Know your customers, grow your business

Know your customers, grow your business

Become more relevant to your customers with Lily Enterprise? 

With growing competition for customers, consumer-facing organizations need to stand out and deliver. They need to better understand their customers to consistently engage and impress them. They need to give their customers better care and service, addressing the right needs, at the right time and place, for the right customers - not on a monthly or weekly basis, but every day and every moment. Today’s customers are more informed and in charge of the experience they receive. They expect companies to know their individual needs and personalize the experience. Immediate resolution is not fast enough as customers expect companies to proactively address their current and future needs. In the current context, consumer-facing organizations need to respond to the following key expectations customers have: personalization, relevancy, customization, dialogue, recognition and speed of interaction. Only then, can a company truly gain lasting loyalty and grow customer lifetime value.

Without the proper technologies, organizations have found it difficult to combine and sift through the massive amounts of data available in their many silos, to clearly understand the complete story about each customers’ activities, preferences, location, etc., and to more effectively market to these customers based on their actions and behaviors.

Lily Enterprise? is an enterprise solution that allows companies to create individual and extensive customer profiles, in real time, resulting in highly effective targeting for more personalized customer experiences that are expected in today’s data-driven world.  It is based on 3 pillars:

  • Listen across many different digital channels and back-office data sources, combining structured and unstructured information and collecting every interaction related with behavioral, operational and socio-demographic observations.
  • Learn based on individual customer behavior (such as offer responses) to generate an individual profile – customer DNA - and individual customer preferences.
  • Execute upon customer activity based on simple instructions for how to visualize and explore data and to find, optimize and engage targets. It adapts to real-time input to deliver highly relevant offers.

These three pillars help companies achieve one-to-one targeting and deliver personalized offers to drive sales and increase customer intimacy.

Lily Enterprise? can be used to engage with customers during the full customer life cycle – from acquisition of new customers, increasing the share of wallet of existing customers through up-selling and cross-selling, to retention and avoiding attrition.

Want to know more? Check us on out or send me an email [email protected]


