Know what you don't want.

Know what you don't want.

"You must know what you want", the motivator said.

 I thought through what I want in life. I have so many wants that I do not know where to start. I hope to be like Amazon, delivering A - Z to you, but I only have 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. I aspire to be like Oprah Winfrey, touching hearts and healing souls. I dream of becoming Jack Ma, a visionary and a game changer. 

 How many of these can I accomplish?

There are billions of people out there, I can’t be the only one thinking and feeling this way. And most probably you too, share the same sentiments as me.

Do you have a New Year resolution, where you start to list down the things you want to achieve for the new year, and the list goes on and on till you don't know where to start?

“Should I start cutting diet to lose weight, should I hit the gym, should I join a running club?” – me, every 31st dec

Maybe majority of us, too?

On the contrary, I think it is important to know what you don't want instead.

Let’s approach this at a different angle. Instead of knowing what you want, let’s eliminate our choices by knowing what you don’t want. Once these “don’t wants” are removed, your map-of-life becomes much clearer and your vision is unclouded by the unnecessary.

Congrats, you now have more time to explore the real “wants” in life.

"The best way to find out what we really need is to get rid of what we don't. " Marie Kondo

If you focus on finding what you want, you will be turning in circles, because you will never know what you truly want until you know what you don't want!


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