Magic Search is Already Saving Restorers Hundreds of Hours - And it Just Got Better
Imagine doubling your team's productivity levels and never having your flow interrupted by a call for a simple question again. In 2023 alone, Magic Search, our AI-powered restoration expert, saved restorers an astounding 92,780 hours, and we're just getting started.
Every day, Magic Search is eliminating hundreds of phone calls, and this month, we supercharged Magic Search by re-engineering its responses from the ground up. With the newest evolution of Magic Search, answers are more precise, and with a new way to navigate through search tags, your questions are answered—even before you finish asking.
Let's explore the latest enhancements to Magic Search, and be sure to read through to the end for more exciting updates and improvements!
Supercharged Magic Search
Better Answers:
We rebuilt how our search engine is structured and how our data is processed to speed up Howie’s responses and make his answers clearer, concise, and direct based on your provided question.
Precise Searches:
Previously, our AI-enabled search could easily answer questions that required general knowledge (such as “What tools do I need to remove drywall?”), but didn’t perform as well when searching for specific keywords. This month, we engineered a hybrid search model that can accurately target specific keywords and phrases when necessary, as well as answer broader queries. Users can easily switch between the two modes by clicking the “Magic Search”/”Exact Match” icons in the top-right when searching.
Search For (and Within) Tags:
Many organizations rely on tags to organize their processes, so we’ve brought tags back into search! With this update, users can type a hashtag and then the tag within the search box (e.g., #contents, #magicplan) in order to pull up a list of all tags. Once they select the tag they’d like, they can see a list of all processes with that tag. Additionally, they can type an additional search query to only search for processes within that tag.
We hope these changes make it easier for team members to get the right answers they need and work confidently on the job site.
Skill Builder Insights
KnowHow’s AI-driven testing feature Skill Builder has reinvigorated how companies test worker competency. With AI-generated test questions for SOPs, managers can easily measure how much information their staff retains.
With Skill Builder Insights, those same managers can now see at a high level how each individual is learning and growing over time - which areas they’re struggling with, and the expertise they have. They can also do a deep dive on worker competency by tags, see top performers, and discover which processes team members are most and least familiar with.
Process Creator AI Improvements
KnowHow’s AI-driven Process Creator feature has been dropping jaws and saving restorers time for over a year now, and during that period, we’ve learned a lot about how to craft clear, effective processes that help staff understand not only how to do something, but also why it’s important they follow “the company way”.
We took all that learning and rebuilt our AI from the ground up for Process Creator. Now, descriptions are more comprehensive, customized to the user’s preference (concise, standard, or detailed), and clearly designed for takeaways.
Franchisor Mode Improvements
And lastly, we usually sneak a few improvements to Franchisor Mode into every month’s release notes, but we added so many recently we figured we'd give it it's own section!
Here’s what we added to Franchisor Mode this month:
That's a wrap for this edition! Thanks for diving into the world of Magic Search upgrades with us. Your engagement builds our community, and we hope you've gained some insights that make you want to stick around. Stay tuned for future updates and all things KnowHow by subscribing to this newsletter today! See you in the next one.