Myke James
Chief Executive Officer | Innovator in Strategic Business Growth & Marketing Solutions | Expert in Team Leadership & Operational Excellence | Visionary Entrepreneur | Driving Success at MITCHELLEFRANKLINE
In a story so fascinating written in the magic of believing by Claude Bristol, the author uses a story so insignificant to drive out a point that I think is important.
In 1944 a popular magazine group ran a story about a group of scientists in Chicago who were experimenting with moths. A female moth of rare species was placed in a room, and a male from some species was released from four miles away. In a few hours, it was found that the male moth was beating its wings against the window to which the female moth was confined. The editor concluded that he believes ideas fly with the sureness with which the female moth communicated her whereabouts to the male moth across and incredible barriers to the one mind of wish there are originally intended.
There is a simple experiment that has made me wonder whether the birds those process telepathic or clairvoyance power. Put some scrape of bread on the backyard, they aren't a bird in sight but hardly you enter the house birds will start to congregate. First comes sparrows, then wren, in two or three minutes the yard is full of birds. What brings them to our yard? and how do they know that the bread is food for them?
In an article, I wrote last month, I stated that we live in a universe that speaks silently, that is we are drawn by the unseen power the controls and holds the foundation of creation in place. This incredible force we don't know but we have to recognize that it there and has the power to bring us to greatness or to ruin. Do you notice that when we get to a certain level o certain kinds of people start showing up?
William J Long, How animal Talk, wrote that after been convinced by scientists that birds and insects have wireless of their own or another invisible manner of communication with one other. If animals can operate this way, then we have higher more intellect than they do.
Animals cant be anything an animal a bird cant be anything than a bird, but the human can be more only if we know who we are. The lost of identity can drift a man into ruin into an unfulfilled life. Peter one of Jesus's disciples was asked by Jesus who are you, Peter responded 'Peter', but Jesus said no, you are a rock. A shift of perspective for peter to know who he is.
I have always been convinced that we humans have that magical string that connects us to our highest calling, and pulls us constantly to our kind helping us identify who I am.