Know Thyself- Staying Grounded
Emily's quotes

Know Thyself- Staying Grounded

Looking at who I am,?staying grounded?is one of the things that comes to mind. People have called me?grounded many?times.?They have also called me earthy. I presume, they mean the same thing. By grounded, I mean, being well balanced and true to who I am as a person at the core. The dictionary definition includes being sensible as well. I hope I am that too, with some slip ups along the way. ??

Being grounded has served me well and helped me stay connected with those who matter. Moving away from corporate life,?most of?the relationships that lasted, were with those who were the salt of the earth types.?Staying grounded?has helped me determine what is important in life and in relationships. A great asset in my opinion.???

How did I become grounded????

One of the phrases my father said regularly was “Beggars can’t be choosers” His inference was that, we should be happy with what we have in life, and not to get ahead of ourselves in the airs and graces department. I think this phrase and?its?repetition,?programmed?me to think that I was only a?plebe. As such, as I climbed the corporate ladder, I never felt that I was superior to anyone.?My dad, who was a consultant,?thinking this?way was kind of cool to me. I presume that is why I did not have?self-esteem?issues. Thanks to him, complaining is rarely in my vocabulary as I think I am jolly lucky to have what I get. It is liberating really, as my wants, are limited.???

Another thing, that my parents did, was to follow Gandhian principles. Hence all what they considered frivolity was out of bounds.?This upbringing became instilled?and?became?second?nature. I?am not hankering for anything that money or position could give me. Things like exclusive resorts, expensive restaurants and perks leave me unmoved or uncomfortable. I am quite at home with the basics.???

What I have described so far, you may think is more in line with someone who is humble. But I don’t think of myself as having low importance or have excessively modest. I know my?self-worth, but consider, that it is not superior to anyone else.???

Somewhere during my stay in?Australia,?I picked up the phrase, “A Rooster one day and Feather Duster the next” As such, I was always expecting to relinquish my job, and move into obscurity?someday. In fact, I was figuratively looking behind myself as I walked around to see if the feathers were?coming?off,?much to the amusement of all around me.???

Knowing that one fine day, the job would be just a memory, helped me stay?grounded. I?walked the floors and spoke to many. While many were genuine in their interaction with me in the role,?I spotted?those who played lip service to the role. As I refused to play into their designs, I was not the most popular person, with?these folks. On hindsight, I perhaps could have been more diplomatic with them.???

Staying grounded?may also get me into trouble.?There?are some folk, who expect deference for the status of their roles. As I don't expect any fawning behaviour, I don’t dish this out either. This can impact on some relationships for sure. But, so?far,?I have no regrets that I did not resort to any bootlicking.?Again,?on hindsight, I could?have been?a bit?more gentle?with bruising their ego. Not very clever of me at all.???

Being grounded has now morphed into looking at myself like a?specimen and?writing these articles on Know Thyself. It is amusing to see myself warts and all. Some areas, I know I have much work to do. Slowly I am chipping away at them. We are but work in progress.??

The benefits I see from being grounded?

  1. ?Good way to stay in touch with what is happening on the ground. Most people will relate and connect with us. It is best to know the pain points and to address them. Great way to keep the team motivated and the wheels of the organisation moving.??
  2. ?I was?not?defined by my job. I was a person first and foremost. This helped hugely when I moved away from corporate, as the?self-esteem?was intact.??
  3. Staying grounded?also helped build some great relationships.??
  4. Staying grounded, helped in having an open mind and being able to learn from all ranks of the organisation. This was a bonus as I ventured into projects that I had no clue. Nothing like learning from smarter people.??
  5. No complaining was second nature. No one likes a whinge.?
  6. Not easily influenced by those around me and what is the fad. I?must?make meaning myself of what is happening. In fact, using my values to choose the path of action makes decision making so much easier.??

?On hindsight, I think?staying grounded?comes from one’s upbringing and what we see role modelled. As I progressed in life, I saw the benefits of being grounded gave me. This has made me cherish this very much. Keeps me sane and balanced.??

?There?may be?folk, out there who underestimate me, because I am grounded. That’s when I respond appropriately and that shakes them up a bit. Being grounded does not mean I am a pushover. My take on this is, be aware of our environment, while being grounded. Use values as a harness for decision?making and?speak with candour if the situation calls for it.???

?Do you value being grounded???

?If you do, how can you judge how grounded you are???

?What has helped you stay grounded???



Sales And Marketing Strategist, Strategy Management Consultant, Mentor, Build People, Engage minds,

3 年

Humbleness... is the key.. The tree which bears fruit will always bend. Good read

Mark Helms

Shamelessly Imaginative Problem-Solver at Self

3 年

Keeping myself grounded is my job, though my wife is good at saying "Hey! What's THAT about?" if my ego reinflates. As for other people... I only do ego busting if someone is going WAY over the line, and their words &/or actions are adversely affecting others.

Deepa Sriram

Learn, Unlearn, Repeat

3 年

Universe had its unique ways of teaching me this big lesson... It took me time to realise that what's happening is happening because I need to learn something from it and become well grounded in that sector of my mind space. Whatever it is has always come to me through lessons taught by situations. I guess will be more mindful after this point in trying to understand what the situation is trying to tell me than react and lose my head over people and situations!! Lovely write up and a very strong read! Keep writing!

Becki King

Dependable service with a smile

3 年

Brilliant article- really enjoyed the quality and content. Very insightful- to think we are made of atoms- made up of 99.99 space- when anything in the material world is explored in atomic makeup, it becomes clear that the entire physical manifestation is but a vibrational variation of one primal essence. Discover experience the universal spirit within :) Quote "Keep your eyes on the stars and you feet on the ground" Wrote a quick poem not really finished lol To feel complete with a strong beat To know the way when sense of direction is lead astray Rooted and grounded versatile all rounded open minded and soul founded Simple and honest, caring and modest Wholeness blissfulness profoundest Thanks so much embrace harness groundedness

Vinod Dahake

Retires Scientist G & Scientist In charge MERADO Ludhiana CSIR / CMERI and Ex Commander (Indian Navy)

3 年

Lovely article on Grounded . Loved that attributes inherited from family ( parents ). I also believe so that it is the parents who shape the destiny of children , unless children choose to move own way ( like a climber refusing the support) My word is #simplicity NB: term grounded is like having firm earthing , which means protection to the equipment


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