KNOW… the Source [of what you know]!
Question everyone and everything. Even me.
Fact check everyone and everything. Even me.
When you say you're thinking for yourself, make sure you're thinking for yourself and not just parroting what somebody else has said.
There are so many BS conspiracy theories roaming around the globe right now it's almost impossible to keep pace with them. What's even more bizarre is a lot of the fascist power-hungry regimes are using the term fake news to refer to anybody who disagrees with them, which in essence means probably you're telling the truth.
Below are FOUR of the most cognitively seductively categories of information we all need to be specifically skeptical of:
Half-truths. These are really hard because as we mentioned in the What if series, there is a thread or grain of partial truth to it that proponents are extrapolating to prove a very specific point that they want. Which means, they probably only gave you a really tiny piece of the information, usually?only the information that is going to prove their point. Quite often a half-truth is taken from some sort of authority text or authority figure. So you need to go to the source and see what exactly was said.
Polls: When Some news or social media site posts the results of a Poll, NEVER take it at face value. Quickly read the article or better yet go to the site of the original poll and see what the actual statistics were and how many people were included or not Polled.?I don't care what kind of methodology they are using, but any poll that is not into the thousands or tens of thousands of people questioned is pretty useless.
Here is a list of a few of the major fact-checking sites that I recommend that you go and check out:
Online Quotes: You probably are not aware of it, but I would say at least 50% -? if not more - of the quotes that you see used on social media all over the globe are complete b*****it. How do I know? Well here is a quote from Einstein that I wanted to write about.
I went and tried to source this quote for my Quotes in Context blog, only to find out that there is no evidence of him saying this at any point in time. So here's a couple of sites that you can fact check or research the source and context of the quote.?
This is why I started the quotes in context blog. Any quote that I am using on my website?or posting in 2022 forward I'm giving not only the source of the quote, but also giving the context of the quote. And why I'm doing the second part of that is because so many quotes by so many great people are being used grossly out of context.?