Know What Success Feels Like
"Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way..." Heb 12:2 MSG
Sight as a function of the eyes does not work alone. When you see something and understand what you have seen, certain emotions go with that act. These emotions sort of establish what you have seen and help you put more context around it. At this point, it gets stored in memory, to be remembered later. Anything you see without feeling in that moment has a chance of being forgotten.
Like in previous years, you've seen where you're headed this year. You know the feats you want to do with your work, the new exams you want to take, the promotion you're getting qualified for, or the new deals you have to close before December. Nothing wrong with that.
But if you must increase the chances of getting what you want, the focus scripture shows that two steps are necessary:
1. Don't lose sight of it
The moment you take your eyes off something, it stops being in view. Therefore, experts will say to write down your goals and visions, because this helps you remember and refer to them as you move.
In most cases, we lose sight of our goals by the end of January and move with the tides for the rest of the year, but that doesn't have to be the case this year.
Unfortunately, you can't always carry your journal with you everywhere you go. How then will you remember the goals you wrote in it?
2. Know how you would feel when successful
Jesus Christ didn't endure the cross just because it was written down. He knew how he would feel if he went through with it, and it was an exhilarating feeling.
Attaching a positive emotion to that goal will help you see it even without a journal in front of you. Rehearsing that emotion will help you put up with any difficult situation that comes your way as you work this year.
Emotions give us access to the realm of the subconscious that rewrites whatever our reality has told us to be true. So, it won't matter how tough the road will be, your mind and heart will convince you that your goal is real.
Are you ready to feel successful by the end of the year? Don't just write plans on how you will succeed, feel it too.