Know Who You Are
James Arthur and Bersabeh Ray
James - Minister | New York Time Best-Selling Author | Inc. 500 Inductee | Bersabeh - Intuitive Healer | Designer | Producer at Harmonic Wealth Global | PMO Director
Triple Espresso:
One piece of advice I give to everyone I'm privileged to work with...
Stop being someone that you're not!
More positively stated: Be exactly who you are and do what YOU'RE here to do.
This brilliant tool we have called the internet, like everything in life, is both a blessing and a curse.
Any fool can get a platform and get some other fools to listen, and like, and watch, and tell them they're wonderful.
Believe me, I'm not being disrespectful here. Just frank and honest (part of who I AM).
Look, you have unique gifts, and you're a potential genius, given you're willing to put in the time and effort.
You have a unique purpose to fulfill that I can't fulfill. Nor can anyone else. YOU must fulfill it; and if you don't, there's a void in the Universal Plan.
Ponder that one.
Every single moment you waste attempting to be a star on the internet, chasing money, studying real estate, looking for the quick hit in MLM, in a dead-end miserable job just for the money, being a carbon copy cliche of someone you've SEEN on the internet (OMG, I see them every single day. I can't tell you how many people use my quotes and ideas and act like they belong to them), JUST BECAUSE you think you can be rich or sexy or famous or popular or get enough "likes"...
You're wasting your precious and finite time on this planet.
Face it.
If you have no chance of being masterful at it, you're wasting your time doing it.
Tick tock.
Quit doing what you're not supposed to be doing and have the Self-Awareness to go home. Join us on The Redemption Experience on March 13th-14th, 2021. It's a BIG job; and only you can do it. Tick Tock, life's not getting any longer my Warrior friend. Details here:
#ThursdayThoughts #thursdaymotivation #thursdaymorning #leadership #business #futureleadership #redemption #redemptiveleadership #jamesarthurray #jamesray #jamesarthurandbearray #jamesarthurray #jamesray #BersabehRay