in the projects and tasks they are responsible for. The work-break-down structure is one of the processes that is a very important part of the project that they are likely to represent. It provides substance, depth, direction and balance to the project;
For Example:
Your ability to identify the step by step process of the project and your influence in managing and achieving the project completion criteria, in alignment with the facts stated in the Work Break-Down Structure (WBS) is crucial to the project’s integrity. The WBS gives the project manager a clear sense of direction regarding the project rollout. It shows how the various tasks within the project will be rolled out over the life of the project. In the case of constructing a building, it illustrates the “Builder Plan Drawing” by timeline. This document shows by timeline exactly how long it must take to procure all Building Materials for a given project or task. It shows the time to build the Foundation, the Column and Beams, The Timeline to set Internal and External Walls, Windows and Doors, Roofing, Pluming and Lighting Fixtures, External Yard Floor Plan, Internal and External Fencing etc.
Building your business, your community club or a political group, in complete compliance with the above stated facts, will lead to immense success.
Apply the above concept to your Business, Community Club of Political Party. showing a step by step approach to achieve the project completion criteria
Written By: Gary Thompson