Know what you know and know what you don’t know
Explain concepts to yourself as you learn them.?Get in the habit of self-teaching. Your explanations will reveal your own knowledge gaps and identify words and concepts whose meanings aren’t clear.
Skills that will help in life
1. Speaking up -
2. Being honest with yourself
3. Listening - be the last to speak. Hold your opinions to yourself
4. Having confidence - having the fire
5. Manage time - don’t trade effectiveness for busyness. Be effective remove clutter. 80/20 rule
6. stop whining - don’t complain. No criticizing
7. Staying in the present - in the moment. Be in control. Be happy .good attitude and control what you think. Appreciate and gratitude
8. be consistent. Success is a journey. Wake up dust yourself and keep moving
9. Rest well sleep well pray and connect with the higher power
10. Have empathy - the current that connects. The engine that powers all the best in us.