Know Thyself- Self Confidence
Another complicated topic that took me and the writing genie about three days to think through. At the face of it, some things I have self-confidence coming out of my ears and with others, self-confidence was nowhere to be seen. That is the riddle that I try to unravel in this article.
The things and situations where I have self confidence in bucket loads
- Completing projects that I undertook and not being afraid of taking up stuff, that I had no prior experience.
- When I am learning from the situation and from smart people around me.
- In holding firm on my values
- In going after goals
- In writing or speaking my mind for the greater good
- To cope with life’s curve balls
Things and situations that I lack self confidence in doing.
- Driving in new places
- Most physical activity
- Unfamiliar Terrain like Mountains and Desserts.
- Cold, snow and Ice
- Adventures like Bungee jumping, white water rafting ect
When I looked at these lists, I believe that the following have influenced my self-confidence repertoire. I have not been one, to work on my self-confidence over the years. I just knew I had it for certain things and lacked it pitifully in other aspects. So, this analysis is eye opening for me.
The role modelling of parents and what we are exposed to when we are young, plays a great part in the things we feel confident about. My parents and grandmother, were stoic and calm in facing life's curve balls and doing their duty. This is how I too, have handled the curve balls life has dealt me. Some of them, nearly bowled me out. But I, managed to stay at my crease with some difficulty.
Grandmother was well known to speak her mind on curly issues in the village. Hence, I must have picked up on this unconsciously. The speaking my mind, kind of grew on me over the years and reached a pinnacle when I was in a position of responsibility. Holding firm on values and living by Gandhian Principles were also on the agenda of my parents and grandparents. So, I naturally fell into doing this too.
On the other hand, both Mum and Grandmother, had this fear of all places unknown and would be very reluctant to allow me to venture out on my own. Dad too, didn't like me loitering anywhere, and school trips were off the cards. So was study overseas. This may be the reason why I am not at all comfortable to venture into unknown terrain, Without the firm insistence of my husband, I may have settled into a life of being a scaredy cat.
Though my Dad was into swimming and running, I took after my mum’s family and was not inclined to do anything physical. PE classes were nightmares and I, invariably fell over or did something stupid in these classes. Hence, apart from walking, I have no confidence or urge to try anything physical like bungee jumping or white-water rafting.
The dedication to work and the hunger to learn, comes from both parents. My dad loved book learning. Mum, being a practical person, always knew a good solution when she saw one. I think this morphed into combing both the practical and theory, in how I learn.
They were also very grounded, though medical consultants. I am grateful, this state of being grounded helped me stay open to others and learn disciplines I knew nothing about from scratch. Their dedication, meant, I too was focused on seeing the things I undertook, through to the end. In fact, one of my father’s favourite says was “Hard work always pays off”. I had that motto in all what I did. Lately this has morphed slightly to “Hard work always pays off, one way or another” Sometimes what transpires can surprise us greatly and is in the hands of the universe.
Encouragement of those who believed in me
My husband believes in me and pushes me to do things that I would never have done by myself. Travel to interesting places and doing unconventional things became the norm. Driving from Jasper National Park to Banff National Park (where he did the driving and I did the sitting beside him with eyes like saucers) was one of the activities that got me close to icy climes. I was having nervous attacks, but the wonder of the scenery kept me hanging on to every moment, like my life depended on it. This has helped me be less anxious, in the subsequent adventures. I would not say, I am totally over it, but somewhat rehabilitated.
Some of my bosses, had shown great appreciation of the work I did, and I am grateful that they also handed me great projects to work on. With their belief in my abilities, I rose to meet their expectations. As I collected some wins, so too my confidence that I would find my way, even when I had no clue what was required. Others have done a great job in enlightening me.
No Plan B
Being a first-generation migrant with a fire in the belly, I did not for once think I would not succeed. This determination left me with no option but to do whatever it took to be someone. In my mind, slacking was not an option. I knew, with every opportunity, I would rise and shine. It was only a question of getting that pesky opportunity. This attitude did wonders to the self-talk, and I believed nothing but that all the time, I was volunteering and hunted for an opening in Auckland New Zealand (in the recession). In my opinion, that kept my energy levels high. And that in turn opened doors for me.
It is only now; I have read about tips on increasing self-confidence. I also am across the “fake it till you make it philosophy. In a way, I am glad such information was not available as I made my way in life. This way, I just dug deep and found what worked for me from within. What I found has stood the test of time.
As I drift through my fifties, the need for self-confidence seems to be declining. I know the world won’t crumble if I don’t get it right. I just must try again. This start-up experience too, helped in cultivating this Zen mindset. It is all a learning journey and I am satisfied, that I will evolve as I travel down this path.
It would appear there are many factors that influence our self-confidence. All individuals have the nucleus for self confidence within themselves. It is a question identifying our sources of self-confidence, working to build on these sources in a consistent manner. Little daily steps will make a huge difference in time in the self confidence stakes. Bit like my moving the needle on going into icy climates.
What are the things that you do with self-confidence?
What do you lack self-confidence with?
Are you happy with how you are regarding these two aspects?
What underpins your self-confidence?
How can you increase it?
Consultant , Advisor , Trainer - Oil & Gas Industry , Yoga Instructor
4 年Very well written and one of the points referred the genes so I think one of the thing possible in life to choose the spouse so that combined YOU and the PROGENY excel in self confidence !!
Product | Agile | Writer
4 年The way you have looked within and behind and broken down your confidence factors is very refreshing. Great article!
A Communication Catalyst | Founder Director of Your Friendly Coach | Guide at SoME|Faculty at CII | Boosting productivity through enhanced Communication Skills
4 年Adored the article. Life has taught me the hard way to be confident of myself and my decisions. Maybe being the first generation of women venturing to work. I try to impart this confidence to my clients, while training them on communication skills. Would love to connect with you!
4 年Areas I am confident about merely is the assimilation of multiple work experiences giving rise to competence and ability to deliver solutions to the client. Lack of confidence ( eg swimming ) illustrates areas of life that I have to do more work and gain competence. I admire confidence in people I reported to and enjoyed being their subordinates to achieve results. In other word Confidence did not just drop from the sky, it simply grew out of the school of hard knocks, testing ideas and experimenting until the path travelled becomes smooth and easy-going.
A Dynamic Dance Performer, Dance Exponent, Choreographer & Entrepreneur with proven ability to showcase exceptional Dance Thematic Presentations & Excelling Students to Nurture Dance Through Anatomical Movements.
4 年Lovely articulated on very blazing aspect of being human. However, I also believe in what I prepare, I practise gradually builds up the foundation of my confidence. When the road is less travelled, life twists, I face with the best of my capabilities. If succeeded, then good, if not then, it's ok to make one.....